From here:
“Jun 05, 2024 11:03 PM IST
“Amid straining ties with Washington over Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the United States an “enemy” state.”
Not exactly a revelation – we can judge people and countries by their actions – aiding people with money and weapons to kill and maim your people is a clear hostile action.
Russia has allies in the same way that the US does. China and India may not have formed a military alliance with Russia – but they remain friendly.
I believe that neither ordinary Russian or American people consider themselves enemies or think that nuclear war is a solution for differences at the geo-political level.
There are war hawks amongst the leadership of both countries that are dragging us closer and closer to Armageddon.
So, how do “we the people” get to a better place where “world peace” is the objective, not “world war”?
I suggest that “la resistance” seeking individual, not State, sovereignty is a harbinger of thigs to cm. People are sick of party politics. Trump campaigned and won on acting independently of the two-party system. Bobby Kennedy is standing as an independent In the UK, George Galloway ran and won as an independent and is ow an MP..
People are balking at the failure of two-party systems to deliver improvements I the ne thing that politicians are elected to do – improve the quality of life.
It starts with the candidate selection proves. The parties select the candidates, and the parties select the policies they run - candidates that do not endorse the “manifesto” of the party will not be selected to compete with other nominations of other candidates.
Well, individual sovereignty means we have the choice to vote for a candidate pre-selected by the (t) partis. Manifestoes are “honoured in the breach” as the policies run into the reality of past laws and regulations plus the practicalities of implementing the manifesto and developing “events”.
Voters have no choice but to vote for or against the policies put forward. If the policies do not meet the wishes of the voters, there is no recourse.
People around the world want an end to the human trafficking of immigrants, they want the assurance of medical research to cure the “spike protein” poisoning, thy want the wat in Ukraine to end, they want cheaper energy and food.
Instead, the voters have to vote for the lesser of two evils. The voters get higher prices, more criminal immigration and more toxic poisoning from failed (mRNA) technologies AND the fear porn of even more effective (airborne) inoculation delivery mechanisms – with no choice or informed consent by anyone.
The peoples f Russia and America – and Ukraine – are not enemies. The politician’s ad war hawks are. A few hundred in each country out of populations of 340 million and of 140 million.
There are signs that the “rise of the independents” will occur to a larger degree in the upcoming UK elections on 4 July 2024.
It would be neat if the 640 parliamentary seats up for grabs were filled with a majority of independents – providing a “common sense” and pragmatic approach rather than dogma ad bitching between the two-party system of Labour ad Conservative.
We need leaders who can “rise above” the mad scientists, medics and neo-cos and make sure they are NT allowed to cause wars, poverty and suffering.
“Throw the bums out!” - vote for ANY independent candidate rather than “none of the above” as a protest vote.
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Well said!!! Thank You!🙏
It is tragic that Russia, in my opinion and from what I understand about the history of Ukraine - especially since 2014 - that Russia had its hand forced by NATO and US manipulations into taking desperate measures.
Early on in “the conflict” Russia moved toward a definitive peace settlement but the US scuttled it!!! Clearly, in the minds of the psychopaths in charge, the wars must go on and on endlessly one after the other to feed the beast of the war machine - the military industrial complex that Eisenhower so wisely warned us against!!
The few at the top are getting richer and richer making their millions and billions off of the misery of the people.
Now the US Idiocracy endorses Ukraine using our weapons to strike INSIDE RUSSIA????? Of course, Russia is going to declare us an enemy state!!
We - the people of the world, for the most part, stand by looking on in horror - only able to pray with all our hearts, minds, and might that the psychopaths that are running the US and NATO cease and desist from their insane push to the brink of Armageddon!!
You are so correct that the vast majority of people want peace. They want to be left alone to live their lives - not surveilled 24/7 - not forced to eat poisoned food, drink poisoned water, breathe poisoned air. They want to live not constantly being bombarded and manipulated by propaganda I choose to call “fear porn”.
I pray with all my heart that the people rise up - not in violent protests -but in peaceful resistance to all the madness the psychopaths that are pulling the strings are trying to force on us!! We must resist in anyway we can. We must band together with friends, family, and colleagues to find new ways of living together in peace and yes, prosperity that the good earth can so miraculously provide.
May God Bless and Protect Us All!!🙏💙