Off topic - 3 foot wide 2-seater electric microcar looks pretty neat - around $20,000 - caters for wheelchairs too
This tiny Dutch vehicle for people with disabilities is taking off | MIT Technology Review
The various Canta models are customizable, allowing the vehicle to meet the mobility needs of a broad range of riders, including wheelchair users.
The Canta 2 Inrijwagen, for example, has no seats and lowers down to allow a wheelchair to roll in through a door at the back. Different types of controls for gas or brakes can be installed to suit the driver.
The Canta is not the only microcar that can be seen driving around the Netherlands, but it is only the only one with these accessibility adaptations and advantages.
The cars range in price from around €15,500 for the Canta Comfort to more than €23,000 for the Canta 2 Inrijwagen.
In Canada we don't beleive in wheelchairs....we will offer you MAID instead....this is how we will get our budget to balance itself.....
Wish I could show pictures here. He’s the person in my photo. Passed away in September. :(