“Papers please!” – the digital version that has been rolled out in the EU as the countries within it close their borders to each other and the outside world
One cannot help but be reminded of the tattooed numbers on arms in concentration camps in the last war.
You will recall that the EU created a digital ID “wallet”.
Agreement reached on EU Digital Identity Regulation - EU Digital Identity Wallet –“The agreement is a legal framework that paves the way for the creation of EU Digital Identity Wallets; safe and secure personal digital wallets that will enable all EU citizens, residents and businesses to have seamless access to public and private online services in every Member State, while also retaining complete control over their personal data. Wallets will also enable users to safely obtain, store and share important credentials like Mobile Driving Licences and education diplomas, and will be able to electronically sign or seal documents.”
Which followed the EU’s digital (useless) ” C19 vaccination” ID system:
EU Digital COVID Certificate - European Commission
“The EU Digital COVID certificate has been a crucial element in Europe's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 2.3 billion certificates issued.
The certificate, which covered COVID-19 vaccination, test and recovery, facilitated safe travel for citizens, and it has also been key to support Europe's hard-hit tourism industry.”
Interesting – 2.3 billion certificates for the EU’s 450 million people.
Th WHO was so impressed it “bought” (for nothing) the technology:
“In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.”
A digital “passport” that made sure that people had been injected with experimental ad badly made toxins like the modified C19 mRNA ones that failed to prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization and death from C19 and instead killed tens of millions and injured hundreds of millions more – but a digital certificate said they were gullible and would follow the advice of quacks and grifters interested only in money and power – not health. Bureaucrat enabled – ad bureaucrats love information on everyone, as much as possible. Normal people want a minimum of bureaucracy, for a bureaucrat, the opposite applies,
Nete especially that socialism needs huge taxes and a huge bureaucracy – a bureaucracy that never shrinks, only increases in size, like a mosquito gorging on the blood of its victim.
The “vaccination” certificate was a fraud – there was no serious pandemic, no measures were required, and the “vaccine” was a gene modifying experiment with no track record of success anywhere – that failed abysmally to behave like ay “vaccine”. It was badly made with numerous contaminants and adulterations from the manufacturing process.
Which brings us to the next piece in the digital march to global socialism and digital “Papers please” for all movement and transactions by people, now that the EU is imploding.
The European Travel Information and Authorisation System
Not just a travel visa – electronic as in the US, or a stamp in your passport if you live outside the EU. It will be used INSIDE the EU also, to verify your credentials as you cross countries within the EU – countries that abandoned all border crossing points between EU countries (thus eliminating problems were opposite sides of a street were in different EU countries!).
Imagine border checkpoints between US States, UK cuties/countries and Canadian Provinces!
I show below an email I received from Mihael Bellis of Slovenia, which discusses the on-going collapse of the EU – under the weight of welfare benefits to illegal immigrants, of course - “internal open border” system and its implications for transit and travel within and into the EU from outside it.
It’s quite lengthy but contains a host of questions about the future of the EU and what it has turned the countries that make it up, into “mayoralties” rather than countries with governments.
The Union of European Socialist Republics (U E SR – as opposed to the U Soviet SR) is “governed by three bodies, each of which has its own president. The EU Council of Leaders (supposedly formulates policy amongst its temporary country leaders), the U Commissar (run by the corrupt van der Leyen\ of multi-billion “vaccine” ordering by text, fame) who translate the policy into “Directives” that each member country must re-formulate into the various national laws – and the EU Parliament, which (supposedly) vets the Directives and approves them. From Brave AI “The EU Parliament has the power to reject or amend Commission-proposed legislation, including directives. According to the Treaty on European Union, the Parliament can reject a proposal or propose amendments, which the Council can then accept or reject.”
Back to the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. Here is an explanation of the issues and the implications for the EU – a body that exists to regulate everyone and enforce compliance with a “papers please” digital ID for everything – and the impact on people who would rather the EU stopped raising prices and taxes and simply ley the criminal law prosecute and punish miscreants.
All the time all over the world, the issue is “regulation v law” – the administrative state v the prosecution system,
Here it is:
From: Mihael Bellis
I received a regular letter from a friend, and it gave me no peace. Why would some Europe close its borders, but when ... And I read here: https://peterhalligan.substack.com/cp/150459364 /All credit to Peter! / From this I found out the following and tried to answer: "WHY?"
France will introduce temporary border controls with six neighbouring countries, which have also been gone for a long time, due to the so-called "state protection", which has also been missing for a long time. Major updates have been happening in Europe lately. It seems that the program of open borders, open flow of people and a single monetary system is slowly starting to crumble, as more and more countries tighten border controls, which is only the beginning of a domino effect also in terms of the enlargement of the European Union, which is in line with the 2030 Agenda. The finding expresses concern about the current state of affairs in Europe, which seems to be moving away from the values of openness and integration that it once espoused. At the same time, it warns of the potential danger that these changes form part of a wider implication for the European project - as a whole.
Let us recall how Germany introduced border controls and how the Netherlands and Hungary demanded to leave the EU migration pact. Now, France will introduce temporary border controls with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain from November 1. France states that these countries are "serious threats to public policy, public order and internal security posed by high-level terrorist activities" among the reasons for obstructing and suppressing border security in the name of the free movement of people. And where is the real problem? The weight is that Sweden pays people to migrate.
Some are even of the opinion that in this act there is a possible risk that "radicalized individuals" would cross the border, as well as to prevent "illegal crossings" of people trying to enter the country. However, they did not explain what an illegal crossing is if the EU is based on the free movement of people. Thus, we are now seeing several European countries closing or at the moment merely tightening security at their national borders. Despite this fact, Hungary was fined a hefty €200 million fine for refusing to open its borders. So, we rightly conclude that things are changing in Europe. They are being changed with the agreed intention of the policy in order to make it easier to introduce digital passports within the European Union, because otherwise the process of digitization and the planned control over the population of Europe would proceed significantly more slowly.
Nothing happens in politics without a prior planned agreement and a prior plan. I'm sure that's the case this time as well. Time will tell whether I have looked correctly into the crystal ball that talks about the ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System), the digital identity card and digital passport and other control systems within the European infrastructure. The rules for travelling to and from Europe are changing. As of 2024, around 1.4 billion people from more than 60 visa-exempt countries must have a travel authorisation to enter most European countries instead of a visa before entering the European Union. In support of what has just been said, it is written on the official website of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of the Interior informs on the website: https://www.policija.si/delovna-podrocja/nadzor-drzavne-meje/potovalne-odobritve-etias that the ETIAS travel authorization will become a new condition for entry into most European countries from mid-2025. It will apply to citizens of around 60 visa-exempt countries. Similar travel authorisations are currently issued by the US, Canada and Australia, as well as other countries.
In a nutshell. ETIAS is a digital travel authorisation for a country of entry for visa-exempt nationals travelling to any of these 30 European countries. The system is linked to a passport. It has a limited validity of up to three years or until the expiry of the passport, whichever is earlier. If you get a new passport now, you must also obtain a new ETIAS travel authorization. Which European countries will require this travel authorisation, who will have to apply for it and who will be exempt? Here you can find a list of countries that Slovenia conditions: Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Kosovo, Macao, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela. For the more visual reader, here you have the iconography of the countries:
The European Travel Information and Authorisation System, better known as ETIAS, will have a significant impact on the security and efficiency of travel to the Schengen area. Think of it as an invisible guard who checks that you meet all security requirements before you travel to the EU, making it easier to enter the borders. The ETIAS will work in the background, automatically reviewing the applications of visa-exempt travellers and comparing them with various European security databases, such as the Schengen Information System (SIS) and Europol's databases. This preliminary screening will reduce the possibility of entry for individuals who could pose a security, migration or health risk.
An important part of the ETIAS story is the security of personal data. All data will be carefully guarded, and only authorised persons will be given access to it, ensuring that the system will not be used for discriminatory decisions or unauthorised access. Before you embark on a trip, air, sea, and also land transport companies (such as bus companies) will check that you have a valid ETIAS travel authorization. If you don't have one, you won't be boarded, but your data will be protected – carriers won't have access to the details of your application, only to information about the validity of the permit. ETIAS will also be closely linked to other European security systems, allowing border authorities to quickly check that you meet all the requirements when you enter the EU. Even if you have a valid permit, the final decision on entry is still made by the border authority.
In some exceptional cases, however, ETIAS allows for human touch. Member States will be able to grant travel authorisations on humanitarian grounds or on grounds of national interest, even if normal rules are not met. This will keep the system flexible and human-centric. In this way, the ETIAS will not only "simplify" procedures, but will also contribute to greater security for all residents and visitors of the Schengen area.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid introduction of QR code-based health certificates that served as proof of vaccination or a negative test for the virus. These certificates were used to facilitate entry into public spaces and borders. However, this approach has also brought with it a number of privacy concerns as the health data of individuals who became extremely sensitive during the pandemic has spread across Europe. Critics have warned that this may violate individuals' privacy rights, as health data is considered one of the most protected data.
With regard to the introduction of ETIAS and the handling of health data, it is crucial to focus on the fundamental issue of protecting the privacy of individuals. Regardless of whether individual countries, such as France or Germany, close their borders or not, and regardless of whether the ETIAS is actually introduced, the interference with the guaranteed privacy remains intolerable.
Health data, which is among the most sensitive information, must be treated with the utmost care and protection. In the past, there have been concerns about the processing of this data, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when QR code health certificates were used to verify vaccinations and virus tests. Critics have warned that once this data is in the system, it can be vulnerable to misuse or illegal access.
It is therefore clear that it will be necessary to teach officials and all those involved in the implementation of ETIAS the basic legal and ethical principles of protection (not of the state and state security, which is a mere fiction, but of the privacy and protection of the citizens of the European Union and of ethical conduct accordingly). Without proper training of these arbitrary and cunning officials, and without raising awareness of the importance of protecting the privacy and personal data of natural persons, that is, EU citizens, there is a risk that the fundamental right to privacy of every EU citizen will be violated. This, however, is an issue addressed by the Declaration of Human Rights, an issue that is dealt with by the constitutions of the Member States, irrespective of their internal national legislation, which is more often than not in line with the Constitution. That is why the actions of European officials require serious consideration, because the protection of privacy must not be sacrificed in the name of security or migration policies for the sake of the security of an associated nation state that has long since ceased to exist, because only provinces or, if you like, European municipalities (German, French, Italian, Slovenian, etc.) are members and others) and no longer a sovereign state. This is also the reason why now the national prime ministers, whom I call mayors, govern the country by decree and no longer by laws. Because the laws are ruled by Brussels.
Within the European country, only provincial mayors, provincial commandos, and previous mayors of cities became their subsidiary implementers at the lowest executive local level. I am therefore justified in asking the question, so which country is required to have a digital identity within the European Union? What is the question of protecting a country at all, and will the national European municipalities now close in on themselves and impose conditions on Brussels, even though they gave up their own sovereignty as a condition for joining before joining? At least in the Slovenian Constitution, the renunciation of sovereignty is stated in Article 3a of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia.
Three key thoughts come to mind, which I believe are essential.
- "Our Prime Minister has consciously gone from a sovereign ruler to a provincial administrator subordinate to Brussels. Where is our country? Let us not allow ourselves to become just another piece in the confused European mosaic! It was not part of the social agreement when Slovenia became independent!"
- "Freedom of movement is a fundamental constitutional right. Is it now becoming a purely Slovenian and European illusion? Freedom of movement under Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia is not a right that can be abolished by a Brussels official! Obviously, our governor will not deserve a bust for good governance of the people."
- "Digital identity is the unnecessary security of the state, because we citizens are not invaders of our own country. Such a digital or other ID is not an attack on the security of the country, but only an attack on our civil rights. Privacy is not a luxury, but a right and, first and foremost, a freedom to have the freedom and ownership of data that is mine, that is yours, but not theirs, unless we freely hand it over!"
Europe has thus become a place where the cross-sectoral provincial tradition of the previously named countries now meets innovation, and because every crisis brings a new opportunity, this time is no different in the deliberate manipulation of border closures. This time we are witnessing a European spectacle that we would not be ashamed of even in Hollywood. The title I have chosen is not only provocative, but also full of cynical charm: 'Europe has fallen at its foundation, but with a purpose, not in reality'.
Let's start with the dramatic drop. No, I am not talking about the moment when the French President indulged in another glass of wine, but about the deliberate destruction of fundamental values. It is obvious that the crisis has become a fad that heads of state wear as if it were the latest trend in fashion. Ever since the pandemic, every problem has been solved by the magic wand of digitalization. And where is the solution? Of course, in a digital ID! Wondering how this connects? Very simple. When things start to fall apart, the best way is to take some freedom away from people and offer them "security" in the form of a digital identity. It is obvious that we all need to keep a close eye in order to make the world safer. Finally, the opportunity has come to introduce a system that allows us all to have our little digital spy in our pockets. Now our government can wander around our privacy as if it were in a national gallery and look at the products nailed to the wall.
Of course, not everything is so rosy. You can still go for a coffee or a walk until you forget your digital ID at home. Then you can imagine yourself being monitored by security systems that record your every move. Who would want freedom when I have the opportunity to be safe? And since we are in Europe, of course, no one is going to ask who wants their national or European or even world government to control their every step. Actually, that's the real democratic spirit, isn't it? Who needs free speech when you can listen to the government say how safe it is to live with a digital ID? It's as easy as downloading a new app on your smartphone.
So, dear reader, as we watch Europe fall at its core, we are reminded that this is only a project, that it is only part of the implementation, part of the urgent plan envisaged. It has a beginning, it has a social corrective, and it is followed by a sustainable solution, as the Germans used to say: "The final solution!" With a simple wave of the hand, the deeply and highly vaunted state protection will suddenly become the personal control of me and you, but at least we will be socially obedient and supremely safe from the threatened state. Who says we can't offer the country both?
The reflection on "protects" and "control" is written above to encourage both of us to proactively reflect on what it really means to live in a free society and what each of us, individually or collectively, can do to uphold our rights and our personal dignity. Who says we can't keep, own, and have both?
mag. Mihael Bellis, univ. dipl. theol.
Spec. Juris Moralis ad Codex Canonicus
End of email
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I used to think how the hell did we let the Holocaust and nazi Germany get that powerful! But look what is happening now! Horrifying
Past lives makes overseas travel impossible, added to which my older age is no help, so I'm happy to reside in my country of residence and not travel any further afield, which also confirms that I won't ever agree to a poisonous vaccine, for any reason, either.