The C19 propaganda drones on – a new JAMA network “research” paper for California ignores harms and claims a reduction in hospitalizations of children – it also claims "vaxxines" prevent infection
At he bottom of this article I do some “back of the envelope” calculations that suggest that 6,000 Californian kids were killed by the injections and 78,000 serious adverse events were caused by them Ad that’s assuming the casualty rate was suffered with Process 1, not the twice as nasty “Process 2” actually injected.
From here:
“Objective To identify whether California's pediatric COVID-19 immunization program was associated with changes in pediatric COVID-19 incidence and hospitalizations.”
Change the incidence of C19 and hospitalizations!!! As for the term “immunization”?!?!? The experimental injections were not designed for immunization!
Rob Roos asks Pfizer if they knew their vaccine didn’t stop transmission… (
The objective of the clinical trials/studies was ONLY to reduce symptoms, nothing else.
No healthy child died from exposure to the SARS-COV2 virus or C19 disease.
What was the scope of the “research”?
“Design, Setting, and Participants A case series on COVID-19 vaccination including children aged 6 months to 15 years was conducted in California. Data were obtained on COVID-19 cases in California between April 1, 2020, and February 27, 2023.”
There were no “vaccines” available to anyone until after mid-December 2020, so April 2020 some sort of starting baseline.
A month short of three years – 35 months.
12–15-year-olds were EUA’ed in early May 2021 – which shortens the possible time period for comparative analysis for this cohort to 22 months.
5–11-year-olds were EUA’ed in late October 2021 – which shortens the possible time period for – leaving 17 months for comparative analysis.
6 months to five-year-olds were EUA’ed in mid-June 2022 – leaving just 8 months for comparative analysis.
How many kids were giving the “one size fits all” injections of spike venom?
Postvaccination evaluation periods spanned 141 days (June 10 to October 29, 2021) for adolescents aged 12 to 15 years,
199 days (November 29, 2021, to June 17, 2022) for children aged 5 to 11 years, and
225 days (July 17, 2022, to February 27, 2023) for those aged 6 to 59 months.
During these periods, statewide vaccine coverage reached:
· 53.5% among adolescents aged 12 to 15 years,
· 34.8% among children aged 5 to 11 years, and
· 7.9% among those aged 6 to 59 months.”
Not may parents wanted to give their kids the “steenking vaccines”.
Here are the recommended dosages for the initial poisoning with the experimental modified mRNA injections:
Children aged 5 to 11 years - two 10 micrograms doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (Comirnaty®) with an interval of 8 weeks between the first and second doses,
Quite the gap of 8 weeks before 5–11-year-olds are considered “vaccinated”.
Here’s a Pfizer dosage schedule:
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Dosage Chart (
Here’s the first and second dose estimated “efficacy” AT THE USA NATIONAL LEVEL:
14 deaths estimated to have been prevented after one dose and 15 after two doses (cumulative?). 1,354 hospital admissions prevented – no clue whether these were children with C19 present – coincidentally – or because of C19.
Here’s the results from the “research study”.:
Between April 1, 2020, and February 27, 2023, a total of 3 913 063 pediatric COVID-19 cases and 12 740 hospitalizations were reported in California. “
Again, note the April 2020 start date.
“Reductions of 146 210 cases (95% prediction interval [PI], 136 056-158 948) were estimated among adolescents aged 12 to 15 years, corresponding to a 37.1% (35.5%-39.1%) reduction from counterfactual predictions. “
A 37% reduction in “cases” – isn’t it a rule that at least 50% is required for efficacy? 63% of “cases” were NOT prevented. Were these cases solely due to C19 or was C19 accidentally present?
“Reductions of 230 134 (200 170-265 149) cases were estimated among children aged 5 to 11 years, corresponding to a 23.7% (20.6%-27.3%) reduction from counterfactual predictions. “
Same issues – 23.7% reduction estimated = 76/3% NOT prevented.
But here’s the real kicker around the abomination of injecting under 6-month t fiver old babies and toddlers.
“No evidence of reductions in COVID-19 cases statewide were found among children aged 6 to 59 months (estimated averted cases, −259; 95% PI, −1938 to 1019), although low transmission during the evaluation period may have limited the ability to do so. “
You think? Under 5-year-olds were only EUA’ed in June 2022!!! But wait:
“An estimated 168 hospitalizations (95% PI, 42-324) were averted among children aged 6 to 59 months, corresponding to a 24.4% (95% PI, 6.1%-47.1%) reduction. “
So, no reduction in cases but 168 hospitalisations with C19 present. Same question - were the hospitalizations because of C19 or just with C19 present?
How did hospitalization rates compare with pre-scamdemic hospitalizations rates?
Ow let’s check out the “meta-analysis” results:
“In meta-analyses, county-level vaccination coverage was associated with averted cases for all age groups. Despite low vaccination coverage, pediatric COVID-19 immunization in California averted 376 085 (95% PI, 348 355-417 328) reported cases and 273 (95% PI, 77-605) hospitalizations among children aged 6 months to 15 years over approximately 4 to 7 months following vaccination availability.”
There’s that word “immunization” again – never mind that NO-ONE has been “vaccinated” – they have been injected with badly made toxins!
The estimate is that 376,085 “cases” (using a crap RT-PCR test for diagnosis) were prevented and 273 hospitalizations,
Now see if you can fund any estimates of harms caused using similar methodology used to calculate those reductions. If the “rule of thumb” of one death per thousand doses ca also be “immune=bridged” just how many kids were hospitalized BECAUSE of the injections.
We have these estimated injection rates per cohort from the above:
53.5% among adolescents aged 12 to 15 years,
34.8% among children aged 5 to 11 years, and
7.9% among those aged 6 to 59 months
From here:
California Population by Age - 2023 California Age Demographics | Neilsberg
“The median age in California is 37.0, as per 2021 ACS 5-Year Estimates. Of the total population, 18.86% were under the age of 15, 20.80% aged 15 to 29, 45.96% aged 30 to 64, 12.53% aged 65 to 84, and 1.84% were 85 years of age and older.”
18.86% of Californians were under 15 years of age = around 7.5 million kids.
More detailed analysis needed, but let’s say that 40% of under 15’s were injected = 3 million kids injected twice = 6 million doses.
Maybe the lower poison content leads to lower harms, but if you “immuon-bridge” the adult casualty rate of e death per thousand doses, the injections killed SIX THOUSAND KIDS. The Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial/study indicated 13 times the mortality rate for severe adverse events and 6 times for serious adverse events.
Note “immuno-bridging” is the technique used by the FDA to EUA older age cohorts to younger ones.
6,000 dead kids, 78,000 severe (life altering) evets and 36,000 serious (life threatening) events S FAR.
Check out the research paper – keep in mind that kids probably recovered even faster than the 15 days or so that adults take to fully recover without too much treatment.
Note that this does not reflect injections post the study period of the JAMA paper.
On the face of it, the JAMA-network missed a golden opportunity to check for pre- ad post injection mortality data and comparisons of hospitalization rates – not only did cmmit a sin of “commission” by not detailing cause or coincidence of C19 cases, but it also committed sis of omission by not showing adverse evets from the injections.
Let me know what you think.
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When one is circling the drain, there is no where left to go except the sewer. The entire edifice of compliance and coercion has doomed itself to a trajectory with only one destination.
It appears that there will be no cessation of the blatantly murderous destruction and obvious torment inflicted at the hands of the perpetrators and instigators, that is, until a critical mass of people become sufficiently aware and participate in the compelled removal of judicial, bureaucratic, and political ideologues, whether devoted to Malthus or Marx, the vast number of over-paid, compliant medical, pharmacist and nursing jabsters, the thuggish lazy 'enforcers' of businesses, companies, corporates, and State media, together with the dis/mal educational institutions that wilfully impose mandates.
It becomes immaterial at that juncture whether any will ever be held to account. They must inevitably become irretrievable outcasts, ostracised from any future participation in humanity.
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