Swedish “bad batch” data confirms Danish study – the “steenking” Pfizer/BioNTech experimental modified mRNA C19 injection toxicity was batch dependent – with earlier batches being more toxic
From this 19-minute video:
Batch dependent safety (youtube.com)
The cynic in me thinks that since Pfizer knew that its injections were causing many adverse events and the injections did not prevent infections, transmission, hospitalization or death,the injections were entirely useless and harmful, sp Pfizer simply switched the contents to saline. It is not as if any health regulatr would eve notice or inspect any doses for contents!
With this description from Dr. Campbell:
“Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (2023). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/1...
Reports of Batch-Dependent Suspected Adverse Events of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Comparison of Results from Denmark and Sweden
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39202... 2023,
Nationwide study from Denmark Identified a batch-dependent safety signal for the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 2024,
Suspected adverse events (SAEs) Denmark and Sweden SAEs reported to national authorities Results
Significant batch-dependent heterogeneity was found, in the number of SAEs per 1000 doses for both countries, with batches associated with high SAE rates detected in the early phase of the vaccination campaign, and positive correlations observed between the two countries for the severity of SAEs from vaccine batches that they shared.
Conclusions The batch-dependent safety signal observed in Denmark and now confirmed in Sweden suggests that early commercial batches of BNT162b2 may have differed from those used later on, and these preliminary and hypothesis-generating results warrant further study.”
Dr Campbell will conduct an interview with the authors of the new study shortly.
Given th propensdity for censorship of information such as sthis, here is the transcript of the monologue.
well you're most welcome to this talk it's Sunday the 22nd of September now it's just tremendous that world leading doctor scientists and researchers choose to communicate with you through through this channel really quite humbling and have such a report today from Vier Mana now via is in Denmark she's a medical doctor she's a research Doctor data and analyst and and well-published research medical scientist
now for those of you with long memories you might remember that we interviewed V uh in 2023 about this paper batch dependent safety of the fiser vaccine uh in Denmark and this showed that there was really significant differences in the amount of suspected adverse reactions reported depending on the batch of vaccine you were lucky or unlucky enough uh to receive and she's now followed that up with a CrossCountry comparison because who knows Denmark could have been a fluke
she's followed it with a comparison here where she's comparing uh reports of batch dependent suspected Adverse Events of the fiser vaccine comparing the work in Denmark and Sweden
so it's good that she's followed that up with a a collaborating study and the results do agree they do show the uh the differences are the same in Sweden and Denmark reasonably the same
just before we look at that data and listen to Rea she's on a public lecture tour in Denmark and and what she says is in Denmark there's a lot of public curiosity about what has happened here with the with the new mRNA vaccines genetic preparations whatever you want to call them I must say in the UK talking to people I'm not getting that very strongly um on the channel of course but but you know just talking to people out and about there's a bit of curiosity deficit disorder strange illness I wonder how that's transmitted uh so that people are
interested in in the critique of the pandemic response
they're looking at the batch dependent safety with fiser comparing Denmark and Sweden and batches early batches of vaccine had many more suspected adverse reactions than later batches of vaccines
Via questions whether in later batches of vaccines there was less active ingredients so they may have been less efficacious
don't know data's not been released um the data would be nice but what what she has been able to find out from official reports is that early batches had many more more um suspected adverse reactions than later s
he's also found and this is really quite interesting uh and and indeed concerning and and this takes us to the sort of wider implications really of what has been happening in Western democracies over the past few years and I know a lot of you are very concerned as am I I I fear the possibility of a a bit of a dystopia in the future
hence the the background portraits in uh my uh view here um vus found in the people in Denmark she's talking to mistrust of authorities um because they haven't responded to previous data that she's presented in peer reviewed Publications and more data she's presented in Peer reviewd Publications why hasn't this been answered by the authorities the batch data that she's presented and I'll show you some in a minute has been ignored basically and this has generated a lack of trust in the media as well because why aren't the media reporting on this
why is it left to people like me to report serious scientific findings of massive Public Health concern massive financial concern why aren't the mainstream media doing this no I can't answer that question but via does report it's leading to a lack of trust in mainstream media which isn't surprising uh
my trust in mainstream media has well let's just say it's reduced um um mistrust for safety of vaccines in general which is medically concerning
people are conflating previous vaccinations that aren't based on mRNA genetic technology with vaccines that are based on Modern uh mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid genetic technology and they are really two quite different products for many reasons that we've looked into in the past on this channel
people in Denmark are also concerned about censorship they see democracy threatened they see reduced democracy in the rest Western World and people do fear dictatorship as indeed do I
I fear a dystopian centralized controlled dictatorship that is coming out quite strongly from the people that Vier is talking to on a lecture to her also frustration with doctors because doctors aren't standing up and really some are of course and suffering for it some of them but in Denmark there's a feeling that doctors aren't standing up for their patients in The Wider Arena as patients feel they should be
people with vaccine injuries are not listened to by doctors the people are reporting to Via now whether that's true or not of course we can't tell that's but that's the perception of these people in Denmark
and if the doctors aren't taking the reports of vaccine injuries and and running diagnostic tests on that if there's not an accurate diagnosis then how can you get the appropriate treatment if you haven't got the accurate diagnosis because you need to diagnose the right condition to give it the right treatment so problems that is coming across now let's just have a look uh at
what we have here now this was the original data here uh each dot here is a vaccine batch so we see some here are associated with uh a lot of suspected
Adverse Events this batch these batches along the bottom what one two three four whatever that is seven or eight batches along count them one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 batches along the bottom there essentially uh no no adverse reactions so it does make you wonder what the heck was or indeed wasn't in those batches uh not associated with basically hardly any adverse reactions uh
but the green you see the green there so again we see a lot of variation uh very heterogeneous in the batches but of course was this just a fluke only applying to Denmark
well that's why it's necessary to look at another country as she looked at Sweden so here we have um get this right we've got uh Denmark uh we've got Denmark on the left and we've got Sweden on the right in this picture
so this is Danish data on the on the left a is Danish data and this is Swedish data and we are seeing very similar patterns in the uh in the variation between batches and the batches that were associated with a lot of adverse reactions in Denmark were also associated with more adverse reactions in Sweden but many more reported adverse reactions in the early doses of vaccine and of course we know from uh we've talked to other scientists around the world um um J J uh um Joshua Guetzkow I think it is in we've talked to um who reported that the vaccines in the trials most of them were made in a completely different way manufactured in a completely different way to the uh bacterial preparation V methodology that was used in the later vaccines
the bait and switch idea so just before we listen to Via uh that's the first paper the original one that's the second one there National study from uh Denmark followed up by National Data from Sweden so um pretty widespread data taken there significant batch dependent heterogenicity was found
in other words some batches were a lot worse than others uh looking at the number of suspected Adverse Events per thousand doses batches associated with higher suspected adverse reaction rates detected in early phases of the vaccination program uh and uh positive correlations observed between the two countries for the severity of suspected adverse reactions from vaccines uh batches that they shared so in other words sometimes a batch of vaccinees some of it would go to Denmark some of it would go to Sweden and they'd have comparable levels of suspected adversary actions which is really quite convincing data
I I would say on the the heterogenetic of the level of s suspected adverse reactions from particular vaccine batches now um conclusion from the paper uh the batch dependent safety signals observed in Denmark are now confirmed confirmed and
VI is away at the moment in uh I think she's going to Netherlands now or shortly to also collect data so she's widening this out to other European countries but of course getting the data is a struggle
she's doing a great job on this um confirmed in Sweden suggests that early commercial batches of fiser vaccine may have been different from those used later on well I think we were assured that there wouldn't be but never mind and these preliminary and hypothesis generating results warrant further study
but of course that will depend on data being made available by the manufacturers don't hold your breath let's look at the report from Vier now there's a little wind noise at the very start of this but it is quite listenable to so do give her the time
always great that leading scientists and doctors are reporting to us directly rather than going through intermediates who might uh confuse the message over to VI can now
Thank you hello I am vianica I'm a Danish md. phd
I'm one of uh four uh who has been doing some studies into bads dependent side effects to the fer vaccine uh we're just now at the beautiful island in Denmark Bon Hol the only place in Denmark where they have a granite and it's just such an extraordinary beautiful place this is actually my favorite spot in the whole world where I have a run together with my husband who's also a part of the team and is actually the photographer right now so we are out on our run here on Bon Holm and it's the most beautiful place place I would say not only in Denmark but in the world
we are over here because last night we gave a talk uh to Citizens here on Bol uh and to the talk uh both vaccinated and unvaccinated people attended the talk where we told about uh our batch study
I'll tell a little more in in a second what I thought was extraordinary with this talk yesterday and and and the big audience was that people were there because they were curious they were curious to know more about the side effects with the vaccines
they were curious to know more about uh why did why the vaccines the corona vaccines didn't protect against transmission - why it was a big scam with the corona passport why we should never have had the lockdowns and so on
and I want to focus a little on the questions that the audience had we my husband and I my husband is Peter ree Hansen he's a Prof professor in cardiology he's the senior senior author of our studies and we were there to give a talk
we told about the bad dependency we told about the varying pattern the the varying safety signals in this case with Pfizer Corona vaccines where our studies both on Danish data and on Swedish data has shown that your risk of getting side effects very much depend when you had the corona vaccine very much dependent on which batch you had
which means that if you had one of the early batches your risk of getting side effects were much much higher than if you have had one of the later Badges and actually some of the later batches seems to have given none uh side effects whatsoever
and what it also showed was that apparently in this case Pfizer must have changed the vaccines along the way and we have only been focusing on the side effect which could be you know lesser minor side effects soreness or redness around where you have the injection or more serious side effects and even death
but showing that there was a big difference for your risk of having side effects and that fiser did something to the vaccine along the way I think it's important to stress that then we don't know whether the um efficacy also changed
my word is my um theory is that the the along the way Pfizer did something to the vaccine changed something in the process in the production in the transportation or or you know many ways of changing it and probably also uh change the efficacy
which means that maybe in the end the vaccine had none efficacy whatsoever we don't know because we don't have these studies
but I want to focus on the questions from the audience because thought the questions was very relevant
first of all there was a big mistrust uh against the authorities and I understand that because our study our batch dependence uh studies where the first came out uh with peer review for more than one and a half year ago should have at least had had the authorities not only in Denmark but in all over the Western World to stop and and and focus and reanalyze or just starting to analyze the data which they Havent
instead they had and has ignored our very varying findings on official data uh and so I understand why people are mistrusting the authorities the governments
I also understand why they don't - why they lack trust to the media uh because the media is part of this narrative where they haven't told anything about the as
for example our study none whatsoever mainstream media has even mentioned the very varying findings of our studies not only in Denmark but all over the world
so the the mainstream media is part of the sickness - you can't trust them because they misinform the the public - they they withhold very important data like this two studies which both have been through peer review and and have published but nevertheless so a mistrust against the authorities against the Press but also uh mistrust uh concerning vaccines
the safety of vaccines and we can see that from all over the world that people are withholding uh taking not only fisa and Corona vaccines but vaccines as such
and that's of course in many aspects varying then also we could see that um people felt that the Democracy the the the censorship the democracies is is uh on fire so to speak or is it has maybe in in many aspects turned into a dictatorship
instead because they have taken away our freedom of speech they have taken away our personal freedom you saw that with the corona passport so it seems like slowly slowly the Democracy in the western world seems to be turning into in some ways a dictatorship which is of course Very worrying
and then least of all but you know very important there was a big frustration because we could see that at the talk some of the attendance were vaccine um um injured people or having relatives that were severely vaccine injured
and there was a big frustration against the doctors who wasn't H Keen of listening or even the opposite didn't want to hear about vaccine safety didn't want to go into vaccine injuries they felt that they went around even to University Hospitals here in Denmark
and that the doctors The Specialist didn't want to uh um hear about the vaccine injuries didn't want to consider it as an option even when the symptoms was very weird and very unusual and I think that's of course uh very disturbing
and also very sad being a doctor myself that my colleagues or some of my colleagues still are very reluctant to go in and not only try and investigate whether there is a connection but also do science into this very important matter
and there we go there we see patients not having the right treatment not having the right diagnostic not having the right I would say respect uh and responsibility against uh this very important matter so here I am and I'm uh at bolm and looking very much forward to have a a good discussion with my good friend John Campbell and I hope to see you soon take care and visit bolm in Denmark it's the most beautiful place in the world thank you, thank you
well thanks very much for that report reua excellent fascinating and indeed really fairly uh concerning things that need addressed
now I would have thought rather than later at a personal level at a wider National level at International level as well of course and Via has agreed to come and give us a full interview on her latest comparison data between Denmark and Sweden when she gets back from her lecture tour
so I'm looking forward to that and of of course as soon as we've recorded that we'll get it out uh for uh wider peer review and uh who knows maybe other media Outlets will'll pick it up important data that needs consideration because the implications for the future are immense as more uh genetic preparations based on this novel messenger ribonucleic acid methodology vaccine genetic treatment whatever you want to call it are being rolled out and are under development and of course all the other implications for freedom of speech lack of censorship threat to democracy it all kind of without being melodramatic it does kind of go together anyway we'll leave it there thank you Rebecca and full report coming soon and thank you for watching”
"End of transcript
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Now if you knew there were going to be significant effects…which they knew no doubt there would be…and that would limit those who would be returning for a 2nd/3rd dose….so its is very logical you want these victims to get a “bad batch” up front….the great the social media and pressure from all sides to get at least the first and most lethal dose in one shot. At least with a gun the singular bullet hit a linear grouping of organs and body parts…with this “vaccine” every cell in your body is the target…from brain to your toes…and just one dose will do you in….Worse yet the CDC is STILL pushing this shot..and the FDA has not removed it…all political criminals in my book along with the med establishment who advocates MD/DOs stay quiet…or else loose your certification/license to practice medicine.
I recall they changed the buffer in Oct21. Prof Segalla explained that in "Pandora's Vaccine". I doubt they switched to just saline. It would be very easy to distinguish pure saline solution from colloidal suspension. It would've been spotted straight away.