Interview with whistle-blower Melissa McAtee – vaccine doses from China in plastic bags - Pfizer makes Remdesivir - Satan quotes on Pfizer internal servers - Pfizer Wuhan lab "666" street number!!!
If you have an hour to spare, here is a link to video interview with another whistle-blower – who was of course fired from Pfizer. (h/t Ranger71)
Lots of interesting snippets, references to “glowing” vials plus the items in the headline.
Were those plastic bags covered in Chinese writing really actual doses put into vials and injected into people? What were the batch numbers and how do they relate to adverse events??!!?
Pfizer Whistleblower: Covid Vaccines Arrived in Suspicious CHINESE Bags (
Support Melissa at"rwhistleblower
“Hello everyone! I'm Melissa McAtee and I've whisteblown against the company I've given nearly 10 years of my life for. I've decided to whistleblow because I believe the people are not making informed decisions on what they put in their body.
I'm not doing this for money or any benefit to myself as I'm losing many great benefits and pay to do this. Pfizer's own policies say they expect integrity, honesty and OWNing our actions. I was in complete shock to find my worst fears to be true when I found these things by a total accident, or what I believe to be a miracle of God. I'm not an anti vaxxer.
I'm fully vaccinated and work for a pharmacutical company that makes injectable medications. I just didn't get this ONE. I was simply waiting until my company started producing the vaccines to see if anything seemed sketchy or out of place about the production of this shot. Sadly, right away there was lying, deciet and manipulation within my plant. Recently they began going back on their claim to value equity by mandating the shot to their employees and only testing those who did not recieve the shot.
When the Science says that even the vaxxed can spread it. Once I found this information I was in a panic and took an LOA from work to take care of my stress and mental health. Then I saw an article that Pfizer's goal is to get this to babies as young as 6 months old this year and that's when I knew I had to say something. This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. Liberal vs. Conservative. Religious vs. Non religious. This is about humanity and doing the right thing when you believe something wrong is taking place.
I believe God kept me at my job and in my position for this very reason. Ephesians 5:11 says "Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkenss, but rather expose them." So that's what I'm doing. In these uncertain times with my safety and my future. ANY support or prayer is GREATLY appreciated. I planned on starting a family on Pfizer insurance and now I won't get the chance. My livlihood had been threatened and I may face legal battles. But I don't neccessarily care.
For me this is about exposing truth and doing EVERYTHING I can to bring light to the darkness and expose the truth. I'm just one employee who has information out of many. I'm the first because I simply have nothing to lose but my job in my eyes. If I face pursecution or death, may it be in the name of truth and on the right side of History.
I pray that you understand I am not coming forward falsely. That I fully plan to make sure the public has transparency and honesty in their medical decisions. “
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Melissa is such a hero and I pray lives are saved because of her getting the word out.
Godspeed, Melissa!🚚🚜🇨🇦🙏🏼