Rambling thoughts - If the Pandemic Treaty/Accord is agreed, the WHO will be a global monopoly with “de facto” control of 10 million medics and a trillion dollar ANNUAL budget
Here is a draft version of the pandemic treaty or accord that will operate under the “Conference of the Parties” protocols used for things like climate and tobacco.
Dated December 2023.
Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement
There has never been an outcome of a Conference of the Parties under the auspices of the United Nations that has resulted in more income for anyone in the developed world – it was designed to transfer wealth and resources to the developing world.
For reh developed world the outcomes are more taxes and higher costs – creating poverty in the developed world wherever it has been applied.
To quote Matt Taibi from Rolling Stone all the way back in 2009 when he referred to Goldman Sachs the UN is a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money”.
Amongst the most ridiculous excuses – and there are many = offered by any national health regulator anywhere in the world, was the claim by the Australian regulator of gene therapies that it had no jurisdiction over imported gene therapies. The real reason was of course that the US Army owned the mRNA injections and was deploying a bioweapon against the Australia people. The regulator had no jurisdiction over the US Army under military agreements with the US.
The requite of the 2005 International Health Regulations will enshrine this kind of thinking and attitude across the glove. Creating a bureaucracy of tens of millions of people, screwing things up remorselessly and hiding behind immunity from prosecution and accountability.
The WHO is seeking to amend IHR 2005 with more amendments than are contained in the accrual regulations themselves. It is pushing forward using the terms in IHR 2005 that state that amendments do not require the consent of those countries that are signatories to IHR 2005.
Make no bines about it- THIS IS A NEW TREATY – being drawn up by unelected representatives that consider their powers to be sovereign and binding.
Clown world.
That’s the IHR 2005. There is also a “Pandemic Treaty” of “Accord” that has run into a lot of trouble, with developing countries’ demanding the same “privileges” and “access” as those “enjoyed” by developed countries during the C19 scamdemic, whilst big pharma is squealing about the terms imposed that limit their profits and “intellectual property” rights – profits ad IP that has killed tens of millions and injured billions.
What is not being discussed or analysed is the incremental resources that mist be acquired by the WHO in order to fulfil the “ultra vires” obligations that it is now seeking to make legal by granting it cartel authority.
Consider that ALL heavily vaccinated countries are seeing an increase in demand for the health services they provide – taking health care systems closer to the tipping point of having more people waiting for treatment than are being treated. Health systems were under extreme pressure BEFORE the scamdemic – evidence the long waiting lists in the UK and the “triage” system in Canada that rations health care.
The scamdemic INCREASED that load on health services – further increasing the rationing of health care and prompting Canada to extend the scope of state euthanasia beyond those with no hope of recovery and with no “quality life years” possible, to those who “can’t be bothered” pr whose medics “can’t be bothered” seeking curative or improving quality of life treatment protocols.
The WHO is seeking to expand its role to that of the sole arbiter of all the means of production and compliance for all pandemics for every country in the world.
Consider that countries around the world have stressed systems in place now. A PHEIC declared by the quacks at the WHO will result in the suspension of ALL laws, statutes, regulations. protocols, religious practices and ALL business, travel, entertainment etc – ALL of it – and the entire planet will be subject to the diktats of unelected bureaucrats who have immunity form any and all crimes.
The WHO will take responsibility for all social and economic behaviours, all design and manufacturing of treatment protocols, all distribution and compliance with all the measures it imposes. One size fits all – up to and including compulsory incarceration in quarantine camps or exemptions for those infected or suspected of being infected using any crap diagnostic tool they invent. No exceptions.
These policies will be determined by atheists – those who deny the existence of God and the validity of all religions – the arbiters will be religious deniers – a belief system in itself.
The WHO will take responsibility for all regulatory functions and eventually all punishments such as suspending medical licenses, censorship of alternatives and of course – policing, prosecution and imprisonment.
Where is the WHO going to get the resources it is going to need to become “the head of the global snake cartel”? The draft pandemic treat/accord document lays the framework for a complete “pandemic industry” – with the pandemic being an opinion of a quack that a pandemic is happening or MIGHT happen.
I have given the 30 page draft a cursory glance seeking confirmation that the Pandemic Treaty/Accord will sequester 5% of all countries existing health budgets to be re-allocated to pandemic preparedness and preparation. I did not find it. I found many other things that would cost at least 5% - though given the politicians around the world had no compunction of spending 20% of GDP in four years on useless interventions and toxic injections maybe that would be a bargain for a few years anyway. Even a stupid, corrupt and incompetent WHO might provide better value for money than the politicians in place now!
So, I thought I would see what references were made to “funding”.
Before getting to those clauses that deal mention funding, here is one nugget from the “foundering in high seas” Pandemic Treaty/Accord draft.
On Page 17 of 30 under “MBS multilateral benefit sharing”-
PABS = Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System,
SMTA = Standard Material Transfer Agreement
Here it is.
“(ii) The PABS SMTAs shall include, but not be limited to, the following monetary and non-monetary benefit-sharing obligations:
(a) in the event of a pandemic, real-time access by WHO to a minimum of 20% (10% as a donation and 10% at affordable prices to WHO) of the production of safe, efficacious and effective pandemic-related products for distribution based on public health risks and needs, with the understanding that each Party that has manufacturing facilities that produce pandemic-related products in its jurisdiction shall take all necessary steps to facilitate the export of such pandemic-related products, in accordance with timetables to be agreed between WHO and manufacturers; and
(b) on an annual basis, contributions from Recipients, based on their nature and capacity, to the capacity development fund of the sustainable funding mechanism established in Article 20 herein.
(i) encouraging manufacturers from developed countries to collaborate with manufacturers from developing countries through WHO initiatives to transfer technology and know-how and strengthen capacities for the timely scale-up of production of pandemic[1]related products;
(ii) tiered-pricing or other cost-related arrangements, such as no loss/no profit loss arrangements, for purchase of pandemic-related products, that consider the income level of countries; and(iii) encouraging of laboratories in the WHO coordinated laboratory network to actively seek the participation of scientists from developing countries in scientific projects associated with research on WHO PABS Materials.
(iii) encouraging of laboratories in the WHO coordinated laboratory network to actively seek the participation of scientists from developing countries in scientific projects associated with research on WHO PABS Materials.”
The WHO will be given 10% of ALL pandemic related products – with a possible extra 10% - of all “vaccines, masks, PPE, test kits, cleaning fluids – all of it. It will need warehouses for this or control of them in designated WHO zones – paid for by? Well, not the WHO that’s for sure. Notice that there is no consideration given to customs or reference to the “piggy backing” by smugglers and drug runners that will inevitably gravitate to this sort of lack of attention to details and the propensity of man to criminal acts.
Note the mention of a “capacity development fund”. Lots of bureaucrats will be needed to demand those funds and determine a countries capacity to pay into it. Note the technology transfer demand one way of course – developing countries have nothing the WHO has identified or wants.
Note the “tiered pricing” term – that means that the WHO will charge developed countries up to 10 times as much as is being charged to developing countries. Imagine the arbitrage opportunities for the re-export back to the developed world! Buy doses, test kits or masks for a tenth the price in, say, Lesotho ad ship them to Sweden and sell for half the price of the mandated price in Sweden!
Note that there is no mention of the price (before tiering) of any doses, test kits or masks etc. Or the process for submitting bids or the standards of manufacturing required. Typical of those that have zero business acumen or experience of the practicalities and realities of the real world that thinks all socialists are complete morons – put on this earth to be take advantage of by smarter people – criminal or law abiding.
Hands up who thinks that pricing for say “vaccines” will be determined AFTER Bill Gates has invested in the manufacturing companies that will be given “vaccine cartel non-compete contracts” by the WHO – and that people like Gates and Bancel or Bourla – aided and abetted by Jeremy Farrar CSO of the WHO and ex Head of the Wellcome Trust?
Being responsible for an entire industry means you have the power to determine who gets what contract at what price – what is the mechanism to admit new entrants with higher quality, lower price and more specialized offerings when contracts have been signed with big pharma.
(I wonder what happens to patients – all subsumed by the WHO and cancelled?
Consider whether China or Russia or Iran will either SUPPLY their manufactured goods to a good standard to the US, UK or Israel. Now how about the other way round. How about China being told to distribute (and buy?) masks made in India or Taiwan or Paraguay.
Clown world.
Next, I went to Article 20 on page 23.
“Article 20. Financing
1. The Parties commit to sustainable financing for strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. In this regard, each Party, within the means and resources at its disposal, shall:
(a) cooperate with other Parties, as appropriate, to raise sustainable financial resources for the effective implementation of this Agreement through bilateral and multilateral, regional or subregional funding mechanisms;
(b) plan and provide adequate financial support, in line with national fiscal capacities, for:
(i) strengthening and sustaining capacities for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response;
(ii) implementing national plans, programmes and priorities; and
(iii) strengthening health systems and the progressive realization of universal health coverage for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
(c) prioritize and increase or maintain, including through greater collaboration between the health, finance and private sectors, as appropriate, domestic funding for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response;
(d) mobilize financial resources for international cooperation and assistance in respect of pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, in accordance with its capacities and based on the principle of solidarity, particularly for developing countries, including through international organizations and existing and new mechanisms; and
(e) provide support and assistance to other Parties, upon request, to facilitate the containment of spill-over at the source
Notice the terms “universal health coverage” and “commit to sustainable financing”.
This means that the WHO becomes “the Global Health Service” – not a National Health Service – a global one.
Think of all the problems with national health services operating in many countries now – go to the lowest common denominator – UK or Canada – and apply that to countries with better health services like Germany and Australia. Tough luck to the ones working better, you will get the lower quality “one size fits all” standard.
It also means that governments will have to borrow to fund the measures – they already have fiscal deficits. It also means that private companies of size not specified will have to divert their finances away from their businesses and to a cartel run by the WHO. How will this be done? Will the WHO take over the banking and finance regulations of all companies operating in every country to make sure they “pay their fair share”>
Clown world.
Next, I did a search on the term “funding”. Here are the first few.
It will need funding – from countries that cannot meet the consequences of the C19 scamdemic now and who are already technically bankrupt in that they will NEVER repay the debt they already have and are already running large and persistent fiscal deficits.
The interest bill on Government debt paid by countries (not governments – their people) alone is already close to being the biggest single fiscal expenditure of many countries’ national budgets. All because politicians have, for decades, “bought” votes by making undeliverable and unaffordable promises - in the “Yes we can” mode – by accessing the “magic money tree” of raising government debt– aided and abetted by the fiat money printing of sycophantic and enabling co-dependant central banks.
You can read that link to the “Pandemic Treaty” that foundered on the rocks of achievability at your leisure (and inclination!) – it hasn’t been finalised and should not even be discussed at a May 2024 meeting. The WHO working group trying to get that camel through that gate in Jerusalem.
It will need competent and experienced staff – that must come from every countries’ severely understaffed health and regulatory systems. It will need to be at least ten times the size of, say the UK’s National Health Service and regulatory regime,
England (not the whole of the UK) has a head count of 1.5 million people for its 57.1 million people, with a budget of 182 billion pounds – 3,187 pounds per capita.
NHS workforce statistics - NHS Digital
The NHS budget and how it has changed | The King's Fund (kingsfund.org.uk)
This excludes all the incompetent regulators and those statisticians responsible for maintaining records – including the Health system. No mention of the size of the equivalent bureaucracy of the WHO.
There are 8 billion people on the planet. An equivalent, of 10% of England’s one health worker per 38 people at, say 10%, for a pandemic = one tenth of 210.5 million staff = 21 million people.
Now be conservative and say that only 5% of the English national health service employees would be needed at the global level – call it ten million staff. Maybe they can be nominated to be “pandemic wardens” and will only be sequestered during a pandemic. Lifted from hospitals and hospices when a pandemic occurs under a separate employment contract with the WHO.
Regardless each of those 5-10 million will need to be paid. They will cost (including pensions and health care) around 100,000 bucks each – minimum. Many medica would take a salary cut to get this amount – travelling nurses would not get out of bed for less than five grand a week to go into an area of high infections.
That puts the staff costs at 500 billion to a trillion bucks a year – spread over the developed countries, as the developing countries sure as hell don’t have access to that money or that number of qualified staff.
The “equity” mantra of the U and WHO means that these staff will have to go to “hot spots” around the world – Africa, India, South America, Indonesia and the Philippines and will have to come from the developed nations like Germany, the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.
Controlling the means of production – the allocation of resources – the deployment of personnel – the quality control and compliance.
This is what the “working group” for the pandemic treaty/accord are blindly drafting up for approval to a body like the WHO have “all care and no responsibility” for outcomes.
Do the same for all the regulatory agencies that have already failed miserably to prevent spread and provide treatment using cheap and available protocols like vitamins and HCQ or IVM or even fresh food and clean water to the afflicted or on a prophylactic basis.
These sequestering of staff and regulators could be justified if the WHO had any competence in managing a global pandemic and a global cartel. The WHO does not have ay kind of track record of success or in improving outcomes in the “scamdemic”. Neither has it ay track record I eliminating ay existing pandemics such as HIV-AIDS or pneumonia or cancer or malaria or heart disease or tuberculosis or dengue or Ebola or zika. It has failed to solve ay of these diseases.
All of whom will be employees of the WHO – with exemption from prosecution for ay crime.
Note that the objective of the brand new “Pandemic Treaty” or “Accord” is universal health care – the same treatment at the same standard for 8 billion people in the event of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC pronounced FAK - clown world again)..
Here’s a little context around pricing that the WHO will decide on:
Page 14 of 30 under “Article 9 – Research and development”
“Each Party shall, in accordance with national laws and considering the extent of public funding provided, publish the terms of government-funded research and development agreements for pandemic-related products, including information on:
(a) research inputs, processes and outputs, including scientific publications and data repositories, with data shared and stored securely in alignment with findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability principles
b) the pricing of end-products, or pricing policies for end-products;
(c) licensing to enable the development, manufacturing and distribution of pandemic-related products, especially in developing countries; and
(d) terms regarding affordable, equitable and timely access to pandemic-related products during a pandemic”
Manufacturers will have to provide details of pricing policies and the pricing of products. I guess this means that Martin Shkreli will get another life at some pharma company!
Ok, that’s more than enough for now. Do a Ctrl F on “funding” to get more of a gist of what is being “negotiated” and what might be causing a failure to launch an agreed position.
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Some very astute ramblings. People need to take this seriously. Should be subject to referendum in all member countries. I need to read this again. I hadn't thought about many of the potential consequences you raise. On a lighter note, re. pushing camel through Jerusalem gates. Did you know that passing camel through eye of needle metaphor is actually referring to rope made from camel hair?
I am just sharing another substack...pls, don't shoot the messenger.....
The WHO Pandemic Agreement may be worrying, but it is also really stupid https://www.eugyppius.com/p/the-who-pandemic-agreement-may-be