Is the Dutch “Minister of Nitrogen” about to call out the army to reinforce police unable to evict farmers?
From here: Dutch Gov't Attempts To Forcibly Close 3,000 Farms To Comply With 'Green' Agenda | ZeroHedge
The sheer and utter stupidity of the lunatic “green” movement In Europe, that will freeze people to death this winter and has already sent huge numbers into “energy” poverty, continues to manifest itself in Europe as well as fascist dictatorships in Canada and New Zealand.
The “green” solution to Chinese, Indian and developing countries emissions, is to starve and freeze Europeans to provide an offset to perceived (not proven – imagined) preventable impacts from emissions of CO2 and of nitrogen.
Never mind that people around the world will starve or suffer.
“The Dutch government began implementing new rules on nitrogen activity on farmers and farm buildings as early as 2019. That halted the expansion of dairy, pig, and poultry operations for the last several years, which are significant sources of nitrogen pollution.”
“..recent data shows the country, which is the size of Maryland, is the world's second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value behind the US.”
“Van der Wal said farmers would be offered 100% value for their land, but if voluntary efforts fail, farmers will face forced buyouts.”
The money being used for compulsory land purchase does not belong to this “Minister of Nitrogen”, neither does the land being acquired. This is out and out totalitarianism.
What will the stolen land be used for? No doubt, it will be for solar farms and windmills – all made in China.
These “greens” are clinically insane and need to be locked up in strait jackets in padded cells – with comics and crayons. They are not fit to be present in civilized society.
So many things are made in China BECAUSE the globalists (Soros ' minion) forced the country to become their low pay slave labour asset, and thereby also freed themselves of expenses towards workers' welfare. Clever, ay?
We saw government do the same at the end of the civil war. they confiscated land and the banks sod it. They displaced the indian and marched them west to Oaklama (the trai of tears) My wifes great grandmother walked it loosing many famiy on the way. They freed the slaves and confiscated the plantations. sure they gave the saves five acres and a mule. What we dont see in the history books is that they took the saves out of their homes as well. Ony the male slaves got the five acres. it wasnt any part of the plantation property but scrub land hardly able to grow anything. and how were they to build a cabin to live in? they didnt give them any tools. how were they to till the land? they gave them no pow or harness for the mule. no spade no shovels.How do I know this? I had a customer that came into my store in Detroit. I ony knew her by Mey. she was a small black woman that was 104 years old. her grandparents were freed saves. These were the stories told to her by her grandparents. Are they hearsay? Yes !!! I ask all why and what reason would he have to lie? what woud she gain? My only regret is I didnt sit and listen more and write it down. Ask yourself who writes history? It is the ones that want to hide the past. We assume Lincoln was the great liberator.Yet he wanted to send them al back to Africa. Look to the history of Libera and what America created for the slaves. America has createda system where you no longer own your land Look and see what you have. It isnt a title but a warentee deed held by the banks. They have our land, our free speech and controlof our medical coverage. We dont even have real money. It has taken many small steps.Like the frog they heat the water to a boil. He swimms happy until he is cooked. Are you that frog? Time to act and take control.----------- I, Grampa