From here:
Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in every 310 people died within 1.5 months of receiving the COVID Vaccine Booster – The Expose (
Putting this in context using a “back of the envelope” calculation.
Average life = around 80 years (apologies for using terminology from fixed income land - my baggage!)
Around 100% of the population divided by 80 years = 1.25% dying every year = one in 80 people.
That’s 1.25%/52 weeks per week = 0.024% per week = one in 4,160 people dying each week.
That’s 6 times 0.024% for 6 weeks = 0.1442% per 6 weeks (1.5 months) = one in 693 people dying every six weeks.
From the Expose-News linked article, one in 310 people die once boosted.
Instead of a mortality rate of 693, there is a mortality rate of 310 for the boosted.
Out of interest, reports are emerging of excess mortality rates of around 16% for many countries.
For the UK’s 68.5 million population and that “back of the envelope” average life of 1.25% per annum, rather than 856,250 people dying, (68.5m x 1.25%), an extra 137,000 people are dying (an extra 2,635 deaths a week).
UK politicians just held a public meeting where just 5 out of 650 members of parliament (MP’s) attended. This is because MP’s are too stupid, too callous or too corrupted to care that mad scientists are murdering 376 people EVERY DAY.
You get the government you deserve. Work yourself to death for the privilege of paying those that are killing you. Sound familiar? “Arbeir Macht Frei”?
P.S. Rapid Waning and Short-Lived Immunity: It’s Time to Rethink COVID Booster Shots, Israeli Researchers Say • Children's Health Defense (
To ignore these figures makes all politicians complicit and they all must be charged.
Thank you for your posts.
Unbelievable. Horrifying.