New C19 strain circulating just in time for the FDA, CDC, MHRA, TGA et al to begin their winter marketing campaigns for the “steenking”, filthy C19 injections made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna
From here:
“The XEC strain, a combination of the KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 variants, was first identified in Germany in June but has since been detected in 15 countries across three continents.”
“Symptoms of the XEC Covid variant mirror those of common respiratory illnesses like colds and flu. While many recover within weeks, some may take longer, and there's a risk of severe illness leading to hospitalisation.”
“The NHS lists the most recent Covid-19 symptoms as follows:
· a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
· a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
· a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
· shortness of breath
· feeling tired or exhausted
· an aching body
· a headache
· a sore throat
· a blocked or runny nose
· loss of appetite
· diarrhoea
· feeling sick or being sick”
And here comes the marketing campaigns ad slogans:
“To protect yourself from the latest Covid variant, it's important to follow similar precautions as with previous strains, including staying up to date with vaccines and booster shots. While vaccines may not completely prevent infection, they remain the best defense against severe illness, hospitalisation, and death.
Wearing a face mask, particularly in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor spaces, can also help reduce the risk, especially for those who are vulnerable or live with someone at higher risk.
Enhancing indoor ventilation, where possible, further lowers the chances of infection.
Maintaining physical distance from others and avoiding large gatherings is recommended. Good hygiene practices, such as regularly washing your hands with soap and water, are essential.”
All sound familiar? All that’s missing is babble about quarantine camps and staying at home until your lips turn blue!
In the US, babies under 9 months old, need to have taken 3 (unlicensed and only “approved” for “emergency use”) C19 injections to be “fully vaccinated” – adults in the US may have taken NINE C19 injections and still contract an infection that could lead to the disease. Any prevention of infection is purely coincidental as the injections were not designed to prevent infection – and were only part of a clinical trial for TWO doses, targeted at a DIFFERENT (original) variant.
Here is the recent UK C19 burden:
“The latest figures for the UK show a 4.3 percent increase in Covid cases week on week. There were also 102 Covid deaths in the week to August 30 in England. 1,465 patients were admitted to hospitals with Covid in the same week. However, it's important to note that the UK Health Security Agency hasn't released detailed data on the specific XEC variant yet.”
No breakdown of whether admissions and death with C19 preset, or with ONLY C19 present. Or data on the number needed to “vaccinate”(NNV) to prevent a single hospitalization or death.
Par for the course.
And absolutely no mention of the number of people killed or maimed from the “steenking”, filthy, experimental modified mRNA injections. Especially from the UK’s, especially toxic Oxford Biometrics/ AstraZeneca flagship “product” that was pulled in the EU after a few months ad was used extensively in India under license to the Serum Institute of India.
Recall that the US VAERS records over 18,000 deaths ad a million “adverse events” from 670 million injections, whilst outside the US, there were ten times this number of injections of Pfizer and Moderna, with the SAME number of deaths and just 600,000 adverse events reported.
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Speaking of jabs, I just put this short video on my Rumble today regarding the new Smallpox "ACAM2000" jab for Monkeypox - mind blowing stuff:
Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!
Military style Justice!
No Legalistic delays!
& NO appeals!
Crime against humanity HAS BEEN committed & whatever is left of the Deep State is trying to keep it going... not for too much longer... TRUTH always wins!