The centuries old “vaccine” con – there is no such thing as “anti-vaxx” – there is such a thing as “healthy living” – without the injection of chemical and biological agents
Common sense tells you that you cannot prove a negative.
In “vaccine” marketing parlance this is the root of an all encompassing con.
Common sense also tells you that if you want to prevent diseases and their spread you would improve sanitation, the quality of food, exercise regularly and learn things that improve your quality of life. NT inject people with chemicals.
Here’s a tune that might inspire each and every one of us.
All this against the background of the 12 TRILLION DOLLAR cost of injecting mRNA poisons.
Now play this to consider how each of us has the internal spirit to resist the machinations of the Cult of Moloch. Each of us can contribute to the elimination of world hunger, dirty water and pollution in ways far better than those promulgated by the WEF, the WHO, nihilistic Marxists and other assorted members of the Cult.
Pretenders - Brass In Pocket (Official Music Video) (
Pandemic prevention and preparedness should canter on improving food quality, sleeping habits and overwork to promote overall mental and physical health via sanitation, nutrition and education – NOT NEEDLES.
Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.
Aretha Franklin - Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive (Audio) (
The Cult wants you poor, miserable and compliant. (
axation is theft and the fuel for the Cult.
If only there was a world health organisation that could help cure disease rather than cause it.
Here’s how it works: “because you were injected with a substance and you did not die, the substance saved your life”.
Major diseases have been eradicated, not because of “vaccines”, but despite their use. The mRNA injections have shown that many more people die and are injured than are saved – with no impact at all on infection or transmission.
We are living in a fake “vaccine” era lasting many many decades where confirmation bias perpetuates the use of (and failure of) vaccines. Vaccines serve no purpose other than to cause harm.
“Confirmation bias” is one way of putting it. Denial and censorship of facts would be more apt. Suppression of knowledge. It’s been ging on in the field of “vaccination” for more than 200 years.
Medics administer injections without the slightest interest in whether they work or not – or whether they cause harm. Health regulators are the same and wave through dubious studies and trials.
We desperately need to redo all the clinical trials for the drugs that are injected from birth. My guess is that ALL the injections currently on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule would be withdrawn if proper clinical trials are conducted.
Chance would be a fine thing if all the trials experimental “treatments” failed – were also published on a central database. - so that the reasons for failure could be compared to “treatments” that are currently in circulation. Quite the PhD thesis!
Now, consider how the mRNA platform, which causes more harm from diseases and conditions than and dubious good. are also being rolled out to cause diseases in the plants, fish, birds and animals we eat.
Compare that to the living conditions of the 1700’s and 1800’s in the UK’s crowded cities. Injecting disease and living in close proximity with disease = all along the food chain that enables our existence.
A renaissance is required – one that abolishes the toxic vaccine trade. A switch to a focus on healthy living – exercise, good, chemical free food (food with no labels if possible!) lots of sleep and work that creates value – sort of like the Amish with all mod-cons.
We need to discuss whether a healthy mind and body delays aging and prevents disease WITHOUT help from chemicals and biologics. Professor Bhatia and many others would approve!
Here is a link to a 161-minute video that brings the receipts from the centuries of such flawed logic in the “vaccine” industry. (H/t Ranger71).
Compare the smallpox treatments of a few hundred years ago with mRNA treatments today.
Roman Bastianich on vaccine history, official data, and better explanations (
In it you will hear horror stories of the poor living 12 to a tiny room in crowded cities with no sewage systems and with no bedding - just rags on the floor = scrimping and saving to buy a funeral for a family member either stored in a wall or simply left on the floor.
You will hear about child labour of 4-year-olds and the desperate living conditions of past centuries.
Back in the 1700’s and early 1800; s in the UK’s crowded cities life was short, brutal and riddled with all sorts of diseases.
There was no separation or sanitation for people and livestock - causing death and despair from disease.
Importantly, you will learn how “vaccines” were only ever introduced once the condition they were intended to treat had already disappeared.
Animals and humans living in close proximity – in their own excrement – diseased food and diseased people.
Most of the evidence of poverty and disease is drawn from the brutal exploitation of people – I recalled stories of top-hatted men walking on the outside of women, closest to the gutter because that is where the people throwing overnight waste from the upstairs windows of crowded houses would most likely land.
I am reminded of Charles Kingsley’s “The Water Babies” and Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”. These were as much historical costal commentaries as novels.
You will hear how countries like Sweden completely abandoned certain “vaccines” with no change to outcomes.
You will hear about the first “vaccine” that simply scraped the pus from a sufferer and injected into a cut made by a doctor – that is how vaccination theories originated. – things have evolved – a little – since then.
The solution to alleviating the incidence of disease and death from exploitative labour practices was of course, the trade union movement that alleviated the concentration camp type conditions of slave labour – with sanitation – education for children.
Compare the use of smallpox “vaccines” in the early 1800’s to the use of mRNA injections today. Back then you denied the deadly effects of smallpox vaccines and you were viewed as insane.
There are many research studies ignored by health regulators and medics that point out the deleterious effects of “vaccinations”. CHD has a veritable hoard of such studies. Here’s just one example:
Don’t forget also that “vaccinating” into a pandemic CAUSES variant to escape. It is a coin toss whether the “variants” are more or less severe than the “wild” virus.
Remember this 6-minute video from two years ago?
Rise of the VARIANTS (
Consider that the mRNA “technology” is being injected into plants, animals, fish and birds – creating completely new disease outbreak conditions.
Not only has the mRNA platform caused harms to billions of humans, the health regulators and administrations want to create disease in what we eat.
Madness. You would think there is some species intent on the destruction of all life on the planet.
A book, strongly advocated by the likes of Steve Kirsch is called “Turtles all the way down”.
It is on Amazon – make sure you pick the one about “vaccines”!
Here are some of the questions it answers:
Some of the fundamental vaccine safety issues covered in the book are:
· How is safety demonstrated before a new vaccine is licensed? What technique do vaccine manufacturers use in clinical trials to make vaccines appear safer than they actually are?
· What “last ditch” technique is employed when the above one cannot be, and what are its grave (and damning) ethical implications?
· What is the scientific foundation of the safety of vaccination, and what practical tools does this body of science provide physicians to anticipate, diagnose, and treat vaccine injury?
· What fundamental flaws are built into vaccine adverse events reporting systems, and how are these systems used (or misused) by health authorities to support their safety claims?
· What kinds of post-marketing vaccine studies are conducted, and how can they be manipulated by researchers to produce “favourable” outcomes?
· Why would researchers want to skew vaccine research, and how could skewed results be promulgated by the scientific community?
· Why would medical journals publish faulty vaccine science? What is the role of the famed “peer review” in this process?
· What are “the studies that will never be done” by the medical establishment and how long it has resisted doing them? (Hint: more than 100 years!)
· What key CDC-recommended childhood vaccination guidelines were arbitrarily set, without an adequate scientific basis?
In addition, three cornerstones of vaccination lore are covered in depth:
· What is herd immunity, and how does it apply (or not) to the vaccines on the childhood schedule?
· What role did vaccines actually play in the historical decline of infectious disease?
· Was the paralysis associated with polio actually caused by the poliovirus? Is there a better explanation for the great paralysis epidemics of the 20th century? What are the “19 polio mysteries”?
Vaccinations are a form of quackery - expensive and deadly. Proceed with caution.
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Peter, do you know about JJ COUEY.... he is the real deal....hope you can check him out.... you will not be disappointed.....
Code for "We need something to explain why all of these vaccinated people are so sick."