Oh dear. Baby Will seized by the court and wil be subjected to blood transfusions possibly tainted by spike proteins. Such is State run health - the State and its organs (sic) own the people.
From here:
Baby blood donor vaccine battle: Judge rules in favour of Te Whatu Ora, child placed under court’s guardianship for surgery - NZ Herald
“A High Court judge has ruled in favour of health authorities who sought court guardianship of a gravely ill baby boy after his parents refused a blood transfusion and instead wanted a court order to receive blood from exclusively unvaccinated donors.”
NZ ia a highly vaxxed country with mandates imposed on its people to take the human experimental gene modification injections that are more harmful than C19 itself.
The socialist government of NZ is replicated in large part in the UK, Canada and Australia. This means that the same decision is likely in Commonwealth countries and probably the US.
Prayers for the little guy.
Things like this but with CPS have been going on for decades in the States, and we have done nothing to stop it. This is exactly what those against State run health care systems warned us about and despite this, we allowed Obama care to become law of the land. We will see this in the States too.
Straight up. If rhat were my kid. I'd kill them. He would grow up without a father but there is no GD way I would stand by and let that go.