The initial numbers for deaths in the USA for 2024 are starting to come in,
These numbers can be put alongside prior years to get some sense of the impact on mortality rates over the last ten calendar years.
Using data from, we can construct these before and after tables:
United States Deaths 2024, How Many Deaths in United States 2024 | Dead or Kicking
Type “ US 2019” into your search bar and change for each year to get calendar year numbers).
We can summarise the key characteristics as below:
Comparing the death rate for 2015-2019 to that of 2020-2024 and applying it to the average population of the US over 2020-2024 shows that there have been 2.6 million extra deaths in the US over the last five calendar years.
2.6 million extra deaths – more than the combined total from every war in the history of the United States. Laid end to end, the bodies would span more than 2,500 miles. The dead represent six times more than the 400,000 buried in Arlington Cemetery. No cenotaph or mausoleum for them,
To be met with the complete silence of politicians, the MSM and health regulators.
Tragic and shocking,
The first year of the scamdemic, 2020, saw 400,000 deaths ascribed to C19- using a fraudulent RT-PCR test designed by a Fauci ally called Drosten. This fraud was compounded by instructions from the WHO to global health authorities to categorise every death with C19 present as a C19 death,
We know that the deaths with C19 present were concentrated amongst those around 80 years old (older than average life expectancy) with 2-6 co-morbidities (killer diseases) present. The experience of h Diamond Princess provided early evidence of the lethality of the disease. None of the crew died and the deaths were amongst the most elderly of the passengers (14 out of 3,711 = 0.4%).
The Ethical Skeptic has done a lot of work analysing the mortality statistics,
The latest numbers for excess (not the “extra” above) deaths are here:
The State of Things Pandemic - Week 38 2024
“As of December 21st 2024, there have been
799,010 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
168,300 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 120,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
380,912 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
379,768 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2
making for a grand total of 1,348,222 (78.0%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,727,990.”
Making a difference between “extra” and “excess” deaths of 900,000.
The Skeptc has 800,000 deaths from injections – mostly from the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections that have failed spectacularly – but, notably, 381,000 from malpractice and the denial of treatment.
The Skeptic states that there were 380,000 C19 deaths, compared to “official umbers” for the US of 1,2 million – implying that more than 800,000 deaths were mis-diagnosed.
In my view, the vast majority of 2020 deaths were mis-categorised as C19 deaths in 2020, rather than the actual cause of death from other leading causes – and from 2021, rather than “death by lethal injection”, cause of death were mis-categorized as death from the usual leading causes. A “bait and switch”.
Does it matter whether 2.6 million Americans died needlessly or 1.7 million? Neither figure is being discussed at the headline or policy level – by anyone in a position of influence or authority.
I doubt whether any newly appointed Trump cabinet nominees will bring it up – or the MSM and certainly not by the health regulators who perpetrated and are responsible for this genocide.
The American Nightmare does not stop there,
For each “death by lethal injection”, there are probably 3 cases of serious adverse events (2.4 million) that are life threatening and 11 severe (9 million) adverse events that are life altering. To be met with a similar “zone of silence”.
Instead, those that perpetrated the genocide are looking to expand operations into an even bigger nightmare.
The war against the Cult of Moloch is not over. In the words of the Bard the attitude remains:
“Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect”
Once more into the breach, dear friends!
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My employer has suffered 3 sudden deaths in little over 12 months, and the wife of a member of staff died suddenly, numerous friends of staff have suddenly died, numerous cancer cases and heart problems yet if I even hint at what’s possibly behind it I’m deemed a conspiracist.
The brainwashing is staggering.
COVID was about the injection, reconditioning the populace for compliance, and transhumanism (satanism corrupting God’s creation).
What shall we do in return?