Pfizer CEO guilty of misleading the public, making unsubstantiated claims, and by failing to present information in a factual and balanced way about the need for child "vaccines"
From here:
Pfizer’s CEO rapped by regulator for making ‘misleading’ statements about children’s vaccines (
“Dr Albert Bourla used an interview with the BBC last December to claim that “there is no doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favour of” vaccinating youngsters aged five to 11 against Covid-19. “
“The interview was published on Dec 2 - before the vaccine had been approved by Britain’s medical regulator for this age group. Shortly after the article’s publication, a complaint was submitted to the pharmaceutical watchdog - the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) - by UsForThem, a parent campaign group which was set up to promote the plight of children during the pandemic. “
Pfizer pitched the verdict as a win, because it had not been found in breach of more serious allegations of misconduct.
“But the more serious findings - including that Pfizer had brought discredit to the industry, had encouraged irrational use of a medicine and had failed to maintain high standards - were overturned. PMCPA said the full case report will be published in the coming weeks.”
So, Pfizer claims vindication for the attempted random murder of kids using a toxic injection that has no possible benefit to kids, because it maintained high standards. Got it.
When I was in university, I would occasionally sit with the nerds (the thinkers) around the campus and, among many things, we would discuss the rise of Hitler and the fall of the German state in the first half of the 20th Century. We would debate endlessly over how an almost entire, intelligent, Christian society could have become cowed and tolerant of what would become one of the most heinous, anti-human tyrannies in modern history. We were taught to believe we were morally and benevolently superior to the Germans of 1933, but we were never able to agree on a reason for that seeming approbation of evil. Well, look at the past three years. Look at Canada. Look at the Netherlands. Look at Australia. Look at the CDC and the FDA. Look at the entirety of Western society and all those who gleefully attacked the few stalwart "anti-vaxxers" who could see through the mass formation of ignorance and human baseness. Look at Dr. Albert Bourla and Yuval Harari—and take note of their origins. And now you know very well how the radical, Leftist-socialist, Fascist regime of Hitler captured just that one nation. Most certainly there were others before and at the time of the German Nazis—and since. So here is the knowledge that all societies seem to forget over just a few generations of socialist manipulation. It is always the case. Radical socialism seems to be the default state of humanity. Perhaps we are fooling ourselves in thinking evil isn't our default nature. Fall asleep in a democracy and wake up in a tyranny. I'm not sure we can defeat them this time. Cheers, Peter.
Thank you PH. Misleading? Hardly. EVIL LYING more fitting.
The more that's uncovered from these evil monsters, the more alarming it gets.
Their off hand way of dismissing the consequences of their actions, is unreal.
Just wondering if their behaviour is an attempt to appear to be mad?
Their wriggle room when they eventually face justice. Plead insanity?