More on "What have we done to our children" -a quasi-experimental study on German school closures in 2020
“What have we done to our children” continued.
A deafening silence remains amongst politicians globally about the extra deaths over the last (almost) four years. There is no assessment anywhere of the declaration of a false global C19 pandemic. No enquiries into why “any death with a positive SARS-COV2 RT-PCR test should be treated as a C19 death” as instructed by the WHO.
No political curiosity that these C19 deaths SHOULD have been categorized as deaths from other leading causes caused by the denial of treatments for existing and new treatable health conditions amongst racial minorities and the poor. No political curiosity as to the denial of sustenance, or the physical and mental torture of the elderly and infirm in hospital settings and accelerated deaths from Remdesivir, Midazolam & morphine combined with non-consensual “Do not resuscitate” orders.
No political curiosity as to the further corruption of mortality statistics from the misclassification of C19 mRNA caused deaths into other leading causes of deaths in the US.
This is what is already being ignored by the political class. There was no pandemic, the vulnerable were killed by treatment protocols in 2020, the injections killed people but were classified as deaths from other causes. For the US, mortality increased by 1.6 million above 2015-2019 averages to be greeted by silence from the politicians charged with controlling the behaviour of corporationad .
Silence by politicians = consent to such deadly treatment. As it does to the imposition of these measures as if they were “desirable” in the soon to be signed International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Treaty. Politicians know they screwed up, but what to evade blame by gas-lighting people into thinking the C19 measures “worked”.
Attempts to quantify the harms inflicted on children continue to emerge in studies, albeit of a time limited and “quasi-experimental” nature.
From here (h/t eugyppius here:
Selected extracts from the piece dated 18 August 2023:
“.. negative psychological consequences were particularly pronounced during childhood and adolescence (1, 3, 4, 8, 9), the most dynamic and thus vulnerable period in human life from the perspective of developmental psychology (10–12).
Globally, child and adolescent mental health problems are at unprecedented levels. Recent studies report a doubling of child and adolescent anxiety and depression levels, compared with pre-pandemic estimates (13). Worldwide, at least 13% of people between the ages of 10 and 19 now live with a diagnosed mental health disorder (14). “
One in eight kids now diagnosed mental health disorders. Not all from lockdowns of course. Forced measures such as the predatory sexual grooming of kids by extremist “woke” teachers and administrators has also played a part.
Recall the story from Germany of administrators promoting individual and mutual masturbation and “play doctor” in “special” rooms in two German states from a few days ago).
Okay, the study is “quasi-experimental”:
“..relying on (i) unique German survey data on adolescents’ mental health [collected between 26 May and 10 June 2020 and thus during the first pandemic wave (19), as well as between August 2015 and November 2017 and thus before the pandemic serving as a benchmark (20)] and (ii) high-frequency data from the largest German crisis helpline (available for January 2019 until December 2020). “
“.. all 16 German federal governments mandated statewide school closures between 16 and 18 March 2020. From 20 April 2020, onward, the states reopened schools gradually, but each state followed its own strategy. “
The study is limited to 2020 data only. So, one out of three years of varying degrees of lockdowns. It is a start!
“To which extent school closures .. have contributed to or even caused this crisis is largely unknown. .. combining quasi-experimental variation in school closure and reopening strategies across the German federal states at the onset of the pandemic with nationwide, population-based survey data on youth mental health and high-frequency data from the largest crisis helpline.”
“We show that prolonged school closures led to a substantial deterioration in youth health-related quality of life, precipitating early signs of mental health problems. The effects were most severe among boys, younger adolescents, and families with limited living space. “
From the opening paragraph of the “Results” section:
“The results show that each additional week of school closure is associated with a decrease in HRQoL (0.107 SD, P < 0.001) and increases in psychosomatic symptoms (0.072 SD, P < 0.05), behavioral and emotional health problems (0.089 SD, P < 0.05), and depressive symptoms (0.079 SD, P < 0.05). For the time period under study, there are no effects on anxiety symptoms.”
HRQoL = health-related quality of life
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