Media coverage of the contents of free text fields expands – almost 73,000 text harms on the first 780,000 - out of a total of 7.8 million free text reports – “lymph and heart burns follow thee”
There can be multiple texts from individuals – those that died probably will not be reported and most of these texts are probably from the earliest reports in 2021 amongst medical staff.
From here:
Just the News reports some numbers of the frequency of reports using search terms (excludes misspellings).
Just the News ran searches for several terms and variations on the two V-safe free-text productions, not including misspellings. (Two monthly reports of 390,000 texts each).
“They run the gamut from brief descriptions of adverse events without elaboration on how strongly the participant suspects the condition is related to vaccination, to longer entries that express a more certain view of vaccine relation or qualify the report.”
· "Lymph" makes one of the most frequent appearances, about 43,000 times.
· "Heart" is listed in about 11,500 entries, 4,500 accompanied by "rate" and 1,800 "palpitations."
· Variations of "shortness of breath" show up 7,800 times.
· "Ringing of the ears" and "tinnitus" together show up nearly 3,800 times.
· The term "facial" shows up in 2,700 entries, paired with "paralysis" at the low end (more than 50) and "numb" at the high end (more than 600), with "flushing," "swelling" and "tingling" between.
· Variations of "inflammation" occur about 2,000 times,
· Edema 900,
· Bell's palsy 400,
· Seizure 200
· "Arrhythmia" is listed nearly 150 times.
· Paralysis 130.
That sums to 72,730.
Each of these most frequent text reports needs to be compared against the original V-Safe multi-choice fixed field responses, VAERS and background rates.
Here’s a few more notable events mentioned in the Just the News article.
"Emergency" and "ER" show up nearly 1,300 times combined,
Being pregnant is mentioned more than 1,000 times but rarely with further elaboration. "Miscarriage" shows up about 160 times, sometimes with stage of pregnancy, time following vaccination and judgment as to relevance.
The 43,000 mentions of “lymph” takes me back to one of my very first articles in August 2022:
The spike protein is toxic - so is its delivery mechanism (
” Lipid nanoparticles, lymphocyte riots and graphene shedding”
It referenced this Epoch Times piece from 16 November 2021
“A recent Johns Hopkins Medicine study suggests that T lymphocytes — immune system cells that target the spike protein and direct antibodies against the COVID-19 virus — persist six months after vaccination and help protect against the delta variant of the virus. “
Interesting. Was that a good thing?
Check out this other subsequent research:
Which had this comment in the Abstract:
““.. we developed specific RT-qPCR-based assays to detect each mRNA vaccine and screened lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and myocardium from recently vaccinated deceased patients. Vaccine was detected in the axillary lymph nodes in the majority of patients dying within 30 days of vaccination, but not in patients dying more than 30 days from vaccination.”
And this elsewhere:
““Overall, for both vaccines, vaccine was detected in 8 (73%) of the 11 available axillary lymph nodes samples from the 12 patients dying within 30 days of vaccination compared with no detection of vaccine in any of the axillary lymph nodes samples from the 8 patients dying after 30 days from vaccination.”
And compare the praise from John Hopkins on the presence of T-lymphocytes against this from here:
e can watch for more research and developments!
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