Terrific 19-minute video - the impact of small changes in the earth’s orbit round the sun, changes in the earth’s tilt and “wobbly poles” – we are coming out of an ice age! Milankovitch (and Methane)
The video starts with a chart on the large spike in methane in the atmosphere that cannot be explained with known science (centred close to methane gas extraction plants in Iran and Kazakhstan – (“wet market” much!).
Methane makes up 1,800 parts per BILLION of the atmosphere.
That’s 1.8 parts per million for methane v around 400 parts per million for CO2, around 780,000 parts per million of nitrogen, around 210,000 parts per million of oxygen and 10,000 parts per million of argon.
Nobody talks about argon – it reminds me of a joke from an old friend I have lost touch with SJ Wells, but I won’t tell it here in case there are rugrats that might read this!
Methane is a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, but we know that CO2 is not some sort of “temperature dial” on global temperatures. Clouds are far more important, but UN IPCC models keep their heads well out of them.
You can check that out here:
The video explains how small changes in the earth’s orbit round the sun from a circle to an ellipse brings the earth closer to and further away from the sun, causing significant impacts on the Earth’s climate.
You will hear about “ice age termination events” and how we are still technically in an ice age that is ending!
Here are the three Milankovitch factors. Each has significant impacts on the Earth’s climate.
Factor 1 - orbiting the sun
Ice age termination events are aligned with this 100,000-year cycle of changes from circular to elliptical orbits round the sun.
Then there’s shifts in the Earth’s axis that occur every 40,000 years or so ranging between 21 and 24 degrees@
Factor 2 - the Earth’s tilr
More tilt might lead to greater glacial melting at the poles.
The last effect is “precession” – the earth “wobbles” every 20,000 year or so.
Quite the spinning top, tight? The Earth spins at a thousand miles an hour while it makes its 150 million mile annual journey round the sun (at 17,000 mph).
Lots of other charts that display the synchronicity of these Milankovitch factors with ice ages.
The rest of the video comments on the way that methane is created. Lots of “swamy” stuff that seems incongruous with the “rewilding” plans of the “greenies.
One aspect that is not covered in the video is the propensity of the Earth to completely flip on its axis.
From here:
What Really Happens When Earth’s Magnetic Field Flips? (nationalgeographic.com)
“,,, what is a geomagnetic reversal?
If geologic history repeats itself, Earth’s magnetic poles should eventually swap places. This much is undeniable. Based on the magnetic fingerprints locked into ancient rocks, we know that over the last 20 million years, magnetic north and south have flipped roughly every 200,000 to 300,000 years (this rate has not been constant over the planet’s lifetime, though). The last of these major reversals occurred about 780,000 years ago, although the Poles do wander around in between these larger flips. (What’s more, climate change seems to be shifting Earth’s geographic poles.)”
Try and hold your sides in from laughing at the last sentence in parentheses – Nat Geo just had to slip that ludicrous lie in!
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The sun also has seasonal variations. Full overview - https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/global-warming-science
NatGeo has the street cred of the BBC and David Attenborough rolled into one.
Nonetheless, it struck me that while the globocult maniacs might well stop at attempting to change the Earth's orbit, they could get quite enthusiastic with thermonuclear attempts to manipulate precession and axis tilt that would have the additional putative double benefits of a nuclear winter and large cull ... :-) Let's not give them ideas!