Shout out to “UK Column” – ordinary people doing extraordinary thigs to shine a light on all the nefarious activities of regulators, politicians, big pharma et al – here is a link to a new video
The US Super Bowl is over,- congratulations to the Chiefs – but the equivalent for the human race enters a critical phase.
The cabal of the Maoist/Marxist/Cult of Moloch is continuing a relentless push to full censorship of any dissent that threated the cabal.
The modus operandi (M)) is simple:
Make ridiculous shit up.
Instil panic about the shit in politicians so they can “save the world”
Get tax payer funding for the shit – failing that, make up some bogus name and get taxpayers funds though a supranational device
Fleece taxpayers or get governments to run massive fiscal deficits or mountains of debt using taxpayers money held in banks, investment and insurance “vehicles”.
Rinse and repeat.
This MO has been engaged for climate change, health, LBGTQ++, child grooming, racist bigotry in BLM, education, policing, the courts and in every parliamentary debating chamber in the world and global “main street” media outlets in every country – oh and did I mention tobacco? All the taxes smokers have to pay are formulated by the UN Tobacco COP.
Tenth Session of the Conference of the Parties (
You will have your ow views on smoking, there are no qualms about restricting smoking to a contained “bubble” with no smelly passive smoking implications, but really, is it killing people faster than, for example, those on the “vaccine schedules”, especially the C19 shots? Consider this also, a packet of 20 cigarettes in the UK can cost 17 pounds – 20 bucks. Of that 17 pounds, 16 pounds is tax – and it goes up by inflation in the economy every year – not in the cost of tobacco. I have smoked for fifty years or more and led a full and active life on a packet a day. Yes I could give up, but that’s my business isn’t it? No taxes on “recreational drugs – though it is a similar case for alcohol.
Just another day in the life of the UN racketeering cabal. All that cigarette (and alcohol) tax can be used for contributions to the UN and its organs, right?
Ok, I have some cheese for that whine, now back to the UK Column.
Here is a link to its website:
Tenth Session of the Conference of the Parties (
And here is a link to a recent video – notice it is on Odyssey, NOT on YouTube, or Rumble, or X or whatever – maybe there is a message there – sort of a similar platform to Brighteon?
Big Pharma—Organised Crime (
UK Column is integrated with all sorts of people, including the Daily Clout from whom it receives updates of major news and events – same goes for its other relationships.
That video is described as below:
“What did the MHRA know before the roll out of the Covid–19 vaccines? Has Dame June Raine bare-faced lied to us all? Where have all the missing people gone? Stolen lives, stolen data, and stolen time. Read the write-up at:
With more here:
Big Pharma—Organised Crime | UKColumn
“Cheryl Grainger, a self-employed training consultant to the pharmaceutical industry, returns to update our audience on what has been found in the latest Pfizer Documents Analysis reports. She also brings us exclusive and up-to-date news from across the pond at the Daily Clout and the latest updates from the UK Situation Room, exclusive to UK Column.
The Covid–19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers always knew what the serious adverse reactions would be, but so did the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
It is a litany of corrupt ‘regulation’, revolving doors, and ‘experts’ who are too busy turning a blind eye to notice the hundreds of thousands of serious adverse events and vaccine injuries and death. Fraudulent clinical trials are also exposed in this shocking revelation. This is organised crime in plain sight.
Reference: Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Cytomegalovirus: Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatments (
Relevant protocol: Covid–19 Critical Care, FLCCC Alliance”
The shared video link explores many issues around harms and the abbreviated authroisation process in the UK (455,000 pages of the Pfizer submission reviewed in weeks by a short staffed regulator with employees working from home – compared to – hundreds of Daily Clout workers collaborating for years and still not done?
Anyway, give them a look and comment below.
The songs of unsung heroes can reach number 1!
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Sums it up rather well.
Everyone needs to pause and ask themselves whether most of what is happening isn’t a psy op.
I hope I live long enough to see real penalties paid by these folks. Like prison time, heavy fines and loss of certifications…