Out of the frying pan, into the fire – the UK is about to swap a bunch of experienced incompetents for a bunch of inexperienced incompetents
It is election year in the UK, as it is in many countries around the world. A seismic shift is needed to remove the deadly cost of government incompetence and corruption from politics, but there is no “unifying mantra” for making people better off. Legacy political parties on all sides do not base their candidate selections on candidates with the highest quality, judgment, penetration, depth, numeracy. literacy and character required to do the “right thing” for the right reasons for politicians and the “satisficing” of dogma and their voters watch government creep and ever-increasing taxation and overreach, year in year out with declining living standards for the less well-off.
According to Statista and the OECD the UK has around 28 million homes for its 68 million people with a MEDIAN income of US$33,000 or so.
From here: UK change in disposable income per person forecast 2023 | Statista
“Based on the government's forecast from November 2023, the real household disposable income per capita in the United Kingdom fell by 2.2 percent in the 2022/23 fiscal year, the biggest fall in living standards since 1956 when this type of data was first produced. Living standards are also expected to fall in 2023/24, and 2024/25, before starting to rise in 2025/26.”
By way of comparison, the USA has median real household disposable income of close to US$ 50,000 - far higher than the UK.
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita (A229RX0) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (stlouisfed.org)
Definition of terms (like real, median and net) is important and means these comparisons need to be treated with care. From here: UK disposable income per household 2022 | Statista
“In 2021/22 the mean disposable income per household in the United Kingdom was 39,328 British pounds, while the median disposable incomes for households was 32,349 pounds.
Either way it is pretty pathetic. Household energy bills have more than doubled in the last five years, mortgage costs are up sharply, and the medina house costs around 15 TIMES per capita household income.
UK House Price Index - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)
“The average UK house price was £285,000 in December 2023, which was £4,000 lower than 12 months previous. “
People in the UK are more than just feeling the pinch of Tory politicise – they are in a vice.
The UK is no exception to the devastating impacts of the three legs of the UN stool – human trafficking, lethal vaccines and Net Zero lunacy. The ruling Tories lost their way a long time ago when it shifted from reducing taxation and reducing government spending to doing the exact opposite. It failed to make the hard decisions based on higher quality for lower cost. It went “wet and woke”.
The opposition Labour Party has shifted from the left of centre to the far left of centre and has a policy platform akin to National Socialism.
Here’s a little context on the make-up of the current UK Parliament.
The current make-up of the Houses of Parliament has the Tories with a majority of 43 seats with one vacancy amongst the 650 seat House of Commons. There are a further 785 members of the House of Lords made up largely of those promoted where they can do the least harm. There are layers of local government ad differences with the US system, but ca you imagine a House of Representatives with 3,250 members and a Senate with almost 4,000 – which would represent a per capita population equivalent?
Template:UK House of Commons composition - Wikipedia
So, what does Labour have planned. Well, if you can stand to read it, here is the UK Labour Party’s version of “Build Back Better” – by modifying the behaviour of people and the economy.
Here is its “manifesto”.
Missions-Document-Lets-Get-Britains-Future-Back.pdf (labour.org.uk)
There is the usual drivel that exists in any such document. A “wish list” similar to the questions asked of contestants at a Miss World contest.
Here are the five “key” policy proposals from page 8 (9 of 24 I pdf format). Communists always seem to have a “five” somewhere in their propaganda campaigns – remember all those East German “five-year plans”?
- Putting economic stability first
- Getting Britain building again
- Backing British business
- Kickstarting a skills revolution
- Making Work Pay
Something that is stable does not change much – so the ambition looks to be economic stagnation!
No worries though – on the top of page, we have this “‘Securonomics’. Some call it ‘modern supply side’ economics.” Because that always kicks the ca down the road right – somebody else’s clean up.
The plan is to build 1.5 million homes – for a cost of around 427 billion pounds (at the current 285,000 median house price)? Presumably either importing a massive labour force or taking Brits off whatever they are working on. UK National Debt is already 3 trillion pounds costing more than 100-150 billion pounds a year with an aging population and unfunded State pensions. No plans to reduce any of that – but see below for the sequestration of private investments!
Restarting a skills revolution? “A new generation of Technical Excellence Colleges,” because all existing educational establishments are too “woke” to deliver a qualified workforce? This is justified because “Because higher skills are good for growth and rising living standards.” Well, d’uh! This has been a policy program of all governments for decades. If the current system is broken, why not fix it, rather than layering even more “doomed to wallow” colleges that take students away from other places causing them to lose students and money? How many students for how many skills shortages getting paid how much in grants and loans? Say its 50 colleges with half a million students and 5,000 “professors”? Gulp.
Check out some of the narrative around backing business – “Creating a National Wealth Fund to unlock billions of pounds of private investment, crowding in 3 times the amount of public investment. Because growing businesses are the best route to high paid jobs everywhere.”
Labour plans to divert savings and investments into a “National Wealth Fund”, to “unlock” billions of pounds of private investment! This is also known as stealing or in Newspeak – the sequestrate of capital.
Check this out:
“Switch On Great British Energy
By switching on Great British Energy, a new publicly owned, clean energy company, that ensures jobs are created here in Britain and that we aren't dependent on tyrants like Putin.”
Great British Energy ix the name of the new company. To go along with names like the BBC, BT, BP, BG et al – except it will have the name “Great” in front of it.
Really. A monolith to expensive and obsolete “clean” energy company – where wind power and solar is failing everywhere? Why not just state “based on nuclear and natural gas?” Or commit to making “clean energy” compete o a level playing field, instead of paying massive subsidies and consumers still paying far higher prices than energy sourced from hydrocarbons? Natural gas charges per household are five times the price of electricity sourced from the grid using “clean energy”.
Presumably, as opposed to the sell off of British Telecom at a huge discount decades ago, British Clean Energy will not have any assets producing ay returns and will require a government guarantee – adding more hundreds of billions of pounds to the national debt. All mirroring the UN plans for finance of energy development projects of course. Perhaps “UK Energy Bods” paying 1% over UK Gilts are on the way.
It doesn’t stop there – of course it doesn’t. The Labour Party has learned from the mistakes it made with similar plans in the 2019 election. Its plans to use the “magic money tree” were easily exposed and ridiculed.
But here is the “free lunch”.
From the “making work pay” section “… Because creating well-paid jobs across all parts of our country will make working people better off and more secure.” Another “Well, d’uh”. Everybody gets a pay rise!
Of course, the rest of the world will be standing still – no wars, diseases, supply chain disruptions and so on.
Now if we all just do as we say ad march in step, we will win! As always, politicians treat taxes as a “right” for them to spend, rather a “privilege” granted to them to spend wisely on our behalf. Most politicians would struggle to run a bakery, let alone a multi-trillion-pound economy saddled with monstrous debt and deficits.
A “manifesto” that would make people far better off would be to attack the three legs of the U stool – mass vaccinations, human trafficking and climate lunacy. Labour does have a plan for the human trafficking aspect. From page 5 – “3. SECURE BORDERS” we have this:
“Deploy more police and investigators in a Cross-Border Police Unit to go after the smuggler and trafficking gangs who undermine our border security and put lives at risk. Set up a 1,000 strong Returns Unit to ensure failed asylum seekers and others with no right to be here are removed. End hotel use for asylum seekers by clearing the asylum backlog with more staff to process claims and return people to safe countries.”
Good luck with that. Imported drugs are a big problem in the UK that has lasted for decades– the human and civil rights movements are also strong. The UN would oppose any threat to its human trafficking scheme. There are probably upwards of 2 million “economic asylum seekers” Iinthe U, costing 50,000 pounds each in direct and indirect costs every year the odd 100 billion pounds a year. -
I could go on, but here’s one last issue. From page 7 “Get The NHS Back On Its Feet - By paying doctors and nurses overtime to work evenings and weekends to cut the backlog - paid for by ending the non-dom tax break for the very wealthy.”
I am sure the medics will be happy to extend their already long hours, right? The issue here is that the NHS “sacred cow” is hugely inefficient and drowning in bureaucracy.
More here:
Bottom line? In 2000, health spending in the UK was 50 billion a year for 59 million people – around 850 pounds per capita – in 2022/23 it was around 215 billion for 68 million people – around 3,200 pounds per capita. Up around 6% per annum during a period of overall inflation of around 2%.
Hospital waiting lists are at record levels and that is before the tsunami of adverse events from toxic experimental mRNA injections hit in the next few years. No mention of that in Labour’s manifesto!
Here's a suggestion to the Tory mandarins. You are going to lose so lay the groundwork that capitalizes the abysmal failures that the incoming Labour government will inflict.
Start with reversing every leg of the UN stool. Abandon all climate change measures, deport all economic asylum seekers to build new cities in the Sahara, and criminalise the pharma industry.
Remember how the UK government leased the Chinese swamp for 100 years and turned it to Hong Kong? Lease some desert and do the same.
Either abolish all transaction taxes (excise duties and VAT) or income and corporation taxes - - reduce the costs of the NHS by half. Create a national scheme to reverse engineer all imports and produce I the UK.
Start with that and campaign for 2029. You might also insist that mRNA injections carry the exact same health warnings as cigarettes – and make sure that all their packaging is in black ad hidden from view in all retail outlets.
Please subscribe ten dollars a month or annually for 100 bucks. You can also donate via Ko-fi – any amount from three dollars upwards. Ko-fi donations here: https://ko-fi.com/peterhalligan
Ouch, I forgot this. Massie on Glenn Beck - 8 minutes.
Only slightly OT, but important. In the US, Thomas Massie is submitting a bill to add to the Bill of Rights.
To wit: All Americans have the right to grow food. Further, they can sell, buy, or trade food with anyone they damn well please!
Your country and mine both desperately need a law like this. So spread the word if you can.
There's got to be one or two sane MPs out there. (I hope!)