Mind the gap! How the human trafficking works to bring millions of criminal migrants to the US – the first part of the journey to voluntary or involuntary “sanctuary” US States and cities
The best funded criminal migrants, in constant contact with their homes, are the Chinese – with Chinese only transit camps en route. The Chinese police/spies are in the USA.
Remember these trafficked criminal migrants are not fleeing anything. The UN’s IOM and other NGOs are selecting these individuals and transporting them to South and Latin America. This is big business. US/European/Japanese/UK governments are sponsoring this via their “Aid” agencies who fund the UN and NGO’s.
Charities such as the Red Cross are complicit also.
A criminal cartel spanning government, charities and the UN – mostly far left extremists who don’t believe in any borders for any country.
Here is a link to a 40-minute video.
You can view the transcript here:
United States Invasion Route Exposed - Forbidden Knowledge TV
“42,567 views Jan 16, 2024 #trump #biden #documentary
Muckraker followed the entire mass migration route from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border. To our knowledge, no one has ever produced an entire documentary following this entire route.
Until now.
Our journey included:
· Crossing the Darién Gap.
· Discovering secret Chinese hotels.
· Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel.
· Embedding with a massive caravan.
· Riding the Mexican Train of Death.
And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel.”
In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is planning and executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are taking to the United States every year!”
In your face criminal migration – aided and abetted by the Biden (mal)administration.
No chance that these illegals will be given the vote in swing states – provided they vote Democrat as a condition of illegal entry, right? After all, there is no such thing as “The Great Replacement”, right?
Here they are cheering for Biden at the 24-minute mark.
Once they are inside the US, the US taxpayer will provide free housing, food, utilities, education, health, translation services, security and so on and so forth.
A conservative cost per week per criminal migrant – could easily be double? 500 bucks a week in direct costs and another 500 in indirect costs before the opportunity cost of displacing Americans from housing, schools, hospitals, jobs etc is factored in. These criminals are not rich, and poverty is a leading motivation for criminality. So, factor in the number of crimes they commit that would not otherwise occur.
50,000 bucks a year per migrant (could easily be 100,000)) = 50 billion a year per million.
How may million? 6 or 10 million under the Resident’s watch? All impoverishing American taxpayers and putting the country even further into debt that is already unsustainable at 34 trillion bucks.
Conservative the cost to the US is 300 billion EVERY YEAR – a better guesstimate is around 100,000 bucks for 10 million criminal migrants = A TRILLION A YEAR.
That’s a trillion that does not go to veterans, vaxx damaged, better roads, hospitals, airports etc.
Please subscribe or donate via Ko-fi – any amount from 3 bucks upwards. Don’t worry and God Bless, if you can’t or don’t want to. Ko-fi donations here: https://ko-fi.com/peterhalligan - an annual subscription of 100 bucks is one third less than a $3 Ko-fi donation a week!
The USA is now DOA, OD'd on Cloward-Piven with generations of paid for play, greed infused politicians bought and sold by external interests and corrupted by the terminal nail in the coffin, DIE ideology. The time is ripe for aligned States to secede from the Union, to form a new Union upholding the Declaration of Independence and fundamentals of the Constitution. The globalists aim to inflict a mortal wound whose aim is to expunge both these documents and the entire idea of America from the annals of history.
Not saying that he didn’t get kidnapped but CARTEL are bad bad dude’s. I knew someone that her kid got involved with drugs/bad bad people and they killed him and dumped the body.(sad story)