Pssst – want free access to a global knowledge database that is uncensored, free of manipulation and propaganda AND does not require internet access?
From here (h/t Kyle)
“Through censorship, "fact-checking," so-called "misinformation" initiatives and paid propaganda, the powers that be are trying to memory hole human knowledge of immune function, nutrition and disease prevention (among many other topics).
They are attacking farms across Europe, trying to destroy the very concept of growing food for a sustainable civilization. Everywhere you turn today, human knowledge is under assault by globalist-oriented, anti-human corporations, governments, regulators and non-profit groups that are actively attempting to achieve a "global reset" that involves the mass extermination of billions of human beings through engineered famine, war and depopulation via biological weapons which are deceptively named "vaccines."
I have not checked it out, but it looks promising.
See what you think
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WOW! So great for all the data-diggers.
I like Mike!