The gang is back with another episode exposing more of the lies and propaganda of the climate freaks wasting billions upon billions of dollars making the world a poorer and sicker place
At the 20-minute mark from the 80-miute video here:
U.S. Surface Temperature Measurements Redux: Still Not Fit for Purpose (
That is what can happen to an EV! “Yu feeling lucky, punk? Well, do you?”. It adds to a growing video library of exploding EV’s from buses to cars to bikes.
This week’s show starts off with reports of cooling oceans – compared to chicken little report over previous years of warming oceans and climate change being blamed for people taking pay day loans for higher energy bills – when it is government policy that has caused rising energy prices with all that “green energy” crap from windmills ad solar panels!
Anthony Watt just got back from a road trip along I-80 where he checked out the weather stations used by NOAA/National Weather Service to measure temperatures. The weather stations that are not compliant with specifications for taking temperature readings are now a whopping NINETY-SIX PERCENT NON-COMPLIANT.
Anthny shows a doze built in heat traps – Urba Heat Islands” (UHI’s) - that double temperature effects. He also shows how a compliant weather station should be sited – a 100 feet from any building!
A few more fun facts. With good internet. Anthoy put up a weather station for 2,500 bucks compared to NOAA’s cost of 30-40 thousand bucks per station in the middle of a field with no UHI effect (no concrete walls, nearby air-confiners, parking lots, BBQ’s and prison yard close by).
NOAA reckons that 120 weather stations can accurately provide a representation of temperatures across the entire US – including Alaska.
One third of NOAA’s weather stations are “virtual” in that they interpret temperature readings from other weather stations.
Key point – weather stations are largely redundant these days, with satellite and weather balloon readings.
It takes rolling 30 year periods to measure climate changes. Events like the recent (cloud seeded) flash floods in Dubai are weather events NOT climate change events!
Anthoy is part of a team that has installed 114 weather stations – properly sited 100 feet away from building etc – he will have 30 years of data in 2035. There has been very little point to point (2005 to 2024 change I temperatures in the USA. Indications are that there is roughly half the temperature rise as that reported by NOAA from its land-based weather stations.
Enjoy the show!
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Well reported, thanks!
Anthony Watts is a longtime defender of climate truth as this new project of his shows.
I hope more will go to his website
to counter the Climate Terrorism propagated by the Global Predators.
You might want to do a post on Alex Epstein and his "Fossil Future" and check out Stephen Heins great work on Substack
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