The APOCRYPHA of VAERS – how the CDC and FDA are concealing the scale of global genocide and battery assault caused by injection of experimental C19 “vaccines” made by US pharma companies
/APOCRYPHA = not forming part of the accepted canon of the Cult of Moloch.
The seminal analysis pf the team at the Ethical Skeptic here:
The State of Things Pandemic (
We have this for the US:
As of February 10th 2024, there have been
· 706,036 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
· 176,870 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 60,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
· 374,369 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
· 368,567 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2
This is a conservative estimate of excess mortality. I calculated the excess deaths in the USA over the last four calendar years by looking at the changes in the rates of death to come up with a number of 2.3 million over the fur years of the scamdemic and 1.7 million deaths over the last three calendar years of the C19 injections.
The regulatory bodies around the world are requested (not required) to report all vaccine adverse events to US manufacturers – who in turn are legally obligated to report those adverse events to VAERS. US medica are legally obligated by Federal law to report these events to VAERS. The public may also report if they know how to and have a myriad of details available to medics.
Let’s combine the (majority) vaxx excess deaths of 706,036 with the number of dead for the US only reported to VAERS from here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 1/26/2024 – VAERS Analysis
We can derive the under-reporting factor for deaths by dividing the 706,036 by 18,482 = 38 for the reporting of deaths to VAERS in the US.
We can cross check the number of deaths by applying the work of Denis Rancourt that estimates that around 800-1,000 deaths occur per million doses on a global basis. Up until the CDC stopped updating its website here:
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US
676,728,782 doses for the USA, so 676.729 deaths at 1 death per thousand and 845,911 at one death per 800 doses.
Which brings us to more intentional errors of omission in the Apocrypha of the Cult – Adverse Events of which Deaths are a subset.
Note that an adverse event report can only be made ONCE to VAERS – there are no reports available that highlight the progression from mild, to severe (life altering) to serious (life threatening) to death, it will be interesting to see whether the free text fields in V-Safe can be analysed through this lens.
During recent Congressional Testimony one of the regulators whined that he only had 4 staff to process CAERS data. Four out of a total staff of the combined CDC/FDA of over 20,000. You would have thought that a simple managerial decision would be to allocate a few thousand staff during a national emergency would have been a common-sense approach. But no, the “leadership” f the CDC/FDA decided to spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on hiring a subcontractor – General Dynamic IT – to process adverse events from the US and around the world. Contracts were signed as early as August 2020 – four months BEFORE the roll-out of the C19 spike venom injections.
Side note: mRNA injections that have never worked in their multi-decade history work by “transfection” of mRNA, Viral vector/Adenovirus treatments work by “transformation” of DNA,
In the first year of the roll-out of injections contracts worth around 40 million bucks were paid to General Dynamics and there were around 1.4 million VAERS reports released to the public in 2021. (Split roughly 50:50 US and outside the US.
General Dynamics will only have processed VAERS reports under the terms of its contract. It would NOT process reports for which it was not paid.
The price per report doe 2021, the first year of the roll-out of injections, can be estimated as 40 million bucks for 1.4 million reports = \round 30 bucks for each report processed. Which rather begs the question – how many reports were NOT processed?
Unprocessed reports are held in a PRIVATE section of VAERS. In other words, we don’t know but the CDC/FDA and General Dynamics do know.
Seems like a reasonable FOIA request!
Ok, continuing with the zooming in on 2021 before going back to the last 3 years of injections.
From here: VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 1/26/2024 – VAERS Analysis
We can correlate those i2021 adverse events of around 1.4 million to the number of doses administered in the US from here:
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States (
We don’t know how many doses were administered outside the US over 2021. We can get some idea for individual countries/regions. The EU = 730 million, Japan 169 million, Canada 49 million and Australia and South Korea maybe 30 million.
For the USA for calendar year 2022, there were an additional 160 million doses with a few hundred thousand adverse events reported in total to VAERS and for 2023, around 100,000 adverse events for 11 million doses when the CDC stopped providing details for doses administered in May 2023. VARS reports continue to be updated, albeit monthly from September 2023 onwards.
So, let’s construct an approximation of the number of adverse events in total around the world from an estimate of the adverse event reporting rate observed I Pfizer’s Phase 3 clinical study and the number of doses administered by US manufacturers (Pfizer, Moderna, JnJ and Novavax).
If we assume that the rate of adverse events per dose is equal to the number reported in the clinical trial page 11 here:
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (
We can see 5,241 events (maybe multiple per person) amongst 21,926 people in the injected arm of the study who received two doses each. Now we know from the work of Josh Guetzkow and Retsef Levi that [process used in the trials was NOT the same as that actually manufactured (Process 2) AND their work indicated that Process 2 was 2-3 times more harmful than Process 1 used in the clinical.
Side note: The work of John Beaudoin indicates that deaths switched from mostly respiratory I n2020, to circulatory (blood clots?) after the roll-out of the injections in 2021 onwards.
So, for the US, the number of adverse events suffered from 677 million doses could be around 135 million.
How many doses globally? Well, Pfizer brags about injection 4.2 billion doses globally. Taje off 500 million doses administered in the US and this leaves 3.8 billion doses administered outside the US.
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States (
How many doses administered by other US manufacturers outside the US – Moderna, Novavax and JnJ? Another FOIA required! I estimate around 2 billion – for another 500 million adverse events.
So, US adverse events = 135 million – outside the US another 500 million – grand total of around 635 million adverse events that should have been reported to VAERS in the US (multiple per person).
Side note: the mRNA clinical studies/trials were conducted amongst health adults aged between 18 and 55 – not the sick, nor the elderly, not children and not pregnant women.
We know that the vast majority of adverse events are not reported to VAERS, and we know that medics were instructed NOT to report adverse events to VAERS. If we work backwards and assume that just one in 100 events is reported to VAERS (Lazarus Report) we can come up with just 6.35 million reports to VAERS.
Let’s skin this cat in a different way.
Referring again to VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 1/26/2024 – VAERS Analysis
Note this:
A million adverse events for the US from 677 million doses and just 1.6 million minus that US one million = 600,000 adverse events from 5.8 billion doses administered OUTSIDE the US.
EIGHT TIMES the doses results in 400,000 FEWER adverse events? I think not. The pro-rata number of adverse events equals using US adverse events rates = at least EIGHT MILLION AADVERSE EVENTS not 800,000. This would lift the total number of adverse events to NINE MILLION – and remember, this is under-reported. If the 635 million number derived above is applied, the Under Reporting factor using 1.6 million adverse events is ALMOST 400 – just one adverse event has been reported for every 400 suffered,
The same method can be applied to the number of deaths. Multiply the 37,100 total deaths o VAERS less the 18,582 US deaths – 18,518 ex-US deaths by 8 to get a pro-rata number of 148,144 deaths NOT the 18,518 ex0US deaths derived from the VAERS data. An extra 130,000 deaths, lifting total VAERS deaths to around 167,100 deaths rather than 37,100.
This is an estimate of the scale of the APOCRYPHA of the Cult in the US. It des not include the even larger scale of deaths and harms caused by the Oxford/AstraZeneca (AZN) shot.
AZN was not approved for EUA in the US. It was approved in India and distributed under license to the Serum Institute. Around 2 billion doses. Using data on the EU’s EUDRA system I estimated that AZN was 4-5 times more harmful than Pfizer and Moderna doses.
There could easily be 20 million dead in India and India would not bat an eye lid.
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