New Zealand’s adoption of WHO and big Pharma wishes results in catastrophic outcomes for mortality, fertility and disability – the Cult of Moloch has successfully caused brain fog
Before launching in a little context.
I regularly post the chart below for the US.
The death rate is the red line. It has increased by 17% for each of 2020, 2021 and 2022 from the 2019 rate.
Out of interest, here’s another for US drug overdose deaths – maybe it reflects open borders maybe it doesn’t.
These deaths can be compared with December 2019 numbers to show an increase of 48% in 12 month ending periods:
It is my view that deaths with Remdesivir present were very close to drug overdose deaths for 2019.
Regular readers will know that I think there was a scamdemic not a pandemic and that the vast majority of C19 deaths were the result of medical malpractice, either from the withholding of life-saving treatments for existing conditions or “death by healer” using off-label treatment protocols involving Remdesivir, rather than off-label treatments like IVM and HCQ, The rationale? Money, spite and malice aforethought by sycophants in the Cult, aided and abetted by useful idiots in the MSM and the gullible.
These extra deaths are the result, not of science or medicine, but of politics.
Let’s take a look at the results from a country also corrupted by national socialist politics of the Cult – remember “the Government is your only source of information”? New Zealand
From here:
Deaths up 14%, Natural Birth Increase Down 28%, Disability is up 37.5% - Hatchard Report
The headline:
Deaths up 14%, Natural Birth Increase Down 28%, Disability is up 37.5%. New Zealand official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end of June 2023 released.
Read the whole article to get a sense of one side of the debate in the Land of the Long White Cloud (I lived there for 11 years in the late 80’s and 90’s and was planning to retire there – dodged a bullet).
There are around 5,25 million people in NZ (3.25 when I was there) - in between South Carolina and Alabama.
“There were 38,442 deaths among all ages for July 2022-June 2023 compared to 33,753 deaths in the 2018/19 comparable period. This is an increase of 4,689 deaths (up 14%) which occurred at a rate of 90 excess deaths per week.
Working age people were also affected. Deaths among 15 to 64 year olds were up by 6%. Figures released by the Household Labour Force Survey reports rates of disability sufficient to preclude joining the workforce among this age group has increased by 37.5% over the same period and now stands at 14.3% of the workforce. That is huge. Why?
Alarmingly, natural live birth increase (births minus deaths) fell from 26,500 in 2018/19 to 19,185 in 2022/23 a decrease of 7,400 or 28%. This is an absolutely unprecedented drop. Nothing even remotely like this has been recorded previously.”
For the purists, these are extra, rather than excess deaths, but since NZ even banned kiwis from returning from overseas, I doubt that age adjusted mortality rates per 100,000 would yield markedly different results.
The huge leap in extra deaths is dwarfed by the 37.5% increase in disability rates to one in seven of the workforce and the staggering 28% reduction in the number of births.
Large levels of immigration prior to the scamdemic do not seem to be a significant factor on deaths, disabilities and births but bear closer scrutiny;
So, the Cult has been successful in killing, maiming and reducing population growth. Unless and until we get an answer to the “Explain” this question, the Cult will claim that the scamdemic and its response saved millions of lives, falling birth rates had to come down anyway and that those crippled are just “collateral damage” along the road to the Cult’s objective of at least halving the world’s population.
The Cult will increase its deadly influence for the 8 billion people on planet Earth in the next few weeks and months.
The Cult will push the message that “the Earth is boiling” and that all energy intensive activity must cease or be significantly curtailed.
The politicians who are members of the Cult must be expunged from any and all influence over the lives of people. Since they love the cold so much, expulsion to Antarctica seems appropriate.
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Thanks for this, but, as an Australian, I say no to Antarctica. You northerners spawned them so you can keep them. To the Arctic for them. I read about a New Zealand politician today. They have elections coming up in October, I think. Liz Gunn, her party is NZ Loyal. Tax is theft . Abolish Income tax,GST and company tax and have a 1% transaction tax. Lots of other interesting ideas too. Ideas that need to be spread and debated.
Political corruption and with the worst ever results for NZ and the World. That this inhuman response by elected officials across multiple countries displayed true racketeering with many dead and disabled left behind....results no doubt similar to the Final Solution of WW2.