How the “woke” kakistocracy combined with socialism destroys countries – the UN is the disease - the UK and California co-dependents – fingers crossed Trump can excise the cancer
We all know what “woke” is – it evolved from “political correctness” and “health and safety” into an obscene mental illness permeating society and led by a tyranny of extremists in minorities that shout down the vast majority. I liken these extremists to howler monkeys, scream from the jungle canopy.
Howler Monkeys | National Geographic
The “woke” extremists manifest in “organisations” like BLM, anti-Fa, Just Stop Oil and the racist re-writing of history such as Critical Race Theory along with DEI hiring policies that reduce output by forcing existing co-workers to pick up the slack that the “woke” force on them for the work that the “woke” don’t and cannot do.
The LA fires illustrate the phenomenon and Victor Davis Hanson captures it in his video here:
Victor Davis Hanson: California's Catastrophic Wildfires Are ‘A DEI, Green New Deal Disaster’
Useless DEI hires, intentional depletion of reservoirs, redirecting rivers into the sea, no forestry management – all preventable. Redirecting taxpayer funds to DEI policies. Newsom blew up four dams! Insurance companies refused to insure property because they knew it was a bad risk. City taxes in the area are around 50,000 bucks a year – it was diverted to “woke” projects – a form of lawfare.
California politics is similar to that of the UK – woke morons pursuing unsupportable dogma of “net zero” – the areas have the capacity to be self-sufficient in cheap and reliable hydrocarbon energy, but choose to implement expensive, intermittent and ruinous “renewable energy policies. Other countries that follow the “net zero” dogma simply export their hydrocarbon “fossil” fuels to countries that pollute the planet – Norway to the EU, Australia to China and east Asia – and claim to have “green” credentials. Hypocrisy!
For those not familiar, here is a definition of “kakistocracy”:
“.. a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens”.
Sound familiar?
Let’s side-track into how this works using the UK and its national health system as an example.
Hospital waiting lists in the UK have been an issue for decades. Here’s a few statistics on hospital beds, from Brave AI:
“In 2000, the United Kingdom had a total of 240,144 hospital beds.”
“2024, the total number of hospital beds in the UK is around 160,642.”
“The overall waiting list for NHS appointments, procedures, and surgeries in England stands at just under 7.5 million as of January 2025. “
The population of the UK increased from 57.8 million in 2000 to 67.9 million in 2024.
Instead of addressing the issue, the kakistocrats in successive governments chose this:
“Since 2010, the UK has invested £300 billion in public and private low-carbon investment.”
It’s not as if spending has declined. From here:
Charts of Healthcare Spending -
“In the 2000s healthcare expenditures increased massively, from 5.1 percent GDP in 2000 to a peak of 7.65 percent GDP in 2010. Since 2010 healthcare expenditures have declined, down to 7.1 percent GDP by 2020. Healthcare spending has increased sharply in response to COVID, at over 10 percent GDP in 2021.”
It is now almost a quarter of a trillion pounds a year. The people in the UK are sick and getting sicker. And “The State” is off on the deranged wild goose chase of “Net Zero” rather than curing or treating people.
You will have read some articles I have posted about the antics of the kakistocracy of UK politicians. None of the “cabinet” and hardly any MPs of the UK Parliament has any business experience or training in the sciences or medicine.
For your viewing pleasure, here is a video of the Foreign Minister, David Lammy, displaying his ignorance in the “General Knowledge” segment of the UK TV show “Mastermind”.
You may need to watch that twice. He is one of the smarter UK government ministers and was in charge of giving away of the US military base at Diego Garcia and the other Chagos Islands to Mauritius – 1,400 miles away – and the 99 year lease to cost British tax payers 100 million pounds a year – total over 9 billion pounds. In the last few days, Prime Minister Starmer has put this “deal” on hold until Trump can be consulted!
Fun fact, Both Starmer and the government of Mauritius have the same lawyer.
The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, “Rachel from Accounts” has set down a budget that imposes an additional 40 million pounds of taxes on employment AND has raised the minimum wage – changes to take effect from the start of the UK tax year on 5 April 2025. She thinks these are “pro-growth”. She also has to fund government plans to build 150,000 houses a year. To do this she plans to consolidate all the local authority pension funds into one “pot” and force the “pot” to buy the houses and fund “net zero” policies. The value of UK local authority pension funds was around 360 billion pounds in 2022/3. Watch for an “edict” that directs 20-25% of this to the insane policies of the Marxists. Not that 40% of local authority budgets go to paying pensions!
Rachel from Accounts has just returned from a trip to China - to get China to produce more wind turbines and solar panels - using fossil fuels - so that the UK can further worsen its trade deficit and pretend it is “green”,
People in the western world suffer from two sorts of government costs. Direct costs from taxation and the more indirect costs from regulations,
Energy prices in, for example, California, the UK, Norway and Australia are around 5 times the price that they would be, without the regulations supporting “net zero” policies, Tax rates are far higher also – making citizens poorer and frustrated by their inability to live life to the fullest.
Each of the main policy platforms of the “woke” – as stipulated by the UN and its organs, like the WHO and IPCC – cause more poverty. The policies can only work for those that can afford them. That excludes those in the bottom half of people.
Importing millions of (low IQ and unskilled) migrant beggars swells the ranks of the poor and less well-off - the unemployed and pensioners especially - who must compete for scarce welfare resources.
Hiking energy prices because of “regulations” that favour (via tax breaks and subsidies) disproportionately impacts the less well-off – forcing them to choose between “heat or eat” and “heat or wash” - resulting in the poor being dirtier and hungrier.
We saw the disproportionate impact on the poor during the C19 scamdemic – whose existing prescriptions were not filled by medics frightened to even see them and risk becoming infected. The poor had the least capability of removing loved ones from hospitals intent on euthanasia using Remdesivir and ventilators – and the denial of sustenance.
By the way, I still wonder about the wisdom of sending hundreds of billions of dollars to China to lift a billion Chinese people out of poverty, whilst denying capital to slightly fewer people in the West to “arrested development” in inner cities. The investment industry played the crucial part in enabling Bill Clinton’s plans. Resources are scarce in all areas.
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Corruption is Endemic in all areas of Government Local ,State and Federal.
If The Multinational Corporation stopped Raping and Pillaging the Resources of the Poor Countries and allowing that wealth to be shared with the Inhabitants you wouldn’t have an influx Migrants. Gaddafi tried to look after his People but the Genocidal US and NATO DID NOT ALLOW HIM TO CONTINUE. They Bombed his country back to the Stone and reintroduced Human and Child Trafficking ( well done Christian USA) the Raping and Pillaging Multinationals must Love You.
Fake climate change
Fake food
Fake vaccines
Fake issues
Real Divide and conquer
They will not be satisfied until they’ve killed most of us off, have left the rest of us in a 15 minute prison city, and have concentrated all wealth, power, & property into their (very few) hands.
I say no thanks.
“It doesn’t matter what the press says. It doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. It doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. Republics are founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in. no matter the odds or consequences.
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:
No. You move.” —Mark Twain
Excerpt from: