“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” – the “Green Marxists” intend to charge pig and cow farms $11,600 p.a. in 2030 rising to $27,000 p.a. in 2035
Denmark for the Danes – well, for the lunatic Greens and Marxist Danes anyway! Danes elect their own leaders to enact policies, taxes, laws and regulations they wish – as it should be.
I view the ceding of control over the means of production and distribution of the economy to psychopathic morons a folly of huge proportions.
As you read this, remember that the policy conforms to the Sustainable Development Goals concocted by “failed upwards” scientists at the UN and its IPCC. The same “failed upwards” quacks run the WHO and similar idiots are responsible for the trafficking of tens of millions of people into countries with huge (and failing) welfare and entitlement systems.
Historically, the Danes (and the French) have preferred to re=distribute almost half of what they produce (in GDP terms) via their governments. The Danes will know whether this is money well spent (on open borders etc).
It is difficult to comprehend how some people believe that spending half your working life working for a government of morons and the other half for a boss is, somehow, a rational decision – but, as I said – Denmark for the Danes.
There were a few things that made Denmark world famous – amongst them were Danish bacon and Lurpak butter.
Denmark is subject to the same misguided and corrupt science derived from “Net Zero” dogma. Succumbing to the decades long brainwashing (greenwashing?) faux science of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) the “Greens” policy making roles have pushed forward the idea that mammals are intrinsically bad because they fart. In much the same way that greens regard the human race as an infection - they are, in short, anti=human.
Denmark is enacting animal fart policies now, to come into effect in 2030, despite a massive revolt amongst huge swathes of the European electorate to such fringe and insane policies, as evidenced by EU parliamentary elections a few weeks ago.
There are ever-increasing signs of a rejection of “woke” green policies everywhere. Snap elections in France, the “Honk honk” of “anti-status quo” parties, such as the Dutch farmers, a new Italian government, roll-back of “Net Zero” targets in Sweden, the UK and elsewhere. Even the young are turning away from the mentally challenfed “Great Turdberg”.
It is painfully obvious that enacting “green” policies serves as a regressive tax on the poor, the elderly and the infirm. Rising food and energy prices disproportionately impact people who were barely getting by, far more than they effect a richer population – increasing costs by 50-100 bucks a week has a far greater impact on someone earning 600 bucks a week, than it does on someone earning 2,000 bucks a week.
Green policies are a tax – the tax is simply rebranded as inflation – and it hurts the poor, the elderly and the sick the hardest.
So, what’s going on in Denmark?
From here:
Carbon Tax On Livestock Introduced for First Time in History – Herald Posts
“While it may seem like an innovative solution on paper, this strategy overlooks the broader picture and unfairly penalizes farmers for providing essential goods. The tax will start at 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030 and increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035. Imagine being a farmer already struggling with the challenges of modern agriculture and then having this additional financial burden thrust upon you!”
Holland tried this and it cost its Prime Minister his job – he was promoted upwards to take over NATO. The next scheduled election for Denmark is not until October 2026, if the existing government does not fall on its sword first.
The upcoming tax on CO2 equivalent emissions is 43 bucks per ton of CO2 equivalent in 2030, rising to 108 bucks in 2035. Most cow farts are methane and need to be convertd to CO2 equivalents.
Here’s some theory:
To save the planet, scientists figured out how to fix cow farts (popsci.com)
“Raising cattle contributes to global warming in a big way. The animals expel large amounts of methane when they burp and fart, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide. U.S. beef production, in fact, roughly equals the annual emissions of 24 million cars, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. That’s a lot of methane.”
There are almost 300 million cars in the US - cow farts put out as much as 24 million cars - I will resits ay “so what” comment!
What kind of numbers are we talking about for Denmark?
Denmark has around 1.5 million cows, 13 million pigs and produces around 125 million chickens a year, (No doubt there are plans afoot (or “apaw”)to tax dog, cat. rabbit, hamster and budgerigar emissions!).
Cows produce 90 kg of methane a year
“Estimates suggest that a single cow produces about 200 pounds (90 kg) of methane every year. Globally 1.5 billion cattle are raised for meat production alone every year resulting in emissions of nearly 300 billion pounds of methane. “
These emissions have been going on for centuries (aside - do the greens support the past slaughter of the buffalo in the past and all moose, gnu, wildebeest etc, now?).
Methane accounts for 0,00018% (180 parts per billion in the atmosphere – CO2 is around 420 parts per million.
Methane is “handled” by the atmosphere in two ways: Methane | Definition, Properties, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
“Methane sinks, which include soil and the process of methane oxidation in the troposphere.
The atmosphere itself, as methane reacts readily with the hydroxyl radical (OH −) within the troposphere to form CO 2 and water vapour (H 2 O).”
This is the same process as the burning of natural gas for home heating.
Okay, 1.5 million cows, producing 90 kg of methane a year = 135 million kg’s a year. 135,000 tonnes - – to be taxed at 43 bucks a tonne of CO2 equivalent in 2030 and 108 bucks in 2035.
To convert the methane to CO2 equivalent you need to multiply by 25,
What are Global Warming Potential™ and CO2 equivalent emissions™? | NIWA
“The 100 year GWP of methane is 25, therefore if 1 tonne of methane was released into the atmosphere, it would create the same warming as 25 tonnes of CO 2. This is often described as 25 tonnes CO 2 e, where e stands for equivalent.”
In 2030, 135,000 tonnes of methane times 25 to get CO2 equivalent times 43 bucks/tonne = 145 million bucks – for the methane cow farts (there are CO2 emissions by cows also, not covered here).
In 2035, 135,000 tonnes times 25 times 108 bucks/tonne = 365 million bucks – for the methane in cow farts.
There are 15,000 farms of all types in Denmark (population 5.9 million) – so this represents a tax charge of almost 10,000 bucks per farm in 2030, more than doubling to over 24,000 in 2046.
EXPLAINER: Denmark’s Proposed Tax on Flatulent Livestock | Best Countries | U.S. News (usnews.com)
· “If the plan is approved by lawmakers, Denmark would become the first country to tax farmers for their livestock’s methane emissions.
· Methane is one of the top sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which Denmark hopes to reduce by 70% by 2030.
· Denmark is already perceived positively from an environmental commitment perspective, according to Best Countries survey data.”
Of course, reducing methane emissions does not reduce the amount of methane in the air, this is what virtue signalling is all about – futile posturing to align with faux science and “chicken-littles”.
That’s just cows – put sheep and chickens to one side and let’s crunch the same numbers for Denmark’s 13 million pigs. after a quick sidetrack here:
Part 1: Greenhouse gases produced in pig rearing | Farming Connect (gov.wales)
“In pigs, enteric emissions account for only 11% of GHG emissions, whilst manure produces 89%: 69% of which is methane 20% is nitrous oxide.”
“Feed production is often omitted from analyses but can account for 50-70% of GHGs produced during pig rearing.
Diets based on homegrown proteins with low (14%) crude protein content and balanced with amino acids reduces environmental impact by decreasing the amount of ammonia and subsequently nitrous oxide in manure.”
No mention of the impact on the quality of sausages, ribs, bacon and ham! There has been some chicken little chatter about laughing gas (nitrous oxide), but I will leave that aside as well.
From here:
Pork Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Hogs, Pigs, and Pork (extension.org)
“Swine, since they are not ruminants, have the lowest emissions factor of any class of livestock. The IPCC methane emission factor used by EPA to estimate enteric fermentation from swine is 1.5 kg methane/head/year. This means a 2,500-head facility is estimated to emit, 3,750 kg (3.75 metric tons) of methane per year, which is equivalent to 79 metric tons CO2 Eq.”
13 million pigs emitting 1.5 kg per yar = around 20 million kg per year or 20,000 tonnes. Convert that to CO2 equivalent and you get half a million tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Multiply that by 43 bucks per tonne in 2030 and you get a carbon tax (which should be called a CO2 tax) 21.4 million bucks a year, divided by 15,000 farms = 1,433 on average per farm, rising to 3,600 bucks per farm in 2035.
Denmark exports a lot of meat:
Denmark’s record food exports (agricultureandfood.co.uk)
“The Danish food cluster reached new heights in 2022 with record exports - gains that support both the Danish economy and prosperity in general.”
“Germany, Sweden, UK and Poland among Denmark's biggest growth markets in 2022. Exports increased last year in 16 out of 17 product categories. The most significant was the export of dairy products, which grew by 30 per cent. This is primarily due to limited global milk production, which has sent the prices of dairy products soaring.
The proposed new carbon taxes will increase the price of essential food, not just in Denmark, but also in Denmark’s export markets – who will seek alternative supplies rather than pass on the inflationary consequences of “mad cow and pig carbon taxes”.
These alternative supplies are likely to come from countries that do not have the high veterinary and husbandry standards of the Danish farmers – putting food quality at risk.
No doubt all this will happen AFTER the Danes are forced to inject their herds with modified mRNA injections for all sorts of fabricated or deliberately caused diseases,
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This has nothing to do with "saving the world". Just like the "solar is better" hoax. It is all about controlling food, water, housing, and energy. These are vital to all humans, and there are evildoers who want to control you. Do you really think Bill Gates wants to be a farmer? So why does he want so much farm land? So YOU can't have it.
When you consider the fruit these policies will bear, the future for us is quite terrifying.