Resident Biden is NOT dead – he is just resting ahead of a weekend in his beach house (not Bernie Sanders’ beach house)
From here:
“Dr. O’Connor released an update to Biden’s health and claimed his oxygen levels are normal.
“President Biden completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID this morning. His symptoms have almost resolved completely. His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air. His lungs remain clear,” Dr. O’Connor wrote.”
“The President continues to perform all of his presidential duties,” O’Connor added.
So, he is still alive and kicking - and super-dosed with Paxlovid. Maybe he is in a clinical trial of those with ten doses – no other clinical trials of efficacy or adverse events exist for that much of the stuff.
If he makes a full recovery, comes out swinging/jogging/golfing and staying on his bike – all clearly under his own steam, AND, he can read a teleprompter/speaks clearly AND looks as rational as he has been during his occupation of the White House ,,, would that make the Democratic Party guilty of abuse of a C19 victim? – acting in a manner that the Democratic Party considers to be appropriate for all those that have suffered from the infection/disease?
After all, he would be fit for office, right? Well as fit as any Democratic Party member can be.
It also suggests that it is not Jill Biden and family that are guilty of elder abuse, but the Democratic Party!
We will see what transpires over the next few weeks.
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Is that the same Doctor who has been saying he definitely does not have Altzeimer’s and he is in remarkable shape?
All right more Plaxavoid! We wouldn’t want to give him something that actually works like ivermectin. It won’t be long until they go to wake this potato up and he will be “three day old carp on the beach” stiff as a 2 by 4.