STATE OF MONTANA HOUSE BILL NO. 645 INTRODUCED BY G. KMETZ – proposes the banning of “vaccinated” blood
From here:
Purebloods Only: Lawmakers Move to Ban Vaccinated Giving Blood - Slay News
There is a link to this proposed bill:
Which states this:
Section 1. Certain donations prohibited -- penalty.
(1) A person may not knowingly donate whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
(2) A person may not knowingly use, receive, accept, ship, transfer, or administer whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
(3) A person in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500”
The Slay News article goes on:
“Last Friday, Rep. Kmetz noted that he introduced the legislation after encouragement from his constituents. Voters say they are concerned that proper research hasn’t been conducted into the effect spike protein-tainted blood could have on blood recipients.”
“For years now we’ve heard the words ‘safe and effective,’ Kmetz said. “Our entire planet has echoed these words. Safe and effective. We’ve seen two presidents utter these words. We have seen top government medical spokesman utter these same words. We’ve seen two Montana governors utter these same words…many of my constituents’ questions, just because we hear these two words ‘safe and effective’ a million-plus times, does that make them true?”
“Kmetz also reportedly noted constituents were suspicious about the federal government’s scheme to “eradicate” a disease with “over a 99% survival rate.”
“People in search of untainted “safe blood” can visit for help or info on receiving or donating unvaccinated blood.”
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Go, Montana!
No doubt this is a complex issue. Are you familiar with SafeBlood -
Not sure if they are able to scale but I bet the demand would be there. The more practical way to go would be as you suggested Dr. Paul - some way to remove or cleanse the toxin before the blood is banked.