Overweight “tax payer trough” feeding UK politician pledges UK support for “common agenda” at the UN – without any consensus in the UK – Brits want to pay more taxes and cut living standards?????
From here:
“You Have the UK’s Full Support” – Coffey To The UN General Assembly – The Expose (expose-news.com)
Expose-news.com goes into detail on her past “faux pas”, but somehow this lump got to be a spokesperson for the entire United Kingdom.
So, meet the UK’s “Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs”, Thérèse Anne Coffey.
Coffey and Splutterery no doubt.
Here are the three points she wanted to drive home at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York on 21st September 2023,
That is, the three points
“The UK applauds the Secretary-General’s work to use Our Common Agenda to bring coherence to both the future of multilateralism and achieving the SDGs,”
Well, actually, the UK does not applaud the SF, or a Common Agenda (One World Government) or the UN and WEF’s version of multilateralism or have unanimous interest in the SDG’s.
Only the brain-washed, science denying climate freaks and members of the Cult of Moloch believe in any of that crap.
Here’s the three points she claimed represents the beliefs and ambitions of the British public.
“First, multilateralism matters more now than ever.”
Yes we have seen how your government wants to heighten nuclear tensions by pursuing multilateralism with Russia by arming Ukraine. There is a version of multi-lateralise that would make people around the world better off, healthier and better educated with higher paying jobs. You do not know what that version is, though congratulations on spouting the term as a platitude.
“Second, we must stay laser-focused on transforming people’s lives by achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”
I doubt she has even read the 17 Development Goals.
Sustainability Goals - Energy Recovery
Lot of duplicitous language concealing an agenda to groom kids, carpet the planet in forests of windmills and plantations of solar panels, whilst creating global energy poverty and a global surveillance gulag.
“And finally, the UK applauds the Secretary-General’s work to use Our Common Agenda to bring coherence to both the future of multilateralism and achieving the SDGs.”
“Common Agenda”??? = the implementation of “One World” policy? Policies that have not been disclosed beyond the SDG’s. Policies the British public do not wholeheartedly embrace and policies that have placed the bottom 50% of Brits in the grips of food and energy poverty.
The British public desperately needs a political party that simply reverses the consequences of a decade or two of bad government – with the objective of halving taxes and reducing spending by more than half to put the country back on an even keel. Same foes for every western government and Japan that has enacted profligate spending practices and an ever increasing and punishing tax burden. The UK could start with abolishing the European taxation device – Value Added Tax (CAT) -and all customs and excise duties.
VAT is a transaction tax set at mostly 20%, invented by the EU and forced into the UK half a decade ago. It disproportionately impacts the poor who face its higher resulting prices with low disposable income. It also acts as a tariff on imports.
So, Dr Coffey, you and your ilk need to think again. Not only do people not w3ant the “steenking vaccines”, they also do not all wat the chicken little, “arbitrary and capricious” SDG’s that groom kids for paedophiles and make the whole planet hungrier, sicker and poorer. “Pull you head in”.
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I was Dev. Assistance Ctee (DAC) secretary when MDGs - which became SDGs - were put together for UN and responsible for reviewing members' activity proposals to ensure they conformed to one of the 8 goals at the time. We used to put out a monthly "checklist" with upcoming activities/meetings each of which came under a specific goal. The DAC president and secretariat were all very committed to achieving those goals. They were good people back then. I don't recall there was any specific mention of vaccines either. Even if this was a very old plan, the evil ones didn't take over until not that long ago.
My greatest fear is that whoever/whatever is created to counter these sickos would be
sucked in to the same vacuum and or declared trash against this onslaught on humanity!
Rebellions will be required....the sickos need to be thrashed and obliterated! THE PEOPLE
need to Really Wake-up and fight! If we don't we will be led like cattle to slaughter!