Maybe play this in the background as you read this:
I am thinking that the points below, each in articles penned over the last two years, are not yet known as a whole, or put together in one place. Certainly, there are plenty of shiny objects around to distract from the “big picture” of the biggest geocide I world history over such a short time frame. - all based on a psy-op that enriches the “chosen few”.
1. There was no Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE).
2. Non-pharmaceutical interventions killed more people in 2020 than the flu like virus.
3. The RT-PCR tests in 2020 were bogus and had to be withdrawn, papaya or fizzy drinks produced positive readings – the inventor, Kary Mullis (RIP) said that the test should not be used to diagnose illness only the presence of dead or alive viral fragments and could be calibrated to produce any result.
4. Dr Zelenko (RIP) developed a treatment protocol based on decades old methods using Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and zinc, plus vitamins in March 2020 – the US had stockpiles of the stuff – Rick Bright, then ha department had in BARDA, now of employed by the Rockefellers, prevented deployment conspiring with others like Fauci, Birx and Collins, to prevent its use.
5. Ivermectin was found to be a prophylactic and cure by May 2020, where its use in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (population 140 million) ERADICATED C19
6. Emergency use authorization of the vaccines as well as their trials was illegal as the two (HCQ and IVM) were viable alternatives.
7. The WHO instructed all governments to classify deaths with C19 present and C19 deaths, regardless of the proximal cause of death such as gunshot, vehicle accident, cancer or heart attack.
8. The WHO instructed government to withdraw and ban all substances such as anti-malaria treatments and IVM and HCQ from sale at all outlets, retail and wholesale.
9. Both the modified mRNA and viral vector platforms had never delivered ay positive results in a public health setting and yet were selected as “vaccine” platforms.
10. There is no compelling evidence that the existing. traditional flu vaccines work, even if health experts correctly predict that opposite hemisphere types of flu are a good predictor of flu strains in the other hemisphere flu season.
11. Chinse scientists provided the “map of the spike protein” and the definition of a “vaccine” was changed by the WHO and health regulators to reflect that any injection would provoke a “safe and effective” immune response. The spike protein was a novel pathogen so no evidence existed that the immune response would do this.
12. The legal definition of a “vaccine” has not been changed and these injections were patented and described in regulatory documents as “gene therapies”.
13. The modified mRNA and viral vector injections used experimental technology that no health regular anywhere had any expertise in assessing or in ensuring quality control. The Japanese rejected a batch of millions of Moderna injections because they could se metal fragments in the vials.
14. The clinical trials were a sham and eve with the use of Process 1 amongst a population of 18-65 year olds, excluding pregnant women ad those with co-morbidities, still showed “more harm than good” with rats of severe (life altering) serious (life threatening) and death far higher in the injected arms than in the placebo arms.
15. The clinical trials were not tasked with a clinical end point of stopping infection – only reducing symptoms (cytokine storms), neither were clinical end points of reducing hospitalizations or deaths stipulated as clinical trial end points.
16. The actual manufacturing process differed significantly (Process 2) from the process used in the clinical trials (Process 1) – a small segment of the clinical trials used Process 2 and produced even worse outcomes than Process 1 – these results were held up until after the emergency use authorization.
17. The injections were EXPERIMENTAL – meaning no safety or efficacy could be claimed over the short, medium or long terms. The clinical trials provided an indication of failure that was ignored. Any experimental treatment, by law, requires informed consent – none was given - and required documentation of package inserts was left blank,
18. No instructions were given on whether or not to aspirate the injections.
19. The WHO instructed countries to only classify people as “vaccinated” two weeks after the second dose was administered. A four-week gap between fist ad second injection of the prescribed two dose regimen, meant that people were not considered vaccinated until week 6. All deaths from the injections and infections were treated as occurring in the unvaccinated during this 6-week period.
20. The post marketing authorization results showed 1,223 deaths in the ten weeks since their launch amongst 42,000 adverse events. These umbers would have been under reported – maybe by a factor of as much as 100, implying that as many as 122,000 people could have died in the first ten weeks and 4.2 million people could have been injured, but were not reported – or were held up from being reported – t VAERS I the US.
21. Pfizer had to hire thousands of extra workers post roll-out in early 2021 to process adverse events reports. The CDC/FDA team of a handful of people paid tens of millions of dollars to General Dynamics IT and Eagle Tech to process a certain number over a certain time, many of the extra hires were made BEFORE the roll-out of the injections.
22. A private server exists within the CDC/FDA that holds reports received but nor processed into the VAERS that the public can view. To illustrate the significance of this, at the time that Kirsch and Rose did their initial assessment of VAERS harms, in 2021, just 6,000 or so deaths were published VAERS, now for 2021, there have been 12,000 deaths reported to the public.
23. Not only was the EUA declared illegally and the fact that there was no severe pandemic beyond a bad flu season, the injections manufactured under Process 2 have ben found to both adulterated (with monkey virus SV40 fragments and contaminated with most of the base metals in the periodic table, endotoxins, because of appalling manufacturing quality,
24. Vaccinology 101 says you do not vaccinate into an existing epidemic because the pathogen will evolve and escape. The clinical trials – under Process 1 – were tested with a two-dose regimen, people are now receiving their tenth dose,
25. It’s still beyond me how injecting the venom of the spike protein can possibly boost the immune response in the vulnerable whose immune system is practically non-existent!
26. V-Safe data of 10.7 million people in the US, presumably “upwardly mobile” cell phone users produced over 4 million adverse events of varying severity (no reports of death from beyond the grave – unlike voters?). Of these, 155,000 went to ER/ED and 72,000 were hospitalized – the CDC/FDA shut down V-Safe I May 2023. 7.7% of the V-Safe population needed medical care. G note, 25.4% of the V-Safe population either were unable to perform normal activities or missed work or school and omen reported adverse events at rate of approximately 2.7 times the rate of men.
27. 700,000 Americans were estimated to have been killed by the modified, RNA injections. Applying the ne death per thousand doses method developed by Dei Rancourt and team, 700 million administered doses = 700,000 deaths, another method of applying an under reporting factor of around 40 to the 18,500 American deaths reported to VARS(one death reported per 50 deaths actually suffered) and the work of the Ethical Skeptic here.
28. The ratio of severe and serious harms to deaths from the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial were around 12 times for severe events and 6 times for serious evets, implying that, for the US there have been over 9 million severe and more than 4 million serious adverse events.
29. VAERS shows 1 million adverse events reported by US citizens for 799 million doses – yet 1.6 million adverse events for 7 billion modified mRNA injections administered worldwide – suggesting that 6.3 billion injections caused just 600,000 adverse events outside the US.
30. The Ethical Skeptic has further calculated that more than 375,000 Americans died from “Malpractice and Denial of Treatment” in the US. He also states, “making for a grand total of 1,264,539 (77.2%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,638,818.”
31. I calculate those extra deaths over the four calendar years ending in 2023 came to around 2.35 million. Leaving around 0.6 million deaths that need to be reconciled and adjusted for P-scores etc. Denis Rancourt’s team posits that psychological stress from o-pharmaceutical interventions caused large umbers of deaths amongst the poor, the elderly and the lonely.
32. In the first year of the pandemic, 2020, at the global level, there were 83 million cases, and 2 million deaths reported with C19 present – recent updates (April 2024) show 700 million cases and 7 million deaths with C19 present after 13.6 billion C19 injections to July 2023.
33. There would have been no pandemic after June 2020 had HCQ and IVM been used as cure and prophylaxis from June 2020 ad no deadly Delta wave. I any event as many as 80-95% of RT-PCR tests produced false positives. Also, all the C19 cases reported during the period between first and two weeks after second dose, were not only treated as cases amongst the unvaccinated, but also lowered the immune response of the body so that it was MORE likely to get infected with anything, including C19.
34. Pfizer does not pay much if any corporate tax using devices hatched I the back streets of Dutch cities Pfizer avoids taxes via the Netherlands and makes a profit worth billions - Follow the Money - Platform for investigative journalism (
This is the suppresses narrative subsumed by elections with guilty politicians removed from office, but unprosecuted (hiding under rocks, waiting for the fuss to die down) and subsumed by Ukraine, Israel and the emergence of BRICS as the world’s largest trading bloc with no need for the involvement of the “woke” EU And US in their economies.
One last point. Many countries – like India and Chia – are second world countries in that they cannot calculate and analyse how many people die from what.
There are estimates – all guesswork – that around 60 million people die every year around the world.
Using the step increase in deaths from 2019 in each of the last four calendar years as a benchmark (maybe too high given the butchering using Remdesivir) - a similar 14$ step increase in deaths applied to that 60 million = 9 million people have died for each of four years = 36 million additional deaths over the entire period of the scamdemic.. If only we had accurate data on the numbers killed by the more than 3 billion Chinese ad more than 2 billion Indian injections/ Recall that India refused the mRNA “solutions” (and China did not promote IVM!) but instead opted for the 4-5 times more deadly than Pfizer’s,, Oxford/AstraZeneca injections. I would bet that China would be crowing about their vaccines had they been safer and more effective instead of deciding to build Moderna factories on the Chinese mainland!
Mention should be made of falling fertility rates ad birth rates. But this is enough to be ging on with. Maybe start with the same number of “non-births” over four years.
I will sign off with an extract from this, a slam n Fauci et al:
“Deaf, dumb and blind
You just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable
And no one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do
Would be to isolate the winner
Everything's done under the sun
But you believe at heart everyone's a killer
Mention should be made of falling fertility rates ad birth rates. But this is enough to be ging on with. Maybe start with the same number of “non-births” over
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An astounding list! I have forwarded to my tiny group, thanks
Some good points Peter for sure, though any'vaccine' protocol ones such as process, aspiration, experimental status etc have the fundamental flaw that an injection of anything into a body with a view of stopping a virus,, however done, has any benefit to the recipient. It doesn't. Accepting failures in methodology suggests if those failures were improved and/or eliminated then vaccines would work. They don't. They never have. Biologically they just can't.