SCOTUS v House critters - Charge that "failure to investigate" claims of election fraud made by 100 House members breaches the US Constitution - attracting minimum 5 years
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Interesting SCOTUS case hit the docket: Brunson vs Adams, et al. We have never seen anything like this before. (
Interesting SCOTUS case hit the docket: Brunson vs Adams, et al. We have never seen anything like this before.
Nov 28 37 37
Have any of you heard of Brunson vs Adams, et al?
Above is the link to the 18 page filing. I have never seen anything like this before. The history behind this case: Two brothers, Loy Brunson and Raland Brunson, both filed a court case in Utah. Loy’s case is still pending in Utah, but Raland’s case has now made it to the Supreme Court docket. As most of you probably know, getting a case docketed with SCOTUS (while it is still undecided in the 10th circuit court of appeals) is odd. How did it get here? Their case hinges on constitutional amendment violations of the right to due process. When an election has concerns of fraud, constitution allows for a 10 day investigation to look at the potential fraud questions and determine if fraud did or did not occur. This case is NOT one of election fraud, it is about congress and the senate NOT doing their oath of office and violating Amendment I to the constitution, Article VI of the constitution, the 14th Amendment of the constitution, section 3, the 5th and the 9th Amendment of the constitution, as well as a couple of Utah State Constitution articles. Most pertain to due process, the right to investigation, and not performing the 10 day investigation when questions of election fraud were presented to congress. It began in the state of Utah, then transferred to federal court when there were originally 3 defendants listed, Biden and Harris as well as Nancy Pelosi, and then 381 other defendents AND over 100 Jane/John Does to the defendent list. All are Federal Government members that are named so far.
The case was filed in early 2021, it was granted a motion to dismiss by the Federal Government, and it was refiled on Appeal to the 10th circuit court. In August 2022, they realized that they did not have to wait for a decision from the 10th Circuit of Appeals. The SCOTUS Rule 11 allowed them to bypass the 10th Circuit and go straight to the SCOTUS.
For more about Rule 11, look here: What is rule 11? “A petition for a writ of certiorari to review a case pending in a United States court of appeals, before judgment is entered in that court, will be granted only upon a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.” Hmm. This case qualifies as imperative public importance to deviate from normal appellate practice and requires immediate determination?
Here is where it gets interesting. At this point, SCOTUS will usually dismiss back to the 10th circuit appeals waiting a decision from them. Essentially kicking the can down the road. But that did not happen. Appeals court is where most cases like this die out and get dismissed yet again.
What is outlined below is reported by the Brunson family on their website for this court case: (keep in mind Raland Brunson is acting Pro=Se, he does not have an attorney representing him).
September 23, 2022 the Petition for Writ of Certiorari Received.
September 28, 2022 Raland received A phone call from SCOTUS. The Clerk of the SCOTUS calls Raland requesting for a revision of the Petition that would include more information on the lawsuit and wondering how soon they could get it.
October 17, 2022, Raland gets a 2nd phone call from SCOTUS
Clerk. She asks "how are you doing on your revision of the Writ with the additional information that we need?" Raland said "We're working on it as we speak" She said "how soon can we get it?" Raland said "Right away"
October 20, 2022, the Revised Petition shipped to the SCOTUS.
October 24, 2022, Petition docketed. The clerk of the Court tells Raland that they have everything they need. The U.S. Attorneys have until Nov 23, 2022 to respond showing why the Supreme Court of the United States should not move on this case. This means that SCOTUS agreed that this case met the Rule 11 criteria or it would not be docketed. It would have been denied and punted back to Circuit 10 appeals court and await a decision.
So guess what happened on November 23rd?? The United States did not respond. Instead, this happened:
November 23, 2022: The Solicitor General of the United States Department of Justice replaces the U.S. Attorneys. Elizabeth B. Prelogar, the Solicitor General of United States, the official attorney on record for the defendants, and in behalf of the 388 defendants, waived their right to respond to this lawsuit, thus allowing the SCOTUS to move forward.
What does THAT decision mean? That means that the United States decided that SCOTUS justices can hear this case at any time, in conference, and if 4/9 or greater vote yes, it will be moved on to a hearing. Or, they can decide themselves to rule on the case if they choose. The waived right to respond essentially puts all control in the hands of the 9 Supreme Court Justices.
If you want to follow along, the Brunson brothers have a page dedicated to this SCOTUS adventure.
So the meat and potatoes of this case. We start here. Who are the “et al” in this case? 385 named people, and 100+ John/Jane Does. The 385 named people? Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Michael Pence, and 382 other sitting house members and senators. Each of them are listed in the above docket. Have a gander to see if your state rep/senator is listed!
Why was this court case filed? The allegation is this: “for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.”. This is in reference to the 2020 election. When the case came before congress to investigate the allegation of fraud put forward by 100 members of congress, the other 380+ members voted no. The senate did nothing to stop the certification without the 10 day investigation period either.
The oath of office they broke? “"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
The question at hand: How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don't believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims from from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully manipulated the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a “rigged” election? No, it's about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.
So lets back up just a little bit and remember what day this was. January 6th, 2021. Everyone knows “that day”. There were 100 members of congress set to request a 10 day investigation into possible election fraud. A few members spoke on the house floor, and then “January 6th” happened. When the congress reconvened late that night, they voted down the investigation into fraud that was introduced, they stated that no further election fraud concerns would be heard “in light of the days events”, they were pushing through to certify the election. And that is what they did.
What remedy are they seeking? They are asking that all 385 defendants be charged with Treason for failure to uphold the US Constitution, they be incarcerated for a period no less than 5 years, be fined no less than $10,000, they be removed from their government seat, and banned from ever holding a political position ever again.
Again, we have never in history seen a case such as this. There is no precedent of this magnitude. What will SCOTUS do with this? Who knows. I am following along purely from the “what in the holy hell Batman” that this case is, that it made it to the docket of the SCOTUS, and what they will decide to do with this. Will it go to hearing? Will they have enough votes to go to hearing? Will they decide on a Rule 11 emergency quick decision? SO many questions. It is watching history unfold from a precedent factor in and of itself. We have never seen someone acting Pro-Se be granted a Rule 11, file a lawsuit against nearly 400 sitting congress and senate members, much less the President, VP, former VP, and others not named. Stay tuned!
I’ll tell you exactly what will happen.
You think these Satanists would leave something so big to SCOTUS? Lol.
SCOTUS has been as corrupted as any other branch of government. Most were appointed by pure criminals. It is mostly uninformed morons in robes pretending to be the best of justice.
I would love to be wrong. Wake me if I am….
Don't think it'll go anywhere, but sounds like loads of fun on the off-chance it does!