The EU War on Laughing Gas – how the Union of European Socialist Republics (UESR) is forcing electivity prices up and the price of ICE autos to the same levels as EV's - using regulation of N2O output
A long piece. For the TLDR method – The EU is using nitrous oxide vehicle emissins to force price rises for ICE vehicles towards EV’s – whulst at the same time forcing up electricity prices from renewables. The result is an increase of five times in electricyt prives and a doubling of ICE vehicles – for no benefit to anyone.
Nitrous oxide (N20) = laughing gas. It has been identified as a greenhouse gas and its presence is deemed inappropriate.
Laughing gas was discovered in 1772 How was nitrous oxide discovered? -
Armed with this discovery, scientists have plotted a thousand-year history of its presence in the atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide Levels: Current & Historic Atmospheric N2O / Global Temperature Graph & Widget ( up from 266 parts per billion around 1000 AD to around 333 parts per billion in 2021. Nitrogen takes up around 780 million parts per billion, Oxygen around 210 million parts per billion, Argon 10 million parts per billion, Carbon Dioxide,420,000 parts per billion and Methane around 1,800 parts per billion.
For a bit of context around energy prices, check out this chart of UK natural (non-laughing) gas over the last 25 years or so.
Note that after the panic over the Russian-Ukrainian war, the price is back to levels of 2008 – 16 years ago:
From here:
UK Natural Gas - Price - Chart - Historical Data - News (
Natural gas prices supplued to UK households are one fifth those of electricity prices. This reflects the impct of an increasing share of “renewable” electricity generation and the reduction of hydrocarbon electricity generation. Renewable energy requires four to five times higher prices for it to generate profit for power companies. These companies then offer the electricity “at the same price” as overall electricity prices. Quite the scam. This becomes relevant when looking at the “transition” being foisted on UK residents – it is even worse in the EU.
This article provides the contet for the imposition of arbitrary emissions standards on cars/autos, based on emissions from exhausts of combustion engines – in order to force the adoption of EV’s – which are mostly imported into the EU from China.
The EU is imposing additional emissions standards for cars/autos that focus on laughing gas emissions – Nitrous Oxide (N2)).
There is a lot of detritus to get through to get to the tortuous logic employed by the “command and control” policy formation of the communist/socialist approach of the EU, so skip the article of grab a coffee or three!
Climate scam scientists reckon they can prove that the 333 parts per billion for Nitrous Oxide, plus the 420,000 parts per billion of CO2 and the 1,800 parts per billion of methane control the average temperature of the Earth (421,933 parts per billion) and that neither the other 999,578,067 parts per billion or the sun or Milankovitch cycles or water vapour/clouds have a far larger significant impact.
Quite the “climate leverage” right? The combined influence of 999,578,067 is dominated by 421,933 = 2,369 the ignificance – excluding the effects of the sun, those Milankovitch cycles and clouds.
Ok, let’s put up a picture of the hockey sticks of all “greenhouse gases” over the last 160 years expressed in terms of Carbon Dioxide equivalents by the mad scientists. Note that the start point is “cherry picked” to frame a hypothesis that suits the “climate crisis” agenda. The CO2 one in particular is an egregious misuse of starting dates.
Michael Mann’s case against Mark Steyn hears closing srgumets by Wednesday next week with a decision (subject to appeal) of the 12-year case shortly after.
From here:
Nitrous oxide emissions, 2021 (
That 3 billion tonnes of N2O in CO2 equivalent = 333 parts per billion.
Keep in mind, these are ABSOLUTE numbers – the chicken littles are squawking about RELATIVE increases above “natural non-himqan” emissiona’; for example, their preferred level of around 350 parts per million for CO2 instead of the current 420 parts per million – that is, an extra 80 parts per million for CO2. Ao, multiply the “climate leverage factor by another 4 times to aunderstand the “chicken littles” case,
So, how dangerous is laughing gas (Nitrous Oxide, N2O?
From here:
Nitrous Oxide: Can You Overdose? How Much Is Lethal? - Oxford Treatmen (
“For chronic exposure to nitrous oxide, it is recommended that the maximum exposure be 20 parts per billion (expressing a ratio between nitrous oxide and breathable air), and for acute exposures, no more than 100 parts per billion for one hour.
Wait, what? There are 333 parts per billion in the air and 100 parts in an hour is an “acute exposure”? Hmm. Why aren’t we all dead!!!
Permit a short dive down a rabbit hole:
From here: Nitrous oxide ban: guidance - GOV.UK (
“It will be a criminal offence to be found in possession of the drug where its intended use is to be wrongfully inhaled, ‘to get high’. Where a person is found in possession of nitrous oxide and intends to wrongfully inhale the substance and/or in the cases of importation, exportation, production and supply, knows or is reckless as to whether it is likely that another person will wrongfully inhale it, they will be committing an offence.”
And why might N2O be outlawed?
Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas to be illegal by end of year - BBC News
“Laughing gas is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs by 16 to 24-year-olds.”
“ Possession of nitrous oxide, also known as NOS, will carry a sentence of up to two years in prison.”
‘Everyone’s gagging for it’ – how Britain got high on nitrous oxide | Drugs | The Guardian
“Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, or “nos”, a relatively niche drug for decades, is now the second most popular drug among 16- to 24-year-olds behind cannabis, according to the Office for National Statistics. Its 2019/20 England and Wales Crime Survey reported that 8.7% of 16- to 24-year-olds had taken it, up from 6.1% in 2012/2013. It is very much a young person’s drug: two in three users are under 24.”
Yikes, naughty Brits – maybe amyl nitrate is in short supply!
Laughing Gas: What to Know (
Well, well. Not just dentists then!
Ok, so on to the Union of European Socialist Republics (UESR) – not to be confused with the now defunct Union of Soivey Socialist Republics (USSR).
Socialists and communists want to control the means of production. As opposed to the outcomes of the Soviet Union (“we pretend o work and they pretend to pay us”) the European Union is full of the usual suspects who suffer from the awful psychoses of “dictate, control and enforce” – with the (increasingly false) assumption that what is being dictated, controlled and enforced relates to quality and scientifically justifiable “standards, laws and regulations”.
There are three “presidents” of the EU in this ”Socialist “command and control” model. Policy is set by the EU “Council of Leaders” - representing the largest minority parties in government in each country – the unelected EU Commission controls the policy by directives and regulations and the elected EU Parliament votes policy and regulations “up or down” to make laws.
I won’t comment on the antics of the President of the EU Commission in over-ordering billions of doses of C19 spike venom injections or the President of the European Central Bank being a convicted fraudster while in the French Government.
Here’s the beef. A chart of laughing gas emissions in the EU over many decades.
Nitrous oxide emissions (
231 million tonnes equivaent in 2021 down from 375 million tonnes in 1978. Quite the acheivement – down almost 40% in almost the last 50 years. Europeans must have been dying by the millions in the mid to late 1970’s right?
Here’s that chart adjusted for population (per capita)
EU-27: per capita nitrous oxide emissions 1990-2021 | Statista
Down from 0.77 tonnes od CO2 quivalents to 0.52 tonnes in 2021 for q 42% reduction per person.
Levels are back to those of the 1960’s.
Curious minds want to know how laughing gas emissions are down over 40% over decades but levels have shot up like a hockey stick over the same period! Also, what are the targets for levels of laughing gas- for what benefit (number of lives saved = hospital visits prevented etc).
That’s the back story and context, now meet EUR-6
Euro 6 emissions regulations — the facts (
“Euro 6 is a set of standards governing vehicle tailpipe emissions that all new cars sold in the UK, Europe and much of the rest of the world must meet. It became mandatory in 2015, though the Euro standards system dates back to the early 1990s. There’s currently a particular focus on Euro 6 diesel cars because they aren’t subject to the London ULEZ charge, along with petrol cars that meet at least Euro 4 standards.
Petrol and diesel ban: New car sales to be halted in 2035 (
“The new 2035 deadline to end petrol and diesel car sales aligns the UK with the European Union, Australia, Canada and several US states. Though, unlike those territories, the UK currently does not offer any incentives to private EV buyers. Despite this, the government still plans to introduce an ambitious EV sales mandate in January 2024 and will publish the details shortly.”
No more petrol and diesel cars to be produced in ten years’ time – leaving only EV’s. The same EV’s that spontaneously combust, are 2-4 times heavier than current vehicles – wearing out roads that much faster – requiring far higher maintenance bills, that require strengthening of all crash barriers because they are so heavy, that have been heavily subsidized for decades and still can’t attract buyers – which require charging at ever increasing electricity prices – whose repair is almost impossible and which don’t work at all in extreme cold. Wet or heat. Those EV’s are less reliable and cost a bomb to replace batteries.
In true socialist/communist fashion there are penalties for the manufacturers that don’t meet quotas of sales of EV’s relative to ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles. Regardless of demand (for crap EV’s) manufacturers MUST sell.
“Euro 6 sets a legally binding CO2 emissions target that most car manufacturers must adhere to. That target is an average of 98g/km across all the cars they sell in a year. Manufacturers that miss the target face heavy fines.
But the main focus of Euro 6 is reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. They’re the most hazardous emissions and have been linked to growing rates of respiratory illness, particularly among children who live in congested cities.”
Okay, see how it works? If manufacturers sell ICE autos with emissions above 98g/km. EV’s on the other hand don’t emit laughing gas so the more EV’s are sold, the easier it is to be “compliant” with the “arbitrary and capricious” emissions regulations.
A quota system for sales – irrespective of consumers preferences and budgets. Once more, since EV’s are more expensive, this forces the poor, the elderly and the infirm further into poverty. What are they supposed to do? No choice – one size fits all in the dictatorship of the EUSR.
It gets worse, of course – unelected bureaucrats making up fake science need to stay busy and get paid ever increasing salaries and benefits to “command and control” the masses.
Meet EUR-7
“Euro 7 emissions standards are set to be introduced on 1 July 2025 and will apply to all petrol and diesel cars sold in the UK and Europe from that date. The standards set lower average CO2 emissions targets and the lowest limits on other exhaust emissions imposed by Euro 6 will be applied to all cars regardless of what sort of engine they have.”
So, whilst the ban on sales of new ICE vehicles goes into effect in ten years – in the meanwhile and starting from next year – manufacturers of ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles must comply with new emissions standards requiring changes in engine design and re-tooling IN THE NEXT YEAR on all sales of new vehicles.
Quite the trick, right? “Don’t worry, it only impacts sales in ten years’ time” – but “new vehicles must meet these emissions standards next year”.
Guess how much those design and retooling charges will cost compared to any changes to the EV’s that don’t work so well, and people don’t want.
One last point. Nature generates a lot of laughing gas. Remember that the EU has a poli y of ejecting farmers from their land and “re-wilding” that land?
From this climate chicken little site here:
Main sources of nitrous oxide emissions | What's Your Impact (
“The largest natural source of nitrous oxide is from soils under natural vegetation. This produces 60% of natural emissions.1 Uncultivated soils make up the majority of the Earth's land surface. So, the nitrous oxide produced by microbes that break down nitrogen in these soils are considered natural sources.””
Humans produce laughing gas. The more people, the more of it. From here:
Main sources of nitrous oxide emissions | What's Your Impact (
“Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of nitrous oxide emissions have been growing. Activities such as agriculture, fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes are the primary cause of the increased nitrous oxide concentrations in the atmosphere. Together these sources are responsible for 77% of all human nitrous oxide emissions. Other sources include biomass burning (10%), atmospheric deposition (9%) and human sewage (3%).1”
Check back to those charts on laughing gas emissions over the last several decades – against large population increases there was a 40% reduction in laughing gas emissions.
Now, it seems to me that human waste needs to be taken more seriously as a health issue AND a power source – aided and abetted by the right bacteria.
Remember this?
There can be few truly “renewable” energy sources that correlate so with human population growth. Official numbers show that over the course of the C19 scamdemic the global population increased by 324 million – 81 million a tear. So much for depopulation plans – perhaps these will be achieved by an 80% drop in the birth rate I years to come.
Anyway, the point is that the EU want to “rewild” farmland – I wonder if their numbers include the laughing gas produced by, say marshlands etc, compared to that of agriculture.
The key question that must be answered for credibility of Net Zero measures such as emissions standards is “what change to levels of XYZ measure do you predict in five, ten and 25 years for resulting from your proposed measure ABC and what are the costs to the consumer of implementing ABC compared to benefits?”
Whew, I need a pot of coffee after that rant!
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