The bureaucratic infrastructure that enables the implementation of the WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR) and the "de facto" ceding of national sovereignty
Pozdrav Sloveniji!!!
First a little context:
Adherence to the existing IHR’s with enforcement at the country, state, city and local level, resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people around the world directly, and untold millions indirectly, via the second order effects of starvation and business failures. This genocide was paid for with trillions of dollars of debt that has been completely wasted on consuming scarce resources for all the paraphernalia and toxic injections used.
The changes to the WHO IHR now include the term “gene therapy” for treatment of pandemics.
Take a look at how the EU operates a similar system.
The European Union Commission uses “Directives” to implement the policy choices of the EU Council of Leaders which are then ratified by the EU Parliament.
The U has THREE presidents!
From here:
What are EU directives? - UK in a changing Europe (
“Directives are the most common form of EU legal act. In contrast to a regulation, a directive does not apply directly at the national level. Instead, an EU directive sets out an objective to be achieved, and it is then left to the individual countries to achieve this objective however they see fit.
This takes place through a process called ‘transposition’, which essentially translates an EU directive into national legislation.”
Pay particular attention to that last sentence.
You can compare and contrast that with mechanisms in other democracies and the second round impacts on “third” countries of compliance with the EU when engaging in trade and tourism.
Side note – notice how the G7 nations are signing “security agreements” with the Ukraine this weekend, rather than acting via NATO? Of the G7, only Japan is not in NATO. How poignant is it that, after the D-Day anniversary, NATO is ow intent on supplying arms to neo-Nazi regiments in Ukraine to attack a World War 2 ally fighting the Nazis, Russia. - the “security agreement” is intended to be “Trump proof” and last ten years!
Resident Biden is busy using as many arrangements of this kind as he can – or rather whoever is jerking his strings – before he is evicted. Federal departments and agencies are doing the same via ultra views “regulations” (especially for ludicrous “Net Zero” fantasies) that Congress is desperately trying to rein I and overturn
Anyway, the EU uses “directives” on top of “regulations” with which to implement its policis – which are then implemented by the EU’s 26 member states via statutes, laws and regulations at the national level.
Now let’s look at the infrastructure within the WHO that are used to implement the IHR.
National Action Plan for Health Security (
National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)
“National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) is a country owned, multi-year, planning process that can accelerate the implementation of IHR core capacities, and is based on a One Health for all-hazards, whole-of-government approach. It captures national priorities for health security, brings sectors together, identifies partners and allocates resources for health security capacity development.”
Each country “owns” the Action Plan, but to be “compliant” it must conform to the plan.
Note the terms “One Health” and “whole of government” – with the kicker “captures national priorities”. No sovereignty issues there, right? As a reminder, “One Health” is defined below:
“'One Health' is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment. It is particularly important to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
One Health involves the public health, veterinary, public health and environmental sectors. The One Health approach is particularly relevant for food and water safety, nutrition, the control of zoonoses (diseases that can spread between animals and humans, such as flu, rabies and Rift Valley fever), pollution management, and combatting antimicrobial resistance (the emergence of microbes that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).”
These are policies set by the WHO and its parent, the United Nations, but which ar implemented by suborned “client” nation states.
That’s just part of the enabling infrastructure that all member states have signed up to:
Here’s another:
Joint External Evaluations (
“A Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary, collaborative, multisectoral process to assess country capacities to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to public health risks whether occurring naturally or due to deliberate or accidental events. The JEE helps countries identify the most critical gaps within their human and animal health systems in order to prioritize opportunities for enhanced preparedness and response.
“Deliberate or accidental”??? Like the Wuhan “lab leak?
An example of the JEE is here:
JEE Documents list for improvement.xlsx - Google Sheets
A bureaucrat’s paradise!
Did you know there was a PAHO? Pan American Health Organization?
There is an African one - About | Africa Health Organisation (
“AHO believes in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Goals. Its work is guided by the SDGs. Our organisation is aligned with the SDGs. Our Strategic Plan 2020-2025 was born out of the SDGs”.
No doubt there are lots of meeting with About us | WHO | Regional Office for Africa and similar meeting with the five other WHO Regional Offices - for the Americas. South-East Asia, Europe, and the Eastern Mediterranean.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) in charge of international health cooperation in the Americas.
No doubt, much like the WHO is a “specialized” agency of the United Nations.
Here’s a link to a dialogue published by the “Americas”.
“The Economic and Health Dialogue of the Americas (EHA) was launched on the margins of the 9th Summit of the Americas in June 2022 by the U.S. Department of State. In 2023, the EHA held its first high-level meeting to establish the governance structure and approve scope of work. Since then, countries have organized 11 technical meetings and a first in person encounter in Uruguay at the end of 2023.
On the 11th of March of 2024, the 2nd annual high-level meeting of the EHA was held in the Dominican Republic with representation from 17 countries. Ministers and Vice Ministers from health, finance, economy, foreign affairs, and commerce agencies participated to include Ministerial-level participation from of the United States, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Mexico, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Guyana, Guatemala, Suriname, Panama, Colombia, and Paraguay, in addition to high-level representatives from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador. In addition to government representatives, leadership from regional technical organizations participated, including IDB Executive Vice President Jordan Schwartz and PAHO Deputy Director Mary Lou Valdez. Representatives from ECLAC, USAID, USTDA, U.S. Department of Commerce, and CDC were also in attendance.”
What’s the betting that the continued enablement of human trafficking into the US was discussed, plus how the WHO IHR’s could be dovetailed into every country using US tax dollars?
Enquiring minds want to know how much all of this bureaucracy costs and how big its “carbon footprint” is. Perhaps more importantly, what would happen if it was simply abolished!
Lord only knows what would happen if the agenda of “globalists” – implemented by natin state bureaucracies – was replaced with member states spending whatever money they raise I taxes plus all the aid budgets of bankrupt but developed first world countries plus all the money collected by charities – to implement clean water programs, better sewage, ensuring a healthy balanced nutritious diet, home grown, healthy diet and lots of fresh air and exercise – with education that supported those things. Perhaps this would throw off the insidious and ever creeping global fascist health system.
You might even be able to come up with a “nation template” that detailed how these basics could be rolled out.
As it is, a massive fascist system requires a massive corruptible bureaucracy to implement a plethora of rules, regulations, laws and directives – plus all the compliance police and auditors that go along with confirming ad enabling the profligate spending.
Just imagine, there will soon be offices with lots of bureaucrats for climate change, open borders as well as health. What next? Oh yes – food and water – distributed with diversity, equity and inclusion of all genders.
Each nation state (ad its provinces, states, counties, cities and local authorities) enforces the regulations set down by the United Nations and its organs like the WHO. The strictness of enforcement depends on the tolerance of brutality – as in Victoria, Australia and China. But the regulations are the catalyst and source of the “power”.to do so.
De facto sovereignty by the UN and WHO of its 194-member nation states who have been blindsided by the changes in intent and scope of original agreements by statesmen of the past.
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Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.
The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.
They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at