More madness from the DoE looking for ways to comply with “Green New Deal” measures – “adjust your fans!” whilst we spend trillions to achieve nothing in particular
From here:
Biden Administration Proposes New Restrictions on Ceiling Fans | NTD
“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed new rules that would impose energy efficiency standards on ceiling fans, following similar restrictions unveiled against other household appliances like gas stoves and portable gas generators.”
Yet another example of government ignoring the MYOB maxim – and it really is none of their beeswax. This is imposing political ideology on free choice of Americans to do what they want, given their resources and preferences. A government has no authority or expertise in this personal decision. The decision to continue or replace a fan – or o install air conditioning – or to open a window is not a government decision – neither is the decision to turn one or off.
Size of the issue?
“Around 85 million American households are estimated to use at least one ceiling fan, with a quarter using four or more
85 million households? There are 131 million households in the US – so this affects 65% of them.
And what are the estimated economics?
“The agency estimates that consumers using a standard fan could save up to $39.84 over the lifespan of the appliance with the new measures. A ceiling fan typically lasts for around six to 10 years.
40 bucks over, say 8 years? 5 bucks a year? The expression “get over your bad self” springs to mind. Less than a dime a week, Mybe a few cents a day? May as well start a national campaign to go hunting for change in the streets of the major cities!
And just how good has the DoE been in the past in coming up with similar hare-brained schemes?
“The DOE’s ban on gas stoves also projects meager savings for consumers, a figure that was recently updated to an even lower amount.
“DOE’s original proposal was to save consumers 13 cents per month in utility costs over the life of gas cooking products. The revised data reduces consumer savings to just 9 cents per month,” the industry group Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) said about the changes in an Aug. 3 press release.
At 9 cents a month, the projected savings will come to just $1.08 per year. Over a decade, that amounts to $10.80 in savings.”
There is an English expression “penny wise, pound foolish”. The gas stove and ceiling fan “rules “for each million household, works out at a combined 6 bucks or 6 million bucks a year over million households. If these measures impact, say 50 million households, that works out at 300 million bucks.
Compare this to the 50 trillion bucks that Senator Jennedy quizzed Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk about in order to achieve a fraction of a degree in global average temperatures by 2050..
“Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) on Wednesday grilled Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk about the cost of green energy reforms during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.”
The Inflation Reduction Act contained a bunch of spending on “climate change” measures.
From here:
The Inflation Reduction Act turns 1 as climate change batters the nation | Grist
“Wide-ranging in scope, the Inflation Reduction Act included changes such as allowing the government to negotiate prescription drug prices and raise taxes on corporations, but at its heart, the IRA is a climate bill.
Inside the 730-page bill is nearly $369 billion in spending and tax credits designed to move the United States toward a cleaner energy future. A recent report from the Rhodium Group, an analytics firm that tracks greenhouse gas emissions, estimates that the IRA will reduce national greenhouse gas emissions from 29 percent to 42 percent of 2005 levels by 2030.”
From here:
United States: CO2 Country Profile - Our World in Data
In the last 40 years, since 1972, per capita emissions in the US have fallen from 22 tonnes to 15 tonnes – a reduction of 32%.
The actual trend is markedly downwards,
Note that the historical 50 year reduction of 32% lies in the middle of the estimated reductions (probably worked backwards from a propaganda fuelled end point using Excel goal seek”) over 7 years to 2030. How much of the historical reduction was achieved DESPITE government interference or BECAUSE of it, is not assessed anywhere.
If an analysis was available that proved the impacts one way or another of private sector advance compared to government imposed regulations, we would actually be able to have a useful conversation about the utility of either or both. As it is.. licking your finger and sticking it in the air to see which way the fan is blowing, is as good a guess as any.
Anyway, extending that historical trend line for the last fifty years for another seven years to 2030, results in emissions back to levels of the 1920’s of 12 tonnes per capita. That would represent a 20% reduction from today. That is the baseline.
The climate control measures cost a little under 400 billion bucks (it will be massively over 400 billion in only m5 years with inflation!!) in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), - the propaganda via working back from a made up target – of 29% to 42% - are a far lower reduction, give that 20% baseline.
Now, there are many other measures in the IRA but they are all going to be as silly as the savings estimated by the DoE for gas stoves and ceiling fans of 300 million bucks that households are being tasked to accomplish, that were NOT in the IRA.
So, 50 trillion bucks over 27 years to achieve a fraction of a degree reduction in projected average global temperatures (because the cost of a fraction of a degree increase would be “multiples” more – 150 trillion? 350 trillion? In 24 years) – is the big plan.
400 billion is being budgeted for a single year already.
Households are on notice to save a few bucks a year – maybe – and that is with the inflated electricity prices being suffered today, because of electricity price inflation CAUSED by green energy policies!.
Oh and by the way, from here:
U.S. crude in SPR hits lowest level since January 1985 | Reuters
“Stockpiles in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) fell to 453.1 million barrels in the week to Aug. 19, according to the data. The 8.1 million-barrel draw was the largest since the end of April and brought inventory to the lowest level since January 1985.”
450 million barrels is about 22 days supply - the US consumes around 20 million barrels a day. Not exactly strategic, more like tactical.
The plan to further bankrupt the US and bring poverty disease and mass state programming is well underway.
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Is there something about ceiling fans that makes them allegedly worse that regular fans that sit on the floor or a table? Or does the DOE want everybody to switch to air conditioning instead? Or should we all just sit There and sweat while fluttering a hand-held paper fan like Scarlett O’Hara? Maybe the originators of this madness have never lived anywhere hot. Maybe they spend all their summers in Switzerland or in climate-controlled mansions. Cruel, impractical, and stupid. None of their beeswax. Possibly another scheme to kill people. Screw the DOE.
As you know I've been travelling. I am a great fan of electric hand dryers ......the energy consumption to dry one pair of hands must be incredible, not to mention making the things.
They go in Room 101 with wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars.