Staying alive – how much will US health care costs increase because of the poisoning with EXPERIMENTAL modified mRNA and viral vector injections? 200-500 billion a year - starting this year?
Even before the roll-out of the toxic injections starting late 2020, the amount of money spent on “health care” in the US was a staggering 4.5 trillion dollars each yar. It is now widely recognised that the US health care system is dominated by big pharma along with their co-dependent regulatory health agencies. The “health care” model is designed to cause and prolong sickness and suffering in order to administer ever more expensive “treatments” – costs of treatments do not go down – ever.
The aging process could be defined as the gradual reduction in the bodies ability to fight off diseases that cause chronic conditions. Poisoning the bodies immune system means lowering its ability to fight off disease.
A cynic might say that the C19 disease and prioritizing the injection of the experimental injections amongst the elderly was an intentional plot to remove the costs of “treating” the elderly for an extended time – the elderly who could not pay for life prolonging “treatments”- in exchange for a much larger volume of younger victims that had more earnings power to tap.
In the same way that the instigators of the scamdemic “estimated” the death toll on the population of countries if non-pharmaceutical interventions were not taken - such as shutting down economies, masking and the prevention of all preventable human contact –- let’s conduct a “scenario” – a conspiracy hypothesis – on the likely escalation in health care costs about to hit the US like the tidal wave that hit Fukushima.
We already know that in the four calendar years of the scamdemic the extra deaths per 10,000 people increased by 16% for each year – resulting in an extra 2.25 million deaths in the US (not excess deaths, extra deaths based on rates of death per 10,000 population (the 10,000 number does not matter, it could be rates of death per 100 or million or whatever).
A bogus RT-PCR test and a classification of death with C19 present as a cause of death resulted I 1.2 million C19 deaths being recorded in the US. This number is likely to be overstated 20 times because of the false positives from the test. These deaths should have been attributed to other leading causes in 2020. Deaths attributed to leading causes from 2021 onwards should have been attributed to “deaths from C19 injections” – not all, but a significant majority.
But, whilst Congress ignored the deaths of millions of Americans and wallows in its petty party political bickering ahead of the November elections, the numbers suffering from “adverse events” of the experimental injections is fifteen to twenty times higher than the 2.25 million extra deaths over the four years or so of the scamdemic and the injections roll-out.- perhaps 45 million Americas are suffering from adverse events.
The 40 million number can be derived from an under-reporting factor of 40 applied to the 1 million adverse events reported to VAERS for US sufferers. The chances of someone reporting a mild adverse event are practically zero – why would anyone bother reporting minor and short-term harms? Hence the 40 million adverse events are “severe” - (life altering - or “serious” – life threatening.
Pfizer’s aborted Phase 3 clinical trial indicated that there were 13 times more severe adverse events than deaths in the injected arm and 5 times more serious events. We can ball-park a split of those 40 million adverse events for the US as a split of around 2/3 to one third severe to serious – call it 25 million severe and 15 million serious for ease.
That is so far.
Side note – I am still wondering why there is no mainstream coverage of the fact that 577 million US doses administered caused a million adverse event reports to VAERS – whilst around SIX BILLION doses made by Pfizer and Moderna administered OUTSIDE the US shows only 600,000 adverse evet reports.
So, let’s see what the costs before the C19 scamdemic stacked up and the factor in this new poisoning and resultant injuries – aka accelerated diseases and (auto-immune) conditions.
From here:
USA trends in the costs of treatments for chronic conditions - Search (
“The impact of chronic diseases in America Ninety percent of the nation's $4.5 trillion in annual health care expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions. 1 2 Interventions to prevent and manage these diseases have significant health and economic benefits.”
Okay, now bearing in mind that 3.4 million Americans die every year, let’s check out the numbers that died from two leading causes of death and the circle back to the relationships to the adverse events and treatment costs for “staying alive”.
From here:
Fast Facts: Health and Economic Costs of Chronic Conditions | Chronic Disease | CDC
Heart disease and stroke
Nothing kills more Americans than heart disease and stroke. More than 934,500 Americans die of heart disease or stroke every year—that's more than 1 in 4 deaths.3 These diseases take an economic toll, as well, costing our health care system $251 billion per year and causing $156 billion in lost productivity on the job. Costs from cardiovascular diseases are projected to top $1 trillion by 2035.
Each year in the United States, 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer, and more than 600,000 die from it, making it the second leading cause of death. The cost of cancer care continues to rise and is expected to reach more than $240 billion by 2030.4
Heart disease kills 834,000 out of around 3.4 million annual deaths and is estimated to cost 250 billion a year in treatment costs by 2030, cancer kills 600,000 and is expected to cost 250 billion in treatment costs by 2030. – BEFORE the extra injuries and harms from the C19 injections hit the health system.
These two leading causes of death are being actively discussed as increasing markedly (“died suddenly” and “turbo cancer”).
From here:
The Cost of Chronic Care: a 2023 Special Report (
“If you have a chronic condition in the U.S. in 2023, you’re not alone. Six in 10 adults in the U.S. have at least one chronic disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four in 10 adults have two or more.”
Sic out of ten American adults have a chronic disease!!! That’s around 155 million adults!!!
Which brings the observation that C19 victims had 2-6 co-morbidities and had lived two years longer than average life into sharper focus.
So, here’s the thing.
I am going to posit that ALL of the 40 million Americans suffering adverse events (1 million reported to VAERS times the under-reporting factor of 40) have suffered an injury that will or has already turned into a chronic condition.
I am also going to post that this number will increase to 25% of those injected – 25% of the 270 million Americans – 62 million - that have received at least one dose of a C19 injection will eventually suffer from a severe or serious adverse event – which compares to the 40 million already injured. Another 22 million Americans over the next, say, 3-5 years to 2030.
The 60 million Americans suffering these injuries leading to morbidities/chronic conditions is not in the economic costs listed above of 250 billion a year for heart conditions and 240 billion for cancers amongst 155 million Americans.
All that is assuming there is no exponential increase in the number of adverse events emerging from the injections of the experimental C19 injections.
The economic costs of treating the vaxx injured need to increase by 50/155 = around 40% - call it 200 billion a year for the combined current treatment costs of cancer + heart conditions.
Unfortunately, that’s not the end of the story of increased costs. Its all about supply and demand. The demand for treatment increases by 40% for the C19 vaxx damaged only, but the supply of medical professionals and treatment resources means that there will be a “kicker” along the supply/demand curve – maybe for an increase of 60% (much higher marginal costs) – so around 300 billion bucks.
Bich means that health care costs will not only have this direct increase in costs but also a “knock-on” effect as the treatments for heart and cancer diseases puts pressure on administrative systems and the ability of “customers” (patients) to afford such massive increases in insurance/co-pays/out of pocket expenses – leading to even more cost increases.
That 4.3 trillion annual health care cost to the US economy is about to sail through 5 trillion.
Thank big pharma and the regulatory authorities for following the business model of injecting chemical and biological agents into humans without properly testing them – and their interactions and long-term side effects.
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It’s not healthcare at all. It’s make people sick to make buku bucks care.
Press the Press until the juice runs.