Illegal immigrants in free housing in Chicago earn so much they are able to send cash home to Venezuela – meanwhile, there are over 68,000 homeless Chicagoans
On this day of Thanksgiving, there are some disturbing hypocrisies in Chicago that will be being replicated across the US and probably in every country with high levels of illegal immigration.
From here:
“In an interview conducted at a playground in Chicago, a group of undocumented immigrants from Venezuela shared that they primarily send the U.S. dollars they earn back to their families in their home country, rather than spending it in the United States.”
So, free housing in schools for illegals and jobs, but not for the homeless living on the streets with winter coming fast.
“The topic of remittances is often overlooked in discussions about the border crisis. It's argued that these transactions are detrimental to the U.S. economy, with funds being diverted from local spending to other countries. For instance, it was estimated that in 2019, the U.S. economy lost $150 billion due to remittances. This figure is believed to have risen following policy changes under President Joe Biden.”
This would be a lose (for schools), lose for the local economy (money sent out of the country) and lose for homeless Chicagoans (at least half the homeless would work).
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Must migrants send their money to their home countries. I knew someone in NY that was getting benefits because they have children.
How else can the Dems get any votes?