The Democratic Party have opened “Pandora’s Box” by fabricating malicious, spiteful and political charges against Trump – projecting their past and current crimes and weaponizing the justice system
Pandra’s Box
Pandora's box, the Greek myth of Pandora and her box (
“Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity, but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.”
There are few past Presidents that have not committed the most appalling atrocities. From the outright lying that caused the death of over a million Iraqis under Bush, the use of drones to blow the limbs of schoolchildren by Obama, the list goes on and on.
Trump has been convicted of charges related for crimes previously investigated at the Federal level and dismissed. in the past, the shape of his genitals has been splashed over the MSM and recordings of his “grab them by the pussy” have been used to portray him as a misogynist.
The prosecuted and unprosecuted crimes of the Clinton’s are legion. Hillary Clinton ran documented “pay to play” schemes whilst Secretary of State, colluded with Russia to create a fake dossier, destroyed Federal records with a hammer and bleach bit. Ran a home server to conduct official business (note the recent lawbreaking revealed for the use oof personal emails etc to avoid FOIA to name a few.
Bill Clinton was a frequent visitor to Epstein Island to engage in sex with trafficked child sex slaves, paid almost a million bucks to silence an affair used the Oval Office for sex and so on and so forth.
Who can forget this painting:
There can be little doubt as to why the FBI is slow-walking the prosecution and full disclosure of all the names - it is to protect elite paedophiles and blackmail them.
Or these headlines:
Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC fined by FEC over Trump-Russia dossier research | CNN Politics
“The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8,000, according to a letter sent by the Federal Election Commission to a conservative group that requested an inquiry.”
“Corruption: Throughout the presidential campaign there was plenty of talk about whether the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity or a pay-to-play scam. The latest financial data from the charity provides the answer.”
Perhaps a red State should now prosecute the Clintons and Obamas and blue States could prosecute the Bush’s.
Be that as it may, the latest polls show Trump with a double-digit lead over Biden and attracting record contributions for his campaign. Trump will be sentenced in the next few weeks, and it remains to be seen whether he will be given prison time, community service, house arrest or a suspended sentence – and then what the appeals process timetable will be.
What remains to be seen is the post=POTUS election environment. Biden has been signing as many Executive Orders as he can that cannot be overturned by Trump,
It Biden wins and the Democratic Party wins the Huse and keeps the Senate, and indeed actually remains standing rather than squatting frequently, the same people pulling is puppet strings and keeping him barely alive with massive doses of stimulants, America will continue its path to the fascist characteristics of a communist regime.
If Trump wins and the Republicans keep the House and win the Senate, perhaps we ca look forward to the roll-back of each and every measure imposed by the libtard Democratic Party that have reduced living standards in the US by 20% sine Biden took office. Perhaps we will see a secure border, safer streets, cheaper food and energy, reductions in the fiscal deficit ad a slowing of the explosion of debt under the Biden junta.
Of course, we could see a “hung jury” with the current mix of power sharing between the two parties – or even a win by RFK jr.!
A key question remains – “If Republicans win, how much time should be devoted to prosecuting the crimes of rampant corruption in Federal agencies and by Democratic Party apparatchiks that has been committed since, say, the Obama government took office?“ Perhaps, more accurately, what is the split of time between prosecuting such crimes, reversing inept and expensive Democratic Party policies and enacting new policies of fresh ideas?
Thes are issues that the top management of the Republican Party should determine now and advertise as part of election campaigning.
I suggest that the Republicans advocate for a “zero-based budget” for each Federal Department and Agency that works out what it SHOULD cost to provide essential services – including and especially the Pentagon, Health Service, the entire alphabet soup of agencies to compare performance over the last decade with objectives. Most will fail and COULD be cut by at least half.
A budget should be set that cuts spending in half in order to starve the beast and remove the pond scum pf Democratic Party sympathizers from the Swamp. Starve the best.
A significant part of this halving of spending should be earmarked for debt reduction. 35 trillion bucks is not sustainable and is part of the libtard demoNrat strategy to destroy the US, make money worthless and create a “one-Party” state just like China.
Another significant part of the savings should go to cutting taxes and allowing choice.
The health system neds to be switched from a cost-based system dominated by insurance companies to one that allows cross State line transparent pricing with loans.
Th Social Credit system needs to guarantee a minimum amount to everyone, being that – no benefits. Pick an amount, say 30,000 bucks a year – if retirement income is below that, top it up. Make some adjustment for capital about say 750,000 bucks. Guaranteed the income I retirement to anyone but do not give it to those that don’t need it. Care is obviously needed to pick the right numbers – otherwise people opt for the “free lunch” and do not take personal responsibility and, instead, insert the “nanny state” to act as agent.
Personally, I believe that savings should be tax free at the contribution, the investment and the draw=down AND that there should be zero mortgage tax relief. It is not given for any other form of finance so what makes housing a special case?
Th US retirement industry manages 38 trillion of assets:
“ Washington, DC; March 14, 2024— Total US retirement assets were $38.4 trillion as of December 31, 2023, up 7.8 percent from September and up 12.4 percent for the year. Retirement assets accounted for 32 percent of all household financial assets in the United States at the end of December 2023.”
That’s a third of household FINANCIAL assets of around 100 trillion dollars.
In other areas of Federal spending, all Federal funding pf education needs to cease. It is a subsidy for poor education standards and encourages “wokism” and child grooming. States should not be expected to pay for other States or racist and bigoted education institutions.
Lots of ideas for producing the fiscal surpluses needed to repay the massive amounts of debt run-up by Democrats in pursuit of their human trafficking, fake and corrupt climate change agenda that destroys entire eco-systems and endangered species and support for “One Health”, “whole of government” and society approach.
Remember the C!9 measures – these are the policies of choice of the Democratic Party to secure their agenda of dominance.
It should go without saying that, rather than housing criminal immigrants in fie star hotels with room service, free health and education, these criminals need to be rounded up and repatriated to their countries of origin – notifying local law enforcement of their despatch.
While this is happening, US AID and other funds spent on the countries of origin of these criminals should be halted to pay for such excess.
America is for Americans – NOT foreign criminals.
In the words of Russell Brand – “But that’s just what I think, let me know in the comments… “
By weapons the Federal bureaucracy and all its agencies, the Democratic Party has opened Pandora’s Bx. A lot of time and effort is required to capture the evil they have left out ad re-fasten the lid.
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What Trump s accused of wasn’t a felony, the whole.e trial was one big sham just to try and stop Trump from running for President. It shows what pathetic cheats the Lefties are.
That's why I'm wearing this "I identify as non Bidenary" t-shirt right now 👇 🤣
OMG!! Have you seen Biden's .......