Numbers for the first 18 months of the pandemic in the UK indicate that, excluding other killer conditions also present, 8 times more people died from injections than from C19 itself
From here:
For the period March 2020 to 25 August 2021:
Deaths with C19 “present” indicated by a RT-PCR test within 28 days = 90,147
Keep that 28 day period in mind.
This “cause of death” was ascribed using a faulty RT-PCR test that had been not been calibrated to the SARS-COV2 virus that caused the C19 disease. In fact, cause (virus) and effect (disease) had not been proven in the early stages of the pandemic. Cause and effect were “observed” as undeniably valid. As it turns out, the (Drosten) RT-PCR test could not distinguish between the PRESENCE of ‘flu, SARS-COV1, SARS-COV2 variants and the US FDA withdrew its use in July 2021, effective 31 December 2021.
Observational studies in the real world of the impact of HCQ (March 2020) and IVM (May 2020) treatment protocols from the US (Zelenko protocol of HCQ + Zn + AzM, for example) were denied and banned as invalid both in the US and the UK.
Actual, off label, treatment protocols imposed by the regulators.
NICE, NHS, politicians like Hancock (plus the MHRA by maintaining “radio silence” after advising against using Midazolam + morphine in March 2020) prescribed the use of Midazolam + Morphine via “regulation” in April 2020 – not law, regulation, as will be the case in the new IHA2005 and/or pandemic treaty, in the process of being agreed by bureaucrats this week.
This regulated (not legal, regulated “off label”) treatment protocol resembled the C19 equivalent of the “Liverpool Pathway” of assisted end of life care that was abandoned by the UK in 2013. In addition, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR’s) were issued for many – almost all without the victim’s consent or that of their families. A leading UK newspaper described any replacement of the “Liverpool Pathway” thus:
"..perpetuate many of its worst practices, allowing patients to suffer days of dehydration, or to be sedated, leaving them unable to even ask for food or drink."
What that leading UK journal left out was the impact on the “will to live” from being deprived of contact with friends and family for weeks on end.
Fast forward to the C19 pandemic. It might be that during the first 3-6 months to September 2020 at the latest, a triage approach to health provision for the general population could be understood. However, after 6 months, it was plain that the lethality of C19 – as seen in footage from China of people collapsing in the street and lots of hazmat suited sprayers and horror stories from Italy – was NOT as severe as feared – those that succumbed were almost entirely amongst the elderly and infirm.
We do not know, YET, the likely number of people that died because the usual standard of care was withheld and substituted with the Midazolam + Morphine treatment protocol or how many victims would have otherwise survived for how long, without being “served” a DNR notice.
Which brings us to a couple of numbers – as before, 90,147 died with C19 present in the UK to 25 August 2021.
Deaths with ONLY C19 “present” indicated by a RT-PCR test within 28 days = 3,832
This leaves 86,315 people that died with C19 PRESENT amongst other co-morbidities (mostly Alzheimer’s Disease).
There are several key questions.
1. How many of the 86,315 with co-morbidities would have died anyway, but their deaths were “accelerated” by C19, if they even had C19 (which is unlikely to be 100% true)?
2. How many of the both the 86,315 AND those diagnosed with ONLY C19 present were killed by the Midazolam + morphine treatment, deprivation of sustenance and human contact plus the DNR imposition?
3. How large a role, beyond triage considerations, did politics (including the Prime Minister) a C19 advisory committee and money play in the determination of treatment protocols?
4. Are the Midazolam + morphine plus DNR treatment protocols still being used?
5. Why weren’t these numbers made available to the public – on a proactive basis – for informed consent and discussed in Parliament?
For question 3, we know that the financial incentives in the US – rewards for compliance to FDA/CDC treatment protocols such as the use of Remdesivir combined with classification of C19 cases as “complex” - were simply huge.
For the UK, although there were similar incentives, the main “benefit to the state” was in the saving of money and the freeing up of beds at a time when hospital waiting lists were already measured in months and years. A person with serious co-morbidities being treated in critical care was around £1,200 back in 2014. It will be double that now.
Written questions and answers - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament
Just using the 2014 number, assuming the full number of around 90,000 that died with C19 PRESENT over the 18 months from March 2020 to 25 August 2021 – within an average pathway to death of 6 weeks, you have these sorts of numbers:
90,000 people – 42 days at 1,200 a day = around 4.5 billion pounds. Use your own numbers, it could easily be over ten billion pounds over that 18-month period.
Now we turn to those killed by the C19 injections for the (different six month start and end point of 2 January 2021 to 2 July 2021, to compare with that 18 month period of C19 deaths.
According to the article:
“..revealed that 30,305 people had died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England between January 2nd 2021 and July 2nd 2021.”
The 21-day period for vaxx deaths compares to the 28 day period used for C19 deaths. How much difference does this make?
The article compares the 30,305 people that died within 21 days of a C19 injection with the 3,832 people that died with ONLY C19 present and presents the headline
“8x more people died due to C-19 Vaccination over 6 months than died of COVID-19 over 18 months according to UK GOV.”
You will see that the UK government (and governments around the world) state that just because someone died within 21 days of receiving a toxic C19 viral vector or mRNA injection, this does not mean the injection caused the death.
Of course, when making that statement, the UK government does not apply the same rhetoric to those that died with C19 PRESENT. Why does the UK government not state “a death with C19 present does not mean that C19 caused the death”.
There is still much work to be done to answer the question “WTF just happened?”
All C19 restrictions in the UK were lifted in February 2022 – so the UK has had a full year recovering from the huge hit to personal and financial circumstances.
The inquest is on-going into the implementation of measures resulting from fear, panic, ignorance, hubris and criminality of state imposed euthanaise in a triage situation that went way after a few months.
Pandemics have a beginning, a middle, and an end. For the UK, it looks as if the end of the pandemic was the summer of 2020. All measures subsequent to that were based on corruption and folly that served only to force new variants by injecting into a pandemic, to cause generational harms by using experimental treatments.
Experimental treatments that were proven harmful in Phase 3 clinical trials in the US and by post marketing authorization reports over the first three months of launch in February 2021.
Remember the US clinical trials were supposed to be for six months to end in January 2021. They were terminated early and approved in mid-December 2020.
The clinical trials FAILED their sole endpoint of reducing symptoms. Not infection or transmission and not death, just symptoms of C19 disease.
No government outside the US vetted the clinical trial results.
No government anywhere checked to see if the quality of the injections from producing billions of doses matched that of the tens of thousands of doses used in the clinical trials.
No government anywhere questioned the impact of freezing and thawing the doses matched the efficacy of (failed) clinical trial results.
No government anywhere questioned the use of injection protocols including boosters (including the new bivalent booster launched in August 2022) – the clinical trials used two shots matched against a now extinct variant, up to 80% of those injected received 3 shots, not two. Very few were “one and done”.
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My jabbed friends (now ex) would still refuse to read this. I'm sure some will be lining up for the spring and autumn boosters. One coerced friend says her immunity is shot suffering chest infection and says 50% of her friends who are jabbed are still all ill since Christmas time.
What a weird way to say the covideathshot is 24X more deadly than the disease....