Terrible threat of an airborne “inoculation” of a man-made self-spreading mutating virus being developed – funded by Congress and DARPA
Before diving into the main topic, a quick word on the weekly podcast, packed with relevant and important information.
The HighWire | Watch “EPISODE 360: THE CLOT THICKENS” – I have no personal or financial interest in the HighWire.
Lots of important material – as usual – in the weekly HighWire report with Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri, including a class action lawsuit brought against Ontario Province after a judge declared that all the C19 measures imposed by the Provincial government were “ultra vires”.
- plus, members of the Cult of Moloch in the Waterloo area of Ontario want to suspend 18,000 elementary school students and 10,000 high school students because Thero vaxx records were not up to date (despite there being no mandate for ay injections. Including C10 AND (religious exemptions are allowed) – note this move by the education authority implies that ALL vaccines are mandatory BEFORE kids can attend school!!!
– plus, a plea for V-Safe text field analysts – though there are no plans to lead, organize and coordinate resources to assess millions of text entries – lots of people looking at the same text fields! – and a section on blood clots!!!
Incidentally, I am wondering whether the majority of the adverse events and deaths have a common cause – blood clots. Embalmers say one in three cadavers have fibrous blood clots. No comment on how many have micro-clots.
Just a thought. This may be why we need to study the marine worm – “Degrading the Spike Protein: Neanthes japonica (Izuka)”
Friday Hope: Degrading the Spike Protein: Neanthes japonica (Izuka) (substack.com)
Which had this:
“The fibrinolytic enzyme purified from Neanthes japonica (NJ) was first labeled as NJF. As you will read, it has the ability to treat two major pathological conditions caused by the Spike Protein.
It dissolves fibrin and fibrinogen (clots) and offers neuroprotection from reperfusion, which my previous research has shown to be a major cause of injury by the Spike Protein. It also inhibits lipid peroxidation and increases endogenous antioxidant defense enzymes.”
Ok, back to the major point around the potential development of a possible species ending self-replicating and mutating artificial virus.
The theory is that you chop a bit off the end of a virus, and it will act as a parasite to attack the actual deadly virus you are targeting AND will evolve in the same way as the targeted virus mutates.
A key section of the podcast deals with airborne inoculation with self-replicating viruses – sort of like the truncated component of the monkey virus SV40 that is I the Pfizer mRNA spike venom injections.
From the 32-minute mark of the weekly podcast from the Highwire – The HighWire | Watch EPISODE 360: THE CLOT THICKENS
We have this legislation in the Pandemic Preparedness Bill signed into law a few years ago – echoes of the same attitude in the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty being discussed now by a WHO working group of nincompoops from all over the world, which still has the risk of being parachuted in, in the May 2924 WHO and WHA meetings.
Prevent pandemics act 2022
So, the Members of the Cult of Moloch in Congress really want to accelerate Warp Speed to ten times the speed of light ad science.
The background highlighted by Jefferey Jaxxen of the HighWire references several papers, including this one from 2014.
The case for transmissible antivirals to control population-wide infectious disease - PubMed (nih.gov) – which had a backdrop of the AIDS “epidemic”.
This on from 2016
Co-evolving Antivirals Aim to Keep Ahead of Fast-Changing Viruses (darpa.mil)
And this one from 2021
Each of these precedes the 2022 Act passed by Congress in 2022.
I think this is one article from 2018 that was also referenced.
“The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Small Business Programs Office is seeking innovative research concepts for Therapeutic Interfering Particles (TIPs) as a medical countermeasure against viruses in humans.”
Now, in the same way that a lie spreads across the globe faster than the truth ca get its pants o, the injections did the same. We were lied to, 13.6 billion injections later, we lost the battle to prevent deaths ad mutilations. That was round 1 – the sucker punch may not be “Disease X” – Disease X may be the infecting of a single human being who self-replicates a virus that evolves and mutates into a lethal pathogen that has an R nought of infinity and so ends the human species.
If you consider that the research into these TIPs has been developing over at least the last ten years, it may already have been deployed – harmlessly against a lesser-known virus that was not particularly harmful in the first place. How would we know?
So, watch the HighWire show from the 32-minute mark – then maybe watch the section on blood clots repeating an episode on blood clots from a year ago the 81-minute mark.
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This made a huge impression on me, so much so I had to do my own article
Fauci already told us a year ago airborne "inoculation" is the goal:
Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses
David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, Anthony S. Fauci
Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023
It's not an especially long or difficult read. After informing us that they know flu and covid "vaccines" are largely ineffective they make the case for nasal spray and eye drop "vaccines." And it's not like those experimental nasal spray "vaccines" will be safe or effective, either. Just like the injections may result in VAIDS , this biotech will attack the protection that our own beneficial mucosal microbiome provides. And thus leave that which is 70% of our natural immune system vulnerable to all of the microbial pathogens swimming in the ocean of air we breathe. Much like how hand sanitizer is indiscriminate killers of our natural hand microbiome that protects us.
And by doing it in a chamber rather than environment-wide they avoid the whole "friendly fire" effect of hurting themselves. And environment-wide is very expensive, very inefficient. But delivered in a chamber. With a nozzle. Like a shower. Where have we seen this before?
The aerosolized delivery format is also very helpful for the progression to "Come step into zee vaccine inhaaler vroom, no injection needed! Just stand under zis showver nozzle and breathe in deeply ven you zee da gas come out. Do you haf any gold tooth fillings?"