Misdiagnosing C19 using debunked Drosten RT-PCR tests in 2020, prevented treatment with life-saving antibiotics, killing 100's of 1,000's of Americans
I hope you all had a great Christmas with lots of presents and without did not indulge in too much of the “one over the eight”!
Here is more of the on-going post mortem into the pandemic and treatment protocols.
In 2020 (and probably all of 2021) around 95% of C19 cases and deaths were misdiagnosed using the Drosten Rt-PCR test . Those diagnosed with C19 had bacterial infections that would have been cured with anti-biotics BUT anti-biotic treatment protocols were withdrawn in 2019.
Here are four links that have horrific implications for the handling of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC, pronounced FAKE).
Although this article has my “spin”, reading each of these before progressing will give you context and put you in a frame of mind to see where I am coming from (and why I didn’t simply “cross-post” the substack articles).
The first is from the inestimable Joel Smalley, Metatron.
When COVID conspiracies become facts. - by Joel Smalley (substack.com)
In it, Joel references work done by Dr Ah Kahn Syed.
The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics (substack.com)
Dr Syed in turn references this twitter thread.
Lastly, here is a post from yours truly.
Ok, let’s start with some bombshells dropped by Joel. He focusses on China and Dr Syed on Australia. Here are just a few of Joel’s bombshell summary points from Dr Syed’s post.
“The primers for these PCR tests were commercial (except in NSW in 2020) and therefore we do not know what they were testing. The primers for the first PCR tests in China1 were wrong and therefore could not have tested for “SARS-CoV-2”:.
And this stunner:
“The protocols for managing post-viral pneumonia were changed in April 2020 to remove antibiotics.”
Got that?
Now we skip to the Twitter thread – focus on Australia.
“Why did doctors readily accept not treating 80 year olds for post-viral pneumonia in 2020-2022, when it had been standard of care prior? Because they were told to in 2019. By an institution called...”.. The National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship (NCAS) – part of “OneHealth” and tied to the Peter Doherty Institute (who assisted in those predictive computer models predicting millions of deaths from the outbreak).
Who “underpins” OneHealth? Peter Dasxak of EcoHealth Alliance. Yes THAT EcoHealth Alliance.
Pentagon gave millions to EcoHealth Alliance for weapons research program (nypost.com)
From my article, referencing a one hour interview on Rumble with Denis Rancourt:
What Really Killed Millions? | Denis Rancourt (rumble.com)
Or here What Really Killed Millions? | Denis Rancourt (drtrozzi.org)
Key findings:
· The withdrawal of anti-biotic treatments because of government imposed non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) measures and treatment protocols were the dominant cause of excess deaths.
· Higher excess mortality is clustered amongst the disabled, the unhealthy and the poor – mostly because ANTI-BIOTIC TREATMENTS (e.g. for bacterial pneumonia) were withheld.
· There is NO AGE CORRELATION of excess mortality. There IS NO AGE DIFFERENTIATION of excess mortality amongst victims – the young were just as likely- if not more so - to be impacted as the old when compared with historical rates of mortality.
· The C19 injections posed an additional health challenge to the pre-existing fragility of the most vulnerable CAUSING a much higher risk of death. A significant multiplier in the vulnerable population. There is higher “integrated mortality” AFTER the roll-out of C19 injections.
· These outcomes are consistent with active engagement of EUGENICS. A cynic might say that “the State” saved a lot of tax payer money from the costs of providing welfare benefits and treating the old and the sick – eugenics writ large.
What did the WHO contribute to the change in treatment protcols, advising against the use of antibiotics?
Here is a link to the WHO position on antibiotics from November 2020.
Episode #11 - Antibiotics & COVID-19 (who.int)
“Dr Hanan Balkhy
So, antibiotics resistance is a characteristic of the bacteria themselves, not of the humans. A lot of people confuse the two. So, a bacteria, which is a living agent, has one aim, which is survival.
So, it will do whatever it can to change its genetic material to not become susceptible to the antibiotic. So, resistance, in simple terms, is when the bacteria no longer is killed by the antibiotic. The reason why that is concerning to us is if we end up with no antibiotics to treat infections, we will basically be losing significant advances in healthcare as we have it today.”
“It's very important to realize that we do not need to give antibiotics to patients who are isolated with COVID-19 in their homes, because they have mild disease. And, to only be receiving antibiotics if they are significantly ill, where the healthcare provider is suspicious of – on top of the COVID-19 – the patient having a bacterial infection. And, this needs to be done by a prescription of a healthcare provider.”
All very well and good Dr Balkhy – but here’s a question for you.
Lastly, never forget that without the clinical trials and the roll-out of 13 billion doses of C19 injections globally, there would have been no variants and, as with all pandemics, there is a beginning, a middle and an end. C19 would have ended by the winter of 2020 had there been no interventions. Rule no 1 of virology “NEVER VACCINATE INTO A PANDEMIC”.
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Wow! Blown away and yet not surprised at all. Your research and findings make sense that may help open eyes.
Inside the jikky twitter feed is a comment with a link to bioethics article below. It suggests that under the affordable care act we will need to ration care to the elderly.
And a light just went off for me….was this ‘inevitable’ rationing of care (and subsequent death of costly elderly and sick) the entire reason for the Affordable Care Act to begin with.
‘Our aging population combined with the changes that will come with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the creation of Affordable Care Organizations also can be expected to bring significant changes in bioethics thinking. The pressure from increased demand for services coupled with the social changes that make access to health care more broadly available may create a more hospitable environment for serious discussion of rationing care. ‘
They couldn't allow any treatments, especially ones that made people better quickly because this would much lessen or totally remove the fear factor and most importantly disallowed any EUA experimental treatments including gene therapy injections for every human on earth, their ultimate goal, to be repeated indefinitely.