Outrageous conspiracy theory or (solidifying) conspiracy fact?
Cause and Effect – What other messages are in the mRNA injections? Is it “assemble and be ready for other messages transmitted via 5G” with the side effect of the formation of fibrous clumps that “crowd-out” blood clots?
Ten months ago, I saw this half hour video from TimTruth.com posted on BitChute. It is called “Worms hatching from eggs” and describes microscopic bloodwork done on four vaxxed and four unvaxxed Germans. The sub-titled translation is not the best, but can be understood with patience!
Funeral directors are reporting massive growths of these “worms” in corpses.
How many people have 6 feet of bloodclots - post vaxx (substack.com)
Around that time last year and over the following months, European and South American investigators have analysed the contents of the mRNA injections which show metallic particulate matter that seems to assemble in an intelligent way.
Elsewhere, Hadley Rees has done sterling work exposing the failures in manufacturing quality assurance by the start-up mRNA companies, BioNTech and Moderna who co-ordinate subcontractors and supply chains to make billions of vials.
Naomi Wolf has tracked down the take-over of control of BioNTech by the Chinese Communist Party.
We are witnessing “The Great Incineration” of literally billions of vials across the globe as unwanted vials pass their “use-by date” and have been made obsolescent by variants of C19.
Although it is straightforward for Europeans and South Americans to obtain vials it is impossible for those in countries like the US and UK to obtain these vials and perform the same testing and microscopy of the contents.
So, this sets the scene.
There are harmful impurities in the vials, resulting from shoddy manufacturing
The vaxxed have strange “worm-like substances and corpses have massive amounts of fibrous strings that crowd out blood cells
Microscopy in Europe and South America shows discrete formations of metallic objects.
Now I want to link in this video (h/t Damon McClure). It is between Maria Zeee and Dr David Nixon of Australia.
The video is a discussion of a speeded up record of the behaviour of the concentrated contents of injection vials magnified 200x (not sure which brand). This is not blood-work, it is microscopy on the contents of vials.
It is not just that this representation confirms what others outside countries like the US and UK have discovered, it is the observation that the self-assembling and “nano-bot cranes/derricks” become more active when 5G is present and return to rest when not present.
So, what does it all mean?
Is one side effect of the injection of mRNA that other instructions can be transmitted to nano-bots that are simultaneously injected?
Are these nano-bots a side effect from the impurities that result from shoddy manufacturing of injections combined with mRNA instructions to create spike proteins contained with the lipid nano-particles?
Is another side effect of the C19 mRNA injections that all those injected have growing worms that progressively displace the normal functioning of blood cells until death or massive circulatory problems, inevitably follow?
What on earth (or off it) could possibly be the motivation for this conspiracy theory/fact? Surely it is not the “harvesting” of the more than 60% of humanity so far injected with mRNA or the programming of this injected herd of humanity for nefarious purposes???
Lastly, I want to post a link to some more great analytical work done by Craig Pardekooper and his Enigma team at howbadismybatch.com
You can check out more articles on blood clots and vial contents on that site. (I have not been able to verify claims that C19 shots are being combined with flu shots into a single shot starting already). How Bad is my Batch . com ?
Craig has done a deep dive, using data reported to VAERS from Europe on the causes of severe adverse event disabilities suffered by healthy 18-35 year old Belgians who get “fresh” highly toxic injections because they are “co-located” to a vaccine finishing plant in Belgium. He has also pointed out that it appears that the toxicity of vials seems to fall after 30 days AND the distributors of the injections KNOW this.
Here is the video (needs help to strengthen the presentation quality as the content is multiple times the quality of the presentation)!
Karen Kingston lays it all out right here. She is a former biotech analyst and she knows her stuff. She only uses patents and documents when she does interviews. If you have not seen her prepare to have your mind blown.
Her stack.
Dr Jessica Rose thinks the micro-clotting that produces these long fiberous clots is the result of the spike proteins causing misfolding of  hemoglobin. The vaccine turns the body into a spike protein producing machine. Which is why the clots continue to grow. See her post here:  https://open.substack.com/pub/jessica5b3/p/is-sars-ncov-2-associated-systemic?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post