New South Wales government deliberately lets coal fired stations deteriorate – refuses to build new and improved ones – instead builds wind and solar – result – much higher electricity prices
Watch a fully paid-up political member of the climate cult – mansplain issues and threats to electricity supply to a reporter, here:
Chris Bowen grilled on Australia’s energy cost and reliability
The political spin, to explain the anti-human climate Cult dogma, is nauseating and wrong on so many levels.
Why hasn’t Australia and New South Wales properly maintained and/or built new and cleaner coal 0ired power stations instead of building massively expensive wind and solar that can only exist with massive taxpayer subsidies? And which rase electricity prices to ludicrous levels?
Australia has ended an unofficial ban on coal exports to China:
Annual Australian Coal Exports to China:
· 2020: 77.51 million tons (before the unofficial ban)
· 2022: 2.86 million tons (during the unofficial ban)
· 2023: 52.47 million tons (after the ban was lifted)
China takes advantage of coal as a cheap source of energy and exports wind and solar equipment to generate expensive electricity.
From Brave AI
“The cost of household electricity in China has been relatively stable over the years. As of March 2024, the average household electricity price in China is around 7.8 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in US dollars.”
5.8 cents per kwh.
Again, from Brave AI:
“Average Residential Electricity Price: As of March 2024, the residential electricity price in Australia is AUD 0.395 per kWh or USD 0.257.”
And the other major contributor (yes, I know the argument is a straw man that assumes CO2 emissions are a control switch to global average temperatures, which they patently ARE NOT).
Australian Coal Exports to India
· 2021: 70.1 million tonnes (35.8% increase from 2020)
· 2023: 49.4 million tonnes (10.0% decrease from 2022)
“In March 2024, the residential electricity price in India was INR 6.470 per kWh or USD 0.077.”
Price to households in Australia = 39.5 Australian cents per kwh – US$25.7
(Average price in the US is around 15 cents per kwh – though more than double that in the left-wing lunatic state of California. UK prices - with all its “green energy” - are 24.5p per kwh =31.1 US cent and about to increase anther 4%s).
Price in China = 7.8 US cents and in India its 7.7 cents per kwh.
Australia ships out cheap energy and ships in expensive wind and solar components from places like China – assembled by Europeans.
Australians lose the chance for chap electricity bills by exporting coal and, instead, pay huge electricity bills using power sourced from intermittent and expensive wind and solar.
You can’t fix stupid.
Much like Norway being a huge exporter of oil and gas to anyone that wants to burn the “filthy” hydrocarbons, whilst wearing a “green hat” – Australia is forcing its people to overpay for domestic electricity whilst giving hydrocarbon fuel energy in the form of coal to anyone that wants it.
Aside from the big users of coal – India and China, Australia is a huge exporter of coal to the world.
From Brave AI
“Australia is the second-largest exporter of coal worldwide, accounting for 25.7% of global seaborne coal exports in 2023. The country’s coal exports have been affected by its relationship with China, previously its largest customer. However, Australian exporters have been successful in finding new markets, limiting the impact on overall volumes.”
The simplest way for Australia to act to reduce (albeit unnecessarily) CO2 emissions would be to ban coal exports – and Norway to do the same for oil and gas.
Neither country should do this, they should simply properly maintain and renew those hydrocarbon facilities and use hydrocarbon fuels for a few decades and build out nuclear. Maybe residents should put some solar on individual houses.
The objective should be electricity that is a cheap as possible – even free.
It won’t happen because these climate cultists (chicken littles) are hypocritical, narcissistic, ant-huma morons who love virtue signalling their ignorance to hurt people, where it counts – in the wallet.
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