The anti-human cult seeks to replace nutrition, clean water, sanitation, cheap energy, crop production - with - a needle and a digital passport
A bit of a rant – but that’s what coffee can do to a man!
By definition, for an intervention to be beneficial it must remove an agent causing suffering.
We have all witnessed the opposite effect of both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s).
The agreement about to become law in all signatories to the changes in the International Health Regulations – in FIVE MONTHS – will sequester 5% of existing health budgets for “pandemic preparedness” measures that includes digital passports and mandatory experimental injections.
If you think health costs, waiting lists and treatment quality is bad now, just wait until health budgets are reduced by 5%.
First world countries spend around 12% of their GDP on health. The global average is around 7% of around 100 trillion bucks of global GDP. This is a grab of tax dollars of around 350 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.
But that’s not all. A fixed percentage of GDP will also be sequestered. Perhaps 0.5% or 500 billion bucks a year.
Before long the WHO budget will be a trillion bucks a year. All unaccountable, all immune from prosecution for malpractice.
Eyes on the prize being sought by the cult. The world becomes poorer and the cult becomes fatter.
Despite decades of accumulated evidence proving the contrary, governments enforced lock-downs, masking and social distancing that drove nations even further into debt in order to promote the interests of the anti-human cult in its on-going efforts to dominate, control and “suck the fun” out of the entire planet.
The amount of money wasted in pursuit of policies known to be useless runs to trillions of dollars.
Instead of lifting the hungry, the deprived and the sick out of poverty, hunger and deprivation, the anti-human cult brain-washed political cowards and corrupted health regulators to literally waste the trillions that could have ended starvation and disease for generations.
The anti-human cult injected over 5 billion relatively healthy people with instructions to make a toxic spike protein that mutates fast – whilst ignoring both existing therapeutics (IVM and HCQ protocols) AND the solutions to the plight of the bottom 2 billion people on planet earth living on a few bucks a day.
Indeed, the first world might just as well have paid the poorest 2 billion people on earth 5,000 bucks each for all the good that came out of spending 10 trillion on C19 measures. At least lives would have been saved rather than killed by C19 measures.
The choice was made – by aging politicians interested in power and self-preservation – to maintain and increase levels of suffering globally, by making the first world even more indebted.
The World Health Organization is responsible for world health. Its efforts and resources were supposed to alleviate suffering and disease in the third world – not cause suffering and disease in the first world.
All those WHO endorsed but useless masks, fraudulent tests, toxic injections rolled out in the first world, instead of help to the third world for food, antibiotics for pneumonia, access to clean water, agricultural self sufficiency, better general health access, even mosquito nets to prevent malaria.
That these sicknesses and threats still exist in the third world is a testament to the failure of the WHO. Literally hundreds of billions have been poured into the WHO over the decades. More than matched with even more hundreds of billions of dollars of “aid” money from taxpayers.
Unaccountable of course. No audit possible, too hard to do. Yeah right.
So having failed abysmally to eliminate poverty and disease in the third world, whilst pocketing at least a quarter of its budget in “administrative costs”, the WHO seeks to move on to fresh pastures to plunder.
It now wants to inject the starving and the diseased rather than feed them, make them self-sufficient, smarter and healthy.
Governments round the world have easily spent 25 trillion dollars on subsidies for “green” policies; they have easily spend more than 10 trillion bucks on C19 measures. Throw in the odd trillion or two in “overseas aid” money by first world governments over decades.
Call it 40 trillion bucks.
More than sufficient to provide energy efficient homes for a billion poor, malnourished and sick people, educate them and help them achieve self-sufficiency and to make them happy and proud.
Let’s check out pneumonia.
From here: Pneumonia - Our World in Data “2.5 million people died from pneumonia in 2019.” 2.5 million. Data sourced from the WHO no doubt.
Check out the WHO’s own page on pneumonia deaths. Pneumonia (
Now read the last sentence:
“Vaccines can help prevent pneumonia.” Yes, there’s a vaxx for that. There is also a pill.
How much should a vaxx or a pill cost to heal the poor? Enquiring minds want to know why this isn’t a priority for the WHO? After all 2.5 million children die a year from pneumonia.
Almost 7 million people have been misdiagnosed as dying of C19 over the least three and a half years.
3 and a half years times 2.5 MILLION CHILDREN have died of pneumonia over the period of the scamdemic = 8.7 million children. Another 2.5 million will continue to die without treatment. Why is this not a Public Health Emergency of International Concern? (PHEIC)
Say each pneumonia treatment costs 500 bucks. It would cost 1.25 billion bucks a year to end pneumonia. How does that stack against the trillions of money wasted over the scamdemic?
How about “world hunger”?
From here: How Many People Die From Hunger Each Year? (
“Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.”
Nine million a year. Over 30 million in the last 4 and a half years. Why isn’t this a PHEIC?
A food pack costing 5 bucks a day for, say, 100 million food insecure people would cost around 182.5 billion bucks a year.
Compare that to the 40 trillion wasted on the anti-human cult shoving unnecessary “green” policies, NPI’s, injections and vaxx passports that simply deny health and happiness, whilst achieving precisely zero. 40 trillion divided by 182.5 billion a year = 219 years.
Of course there is some permutation of solutions that would work in the most pragmatic way. The point is, the WHO and government aid agencies have FAILED to solve the problems despite decades of trying.
Digital ID’s and mRNA injections will not feed, clothe or solve current problems. Instead they create even bigger health problems.
So; it’s be assimilated by the Borg, get digitized and injected, or spend a fraction of the costs and actually help people become healthier, wealthier and wiser.
Please upgrade to paid, or donate a coffee (I drink a lot of coffee) - “God Bless You!” if you can’t or don’t want to contribute. Coffee donations here: - Buying just one Ko-Fi a week for $3 is 50 bucks more than an annual $100 subscription!
Thank you, Peter,
A truly worthwhile rant!
We need to bring back the death penalty in Britain and Canada, because nothing less will suffice for the mass murder of our citizens by our woke, uber-corrupt governments.
The leaders of the World Health Organization also deserve the gallows for their mass murder of tens of millions of innocents of all ages.
I calculated COVID-19 vaccine-caused deaths in Canada at 98,000 to the end of 2022 and 172,000 in Britain for the same time frame. Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated 13 million COVID-19 vaccine caused deaths in the western countries to end 2022.
That death toll is not over, and does not include China,. We could easily double the total death numbers for the global population.
The environmental movement has long been a smokescreen for extremely destructive, anti-human leftist policies that have literally killed hundreds of millions in the developing world.
Back in the 1960s, Rachel Carson wrote the book Silent Spring and caused the banning of DDT across sub-Saharan Africa. This caused malaria deaths of under-five-year-olds to double from 1 million to 2 million per year and that policy lasted for about 30 years. That hysterical Carson bitch caused the deaths of about 30 million innocent children under the age of five. Subsequent tests have failed to duplicate any of her claims against DDT.
The utterly disproved, global warming scam has literally wasted the lives of hundreds of millions in sub-Saharan Africa, by denying them the use of fossil fuels. Four barrels of oil is equivalent to a lifetime of hard labor, and by denying them fossil fuels, we have consigned them to lives of hard labour and poverty, illness, and early death.
In Britain and in Germany, woke green energy generation policies have essentially destroyed the power grid, making electricity so expensive that people cannot longer afford to heat their homes. When old people live in unheated buildings, they die. Globally, cold-weather kills 20 times more people worldwide than hot weather.
My observation is that the left lies about everything.
Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
Wondering WHY this cult - which throws money around like there's no tomorrow - did not / does not solve hunger and disease and at the very same time we KNOW this disgusting Cult calls the mayority of the world population 'Useless Eaters". And if we are aware of the history of Eugenics AND that this cult never was absent, always was present, hidden behind all sort of nice sounding names. How these people have been behaving in recent years does show that we may have arrived at the end of time. System wise.
Open and exposed and completely shameless and hyper rude, they say with a smile on their face that they care for us. And then you already feel the proverbial dagger in your back.
We must indeed return to reasonableness, back to humanity, but we must not make the mistake of expecting reasonableness from cult members. The other day I heard a very good explanation of why we keep failing to organize ourselves properly so that we can form a strong counterforce as a unit against these stinking cult members. EVERY day we are bombarded with info and it is now very frustrating that I don't remember WHERE I saw this.