Crime and Punishment, right?
First, a little background on the attitude of the political leadership of Indonesia and how it has global ramifications.
There are politicians in some governments everywhere, drooling over getting percentage kickbacks from the corrupt “development assistance” that has siphoned off a percentage of trillions of aid dollars by enacting the anti-human policies of the “global elite” and capitalizing on the ignorance of the UN and its organs.
It is similar to Joe (“Mr Big”) Bidens’s 10% cut, and is operating in varying degrees in many “developing” countries.
So, back to Indonesia. Here is a recent policy recommended by the Indonesian government.
From here:
“The joint declaration follows recommendations from Indonesia’s Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin made during a Business 20 (B20) panel held ahead of the G20 summit.
Sadikin said,“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly — then you can move around.”
The vague requirement of “tested properly” would presumably be squarely at the discretion of the WHO. Sadikin added that the benefit of a global WHO-standardised vaccine passport would be to facilitate international travel and that G20 countries have agreed to such a global digital health certificate. The idea is to introduce the certificate as a revision to the IHR framework at the next World Health Assembly, scheduled for May 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.”
Meanwhile, back in Jakarta a class action law suit has been brought against the government for breaching human rights laid down in the Indonesian Constitution.
Here is an 11 minute video that describes the background and what is happening.
Indonesian Government Being Sued Over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine - YouTube
Here are my cliff notes: (E&OE)
Feb 9th 2020 mandate vaccine
Penalties - imposed fines govt benefit disqualified access to government services.
Also subject to criminal charges related to ID’s
Barred unvaxxed from public places and inter province travel
Indonesia increased mandate requirement to include booster unless medical certificate
Breakthrough with delta and other variants intensified
XBB not stopped – transmission high
Complaint to ombudsman in September 2021
MOH denied information necessary for informed consent on C19 vaccines
Filed objection to stop mandates 31 jan22
Another objection to president and MoH 22 feb 23 – also rejected
Class action against MoH and president for spreading misinformation
June 12th 2023 hearing – inviting other plaintiffs to join class action
Case: Exec order = denial informed consent and access to data and
Law 36 of 2009 – independently access plus safe treatment on an individual basis
Plaintiffs in class action suit commissioned safety study – concluded some benefits – but for most risks far outweigh benefits - C19 not as dangerous as government claimed to justify C19 measures
157,000 c19 deaths – air pollution causes more 232,000 in 2017
C19 is not extraordinary
JHU C19 IFR = 1.1 % - 22% among the elderly in the US
Research highlights explicitly do not aim to stop infection (durability)
Health officials stated “prevents sickness, not infection” and in Dec 22 – vaccines cannot prevent transmission only combined pharma and non-pharma interventions which are not controlled by vaccines
C19 task force – Feb 22 – vaxx does not prevent infections – may stop hospitalisation and death
Even Feb 21 – vaxx does not make us immune – prevent hospitalizaiton and death
Vaxx does not confer sterilizing immunity –
Indonesia only 44% vaxxed
79%of C19 cases were amongst fully vaxxed – fully vaxxed twice as likely to get infected
Govt promulgated false information
Govt claimed death rate amongst children = 30% - actual Indonesian data shows 0.2%
Other health agencies claimed death rate for children 3-5%
Government claimed IFR amongst the highest in the world, but.. JHU – is nowhere near highest IFR
Data on death protection on death – those under 50 more likely to die post vaxx compared to the unvaxxed
Constitutional validity of mandates? Government failed to provide protection of human rights.
Far reaching implications for constitutional rights in Indonesia
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Am of the opinion the UN is party(hearty) to it all. It's a network, after all, and they are all a lighted blip of ashes and soot on the horizon of Webb. They may claim Neither ignorance, nor innocence. The UN. Wholly sold its soul -- if not decades ago, then now, and fullly so. Now, the organs -- that's a separate subject.