Pfizer fraudulently misrepresented the end points in its clinical trial
Fraud and profiteering - amplified by politicians
Let’s start with this YouTube video to refresh your memories, it could be extended with a further years’ worth of data to reflect the NEGATIVE efficacy of the injections.
Fauci in the Hall of the Mountain King - YouTube
Here’s the admission of guilt.
Pfizer bomb goes off in European Parliament… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Now let’s refer to my prior post here:
Why the shock about the C19 Pfizer injection NOT preventing transmission? (
Cast your eyes over the last three rows around the end points for the design of the clinical trial:
No clinical trial was designed with an end point of “Interruption of Transmission (person to person spread). Not one.
The issue at the time was to prevent the “cytokine storms” that caused death, remember? The end point “Prevention of symptomatic disease in vaccine recipient” was the ONLY end point required. Not transmission and not hospitalization and death.
Every representation made by Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca that the injections were designed to prevent SARS-COV2 infection that caused the C19 disease were lies. The only end point was the prevention of symptomatic C19 disease.
Every amplification by every health regulator, every medic, every government advisor and every politician was FALSE - the regulators and medics have no excuse. The clinical trial design and end points were available to all and published in a prestigious British medical journal, the BMJ.
This is the smoking gun of FRAUD and RACKETEERING that has been operating in plain sight since the launch of the injections, after which the claims that infections would stop, was made.
The motive is clear. Pfizer. Moderna and Astra Zeneca had no intention of saving humanity from infection with the SARS-COV2 virus. Their motivation was to make billions by exploiting a marketing opportunity, whilst ignoring all pain, suffering and death. They knew by the end of the trial that the there was no statistical difference in mortality from the C19 disease, they used the slogan “91%, 95% or higher “efficacy” as a brand marketing tool. They hid the 16% higher incidence of adverse events from injections (24% in the injected group of 21,900 or so - compared to - 6% adverse events in the placebo group of the same number).
This is criminal. No matter how many people had been saying it was for months. It is now admitted in the European Parliament, cannot be denied and can be followed up against the evidence known before and during the clinical trials and into the launch of injections.
So, saddle up pilgrims - or lawyers - the damn just broke.
For ease, here is the BNJ article again. The pop-up with the table is highlighted a little way down on the left hand side.
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 21 October 2020)Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m4037
And, again for ease, you can check out pages 11 and 12 for summary statistics on key metrics in the Canadian Critical Care Alliance (of 500 doctors) here:
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print - MoreHarm.pdf | DocDroid
This might explain a few things.