From here: CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US
and here: CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccination Demographics Trends
The CDC added CoVID-19 injections for 6 months to 5 year olds on 18 June 2022. Since the announcement of this abomination, 1 million and 80,000 have been injected with toxin factories that provide zero health benefit and only potential risks. The parents of those innocents are engaging in a live clinical trial. So far, around 23.5 million tots are avoiding the risks.
The harms to those tots will emerge over the coming months.
As usual, the Expose UK is all over this, like a rash from the injections. This article refers to all children, not those between 6 months and five years.
If You’re Feeling Unsure Whether to Vaccinate Your Child Then Read This – The Expose (
The Expose article included 20 reasons to be an attempted child abused by taking the shots. Twenty out of 50, the other 30 are in a link embedded in the article.
The Epoch Times is hot on the trail of injection harms, with Children’s Health Defence covering this random killing spree from an ET article here.
More Than 1,000 Reports of Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination in Children 5 and Younger, CDC Data Shows • Children's Health Defense (
“..As of Aug. 21, 996 non-serious reports have been entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)..” .. “Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said on Sept. 1” - he is a researcher at the CDC.
The first 2 months 3 weeks of the adult post-marketing authroization report for adults showed some 40,000 adverse events and 1,200 or so deaths from 126 million doses shipped and 67 million doses administered for the period from 10 December 2020 to 28 Feburary 2021. So, on the face of it, the harms from 67 million doses for adults are not being borne out by harms for tots.
Early days.
Here’s another article, outlining medical fraud in the UK that results in legalized experimentaiton on tots.
(28) "COVID-19 Vaccines" for Children in the UK: A Tale of Establishment Corruption | David A Hughes -
The experimentation is way beyond corruption and mirrors experiments on children (especially twins) by the Nazi Mengele.
“ The argument begins by examining denials that children will be “vaccinated,” then discusses the narrativeshift to children being “vaccinated” after all. It highlights early warning signs from the United Statesconcerning “ COVID-19 vaccines” and young people, as well as warnings that were issued before the mass injection of children got underway in the UK and how those warnings were ignored. It explores the transformation of schools into mass “vaccination” sites and the question of Gillick competence explanation below on page 218), as well as the compromised role of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in recommending “vaccination” for children. Accumulating evidence of “vaccine” damage to children and young adults is discussed, as are multiple attempts to cover it up. Notwithstanding that evidence, the “vaccination” rollout in the UK now has the under-12s, and even the under-5s, in its crosshairs, while resistance to injecting children intensifies. It is proposed that the real agenda behind the “vaccine” rollout has nothing to do with a virus but everything to do with attempts to refashion the international monetary system in the image of central bank digital currencies and biometric IDs. In pursuit of that agenda, the transnational ruling class has revealed that it is willing to maim and kill children knowingly, creating enormous potential for a backlash as the public wakes up to that fact.”
The paper concludes with this statement before summarizing the lies, obfuscations and gaslighting of the BBC and the UK Government/Health Authorities.
“The enormous tragedy of the unfolding “vaccination” rollout for children in the UK and elsewhere, which has already seen countless avoidable injuries and deaths, and which portends significant future harms as thelong-term effects of the novel mRNA technology become known, has no justification in medical science or medical ethics. At no stage since the start of the “COVID-19 pandemic” has there been any justification for the mass “vaccination” of children against a disease from which they are at almost no risk, using an unlicensed, experimental technology with no long-term safety data, in the context of accumulating evidence of serious harms.”
Thanks for posting this information. The world has gone absolutely mad.