I cross posted this discussion with ex-CDC scientist Norman Pieniazeka little while ago. I found it excellent – highly informative.
A second discussion with ex-CDC scientist Norman Pieniazek (substack.com)
It is a long interview – 110 minutes. Norman Pieniazeka debunks a lot of the BS surrounding the scamdemic and the measures taken. He is generous with his criticisms – poking a stick at Dr Mike Yeadon (everything he says is correct, but he should lay off the depopulation stuff – it’s about money) and Geert vanden Bossche (his application of chicken cancers has no bearing on respiratory diseases in humans).
Amongst the many points Norman Pieniazeka made, these stood out for me.
1. 90% of Poles put on ventilators died – much the same as in the US – which left me with the nagging suspicion that patients were respirated to prevent infecting medical staff and were assumed “already dead” and thus could be denied food and water and restrained – the respirators used to prevent any exhalations of these “living dead” from infecting the air in the facility.
2. The contents of the spike venom injection vials were not changed to cater for “new variants” – this was a sham – which reminded me of this article I posted a long while ago - (100) Would the FDA have approved bleach as a C19 treatment if Pfizer and Moderna had called it a C19 mRNA "vaccine"? (substack.com)
3. Flu vaccines do not work and neither do C19 spike venom injections. Since they do not work, any substance could be in the doses and prove just as (in)effective. This is the basis for all “vaccines” – they cannot be proven effective in treating the targets. Combine that with moves to combine RSV, flu and C19 into a single (bi-annual?) mRNA shot and you are left with the observation “There is no scientific or medical evidence that either jointly or severally that circulatory injections have any impact on respiratory conditions”.
Those who like rabbit holes might be interested in this paper from 2019 that discusses mRNA injections – targeting multiple parasitic diseases – note that Ivermectin is not mentioned, but now familiar problems are. Quite the circle between “vaccine” and “pills” right?
Enlisting the mRNA Vaccine Platform to Combat Parasitic Infections - PMC (nih.gov)
Here’s just one paragraph from the “limitations” section.
“Once administered in vivo or in vitro, the stability of mRNA is limited. In mice, measurable levels of protein translation were found up to 10 days (5 µg dose), depending on the route of the delivery [71,85,86].
When using higher doses or with the application of self-amplifying RNA, RNA can be translated at high levels for several weeks [43,87]. The stability in vivo can be improved when the mRNA is encapsulated or linked to a protective delivery system [28,88,89,90]. However, it should be noted that from the vaccine safety perspective, the low half-life of the mRNA is typically regarded as an advantage.”
Ok, on to amantadine.
Norman mentioned that amantadine was not widely used in western Europe or the USA but that sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease in Polish institutions also did not suffer from colds or flus. Now, he did not mention C19 specifically in this context (unless I missed it), but here are a few links that do.
From here:
“Demonstrating the efficacy and safety of amantadine treatment in improving clinical status in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 is potentially of great importance in combating the effects of the pandemic.
If it turns out that the drug does not significantly affect the course and severity of the acute phase of infection, it will still have an important impact on the severity and course of neurological complications, which are very common and persist long after the infection.”
Yes indeed!
“Conclusions: Demonstrating the efficacy and safety of amantadine treatment in improving the clinical condition of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 is of great importance in combating the effects of the pandemic.
It has potential to influence on the severity and course of neurological complications, which are very common and persist long after the infection as long-COVID syndrome.”
Meagre dare I know, maybe even straw clutching – but “you never know”. The more we understand the mechanism s of action for prophylaxis and treatment the more we advance and help people!
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Good post ⚠️ https://open.substack.com/pub/joomi/p/how-safe-are-covid-19-vaccines?r=ykqw5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
by Edwin Black
Edwin Black is the author of "IBM and the Holocaust" and "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race," from which the following article is drawn.