One week to go (plus as much as a month for some States to count their bits of paper) for Americans to decide whether they want to be “governed” by an administrative state
that makes them poorer, sicker and stupid(er) or the wonderfully appropriate US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
There is a need for the administration of decisions made by the Executive of the US – POTUS – for good or ill.
When that administration becomes infested with “swamp rats” ad “administers” insane policies that more than double the price of food and energy, “regulates” the type of cars and appliances that must be bought, floods the country with tens of millions of migrant beggars sucking up taxes and emergency supplies, and mandates FAILED experimental C19 mRNA injections AND seeks to use fake testing to cause the culling of millions upon millions of chickens and livestock – all without ay legal mandate from Congress – then there is a problem.
Consider that the US has somewhere around a million homeless people of all ages. These people should be prioritized for all welfare benefits over all migrant beggars. Americans “exist” in plans and budgets, migrant beggars do not and cannot be planned for or catered for or afforded from taxes and borrowing.
Here’s a Brave AI reports these numbers for welfare recipients in the US:
· SNAP households: 14,311,000 (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
· TANF recipients: 444,911 (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
· SSI recipients: 5,300,000 (Supplemental Security Income) Recipients)
How many Americans spend ALL of their income on the basics – rent, food, energy – for whom insurance, vacation and the odd beer are beyond reach and are a dream?
How much money does it cost to “fully service” migrant beggars in 3–5-star hotels in New York City, as well as in other temporary, less luxurious accommodation? Then provide the migrant beggars with food, clothing, health care, translation facilities, court time, policing – all whilst denying Americans access to the places they infest? I guesstimate 50,000 bucks for each migrant beggar. in direct costs that come from local, city, State and Federal resources PLUS the same in indirect costs for the “administrative” state, loss of use of facilities to those that paid for them, displacement of jobs as migrant beggars are prioritised over Americans, crowding them out of classrooms, increasing wait times for health, jostling at food banks and so on and so forth.
100,000 bucks per migrant beggar, a trillion bucks a year for 10 million beggars – how may of them now? 40 million – casting the economy 4 trillion a year in one way, shape or form?
All “courtesy” of the “administrative state” that enacts the policies of the sock puppets like the cackler “knee pad” Harris and “weekend at Bernie’s” Biden.
Trump will enact his own version that will roll back the previous “regulations” (not laws) of the lunatic left.
There’s more, of course there is.
I have mentioned the “regulations” enacted in democratic party-controlled States, cities and local jurisdictions – and at the Federal level. These policies attack the right to choose they type of cars, shower heads, BBQ’s, light bulbs, lawn mowers and so on ad so forth. It is none of the governments business, but the government’s administrative state has seized the power to determine every aspect in the name of “net zero” ad “climate change”.
Climate change is a hoax at worst and a manageable slow (decades and centuries) change at best. Federal, State, city and local jurisdictions have increased the cost of household energy by handing out loans to build overpriced wind turbines and solar panels that destroy local environments and kill birds, bees, insects and bats onshore ad massacre sea life, whales, dolphins, porpoises and fish stocks, offshore. All so that electricity prices can be charged back to households at double, triple and quadruple the price of hydrocarbon fuels (#2fossil fuels”). Energy is close to free to produce, ad yet it is charged at a national average of around 15 bucks per kWh!
The administrative state, run by freaks, lunatics - arithmetically challenged - and illiterate deniers of facts and evidence that suppress debate, disclosure and progress.
The “progressives” in the Democratic Party are REGRESSIVES!!! – making the poor, poorer ad sicker and denying them the opportunity for a better standard of living and opportunity.
Then there are the “regulations”, not laws, that mandated lockdowns, masking, social distancing ad the failed experimental modified mRNA injections that have seen a permanent increase in the number of Americans dying every year of a whopping 10%. A “one size fits all” regulation (mandate) by the administrative state for federal employees and many States and cities regardless of injections being contra-indicated for heart disease, cancer, allergies - that cause the body to make the spike protein that causes the C19 disease, and is so bally made it contains contaminants and adulterations that are a cause of horrific side effects on their own!
The administrative state – not the law.
We could point out the “no cash bail”, reduction of theft to “misdemeanours”, changing of property rights to allow burglaries, gun laws that prevent Americans from defencing themselves from armed offenders and a host of more changes to regulations.
Venezuela exported its criminals to the US – Venezuela’s crime rate has collapsed whilst crime rates in the US have risen. All due to border “regulations”, not laws. Gags made of other nationalities, like Haitians, are getting stronger and more invasive every day.
There is another political persecution state – dozens of J6 prisoners’ and those awaiting a “speedy trial” by a jury of their peers using suppressed video evidence and the kangaroo prosecution method. Four years without trial – can you imagine? They are not terrorists and caused superficial damage in the Capitol building – only making a few libtards like AOC wet their panties.
Steve Banon is out today, Peter Navarro was released a while ago. Mayorkas and Garland remain “at large” for the same charges that the administrative state within the DoJ declined to prosecute.
The election is about who controls the “administrative state” as much as it about electing those who write laws.
Let’s pray that the socialist/Marxist//Cult of Moloch does not prevail to roll out more regulations approved by similar whack jobs and freaks in the U/WHO/IOM/IPCC and the WE.F.
The Democraic Party has no plans to run the fiscal surpluses necessary to reduce the national debt from almost 36 trillion – and 40 trillion in two short years – they tax and spend like drunken sailors and borrow the difference between their lunatic spending and tazes raised. Interest on debt will take 2 trillion bucks a year – compared to current total “outlays” of 7 trillion a year. Think about that – 30% of all outlays, just on servicing national debt.
Democrats intend do destroy the US as a country via an administrative state. POTUS executive decisions can be legally challenged all the way to the Supreme Court – the administrative state also – but it take months if not years to mount a challenge that may or may not be successful, depending on whether one rational judge sides with the Democratic Party appointed affirmation hire morons or not. C19 cases are still being brought when the evidence is obvious to all.
Fingers crossed that the US shows the world the way forward, not backward into a world of excited misery.
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Great article, Peter Halligan. It's difficult to even keep up with or list all the wrongs that have been done to the taxpayers of the US.
What Amazon wants, it gets.
Early this morning read an *article on a Portland Fox affiliate, don't know if it's even true. We've already spent millions, perhaps billions attempting to clean up Hanford, WA nuclear power site(+) for nearly 3-4 decades, alongside the Columbia River Gorge. *