NZ extra (not excess) deaths v 2015-2019 average for 2020, 2021, 2022 and to September 2023 by five year age cohort and gender = NZ extra deaths occurred in the over 70 year old’s
Perhaps the following might be of some help to the newly formed NZ government as it works how to put NZ First.
The mortality data is on a government website. All that si missing is the joining up of vaccine data - doses and dates per individual. The NZ Government website has a mountain of data on ethnicity as well - valuable to the world. Maybe the government considers that the release of life-saving information is neither in NZ’s interest or that of the rest of the world.
Same goes for any government and health authority.
Here is an update to this piece written in January 2023:
Here’s the annual track of mortality from 2015 to September 2023. On the surface, the only possible indication of any pandemic is a pandemic that occurred post roll-out of the injections. But this big picture conceals some disturbing demographic death characteristics.
If the trend in 2023 continues that 28,544 will rise from the number to end September 2023 to around 40,000 split between the (only two) genders.
The only pandemic apparent in the data is the pandemic of the “vaccinated” starting in 2021 ns accelerating into 2022.
Note that New Zealand’s brutal lockdown in 2020, with the rapid roll-out of injections in 2021, means that New Zealand was the perfect test of the effectiveness of mRNA injections as it injected its population BEFORE any “pandemic” hit its shore. This provides clear evidence that the C19 a
See if you can spot when the injections started. Even if the “cases” were identified using a fraudulent and useless RT-PCR device, the deaths are proof that these “vaccines” were never effective. The new government might compel the release of data that reconciles deaths in temporal proximity to injection by dose, but so far, NOTHING.
New Zealand COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (
To give you a sense of the last 8-9 years from a demographic perspective, here is a backdrop.
Using data from here:
Monthly-death-registrations-by-ethnicity-age-sex-Jan2010-Sep2023.xlsx (
I have compiled the monthly data from January 2015 to September 2023 for each age cohort and month by calendar year – the September 2023 data will be updated in the next few days or so, but the December 2023 data is not due for a while.
Starting population, births and deaths for each year from here: Population | Stats NZ The death diff column represents the annual differences between my calculations and those from that site.
Okay, let’s set the scene population wise using the Births and deaths | Stats NZ data.
Migration is a balancing item and is calculated as the difference in starting populations – births plus deaths. Percentages are of the starting population. Starting population = close of prior year.
For the five years prior to the pandemic (2015-2019 inclusive) NZ took in 341,876 migrants equal to 7.5% of the population at end December 2014. This would be equivalent to around around 22.5 million pro-rata’ed for the US or around 4.5 million for the UK.
Barring 2019, the year prior to the scamdemic, the birth rate has been steadily declining.
The death rate was barely changed at between 0.65% and 0.70% prior to 2022, except for 2022 which reported the highest level over the 8 years to end December 2022. The 2022 calendar year re[resented a significant (plus 10% increase in the death rate.
Here are 2023 excess deaths taken from here:
Updates to the latest data on the chart will hopefully not return excess deaths to 20% or jump over the last few months of 2023.
Eyeballing the chart, it looks like excess deaths will average around 20% which would equate to 6,300 in number for 2023 – or around 40,000 deaths for the calendar year.
Here is some data on deaths compared to 2015-2019 for the elderly.
First the men:
The “TOTAL” column is all deaths for men in each year. The percentages on the right still hide the burden inflicted on elderly men, this table reveals it:
That 142% in the far right shows the dangers of using percentages when referring to small numbers! So, excluding 2023 from the numbers, 4,100 extra deaths amongst men over 70. The extra 4,100 deaths are almost certainly amongst kiwis, not immigrants.
Now for the ladies:
Almost ALL the extra deaths amongst women were in the over 70’s. Numbers leapt in 2022 after increasing 2021.
And now the total for both men and women.
One last important piece of context. NZ injected around 7.86 million doses in 2021 and 4.10 million in 2022. Uptake has been almost zero for 2023. We don’t have the split by age or gender or dose or manufacturer.
If I try and access the data previously freely available, this is the screen:
Cowardly, right? Don’t forget, nobody knew there was a need for boosters in eqaely 2021 when that 10 million Pfizer contract was announced.
Should politicians have known that new variants of the spike protein would ruin any protection from the wild spike protein?
My extracts from the now hidden website were these:
“We have an agreement to purchase 7.6 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
“An agreement has been made with Novavax to purchase 10.72 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Novavax is a two-dose protein subunit vaccine.”
“New Zealand secured 2 million doses of the Janssen vaccine through an advance purchase agreement in 2020.”
Here is a link to an article penned in October 2022.
What happened to 4.3 billion doses in NZ, Australia, Canada, UK, EU and the US? (
The article references a link to the Beehive website which actually still (has to?) boasts about its procurement of injections.
It has this:
“This brings our total Pfizer order to 10 million doses or enough for 5 million people to get the two shots needed to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”
I bet they were so excited about signing the odious contracts with Pfizer et al, they were wetting their pants.
NZ would have signed the same contracts as those signed by the EU and South Africa.
Pfizer: we have no idea if these work, we might change the contents any time we feel like it and you can have them for 25 NZ bucks a pop, provided you indemnify us from any prosecution by any Kiwi that takes them, forever.
NZ Government: oh yes please, let me make all kiwis put their heads between their knees and kiss their asses good bye.
I bet the contracts with the other suppliers were phrased the same and the NZ government confirmed with the WHO that they had to sign them.
31.5 million doses known about back in 2022. How many now, at what price and under what terms?
Has Pfizer provided any advice about the contaminants in the rotting vials? Is either the NZ government or Pfizer performing any quality checking on the crap that is in freezers?
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I'll say it again: If the standards of Nuremberg applied, every politician, every drug lord, every physician involved in the Covid Scamdemic should hang -- although I would prefer the Guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. Their executions must be public and televised: Nothing less is adequate.
I appreciate this would be tens if not hundreds of thousands worldwide, but I can't think of a period in history, not the Renaissance Papacy, not even Ancient Rome, that compares to the mind-blowing corruption we've lived through and continue to experience: Hands down, the most heinous, the most monstrous crime in history.
Trying to get Pfizer (or any "health" agency) to answer questions is akin to communicating with Linda Blare's character in "The Exorcist."
I'll never forget when the older priest came on the scene and said to the younger one (who was trying to explain the "psychological symptoms" being displayed):
OLD PRO PRIEST: "You've been talking to it? You can NEVER talk to it. It is the father of deceptions and lies. Talking to it will drive you mad!" (Or something like this;-)