The growing intensity of global socialized medicine - that enriches big pharma, mad scientists and narcissistic ego maniacs by making people poorer, sicker and stupid(er).
The moves to standardize global health care increases at a fast pace. Even though nationalized health systems in the UK and Canada have proven that centralized health systems result in massive waiting lists and the rationing of ever more expensive health treatments, somehow globalizing the problem of national health systems will work out better.
It is far worse than that though. It interjects the State into the doctor/patient relationship based on the assumption that, up until now, medical professionals cannot be trusted to personalize medical treatments to unique individuals.
This means that – along the lines of the Borg in Star Trek “you will be assimilated” and “resistance is futile – everyone will receive the same treatment protocol mandated by a central governing body. If that means you suffer and die, that does not matter. One death is a tragedy – a million deaths is a statistic.
Whether you have an allergy or have natural immunity or a weak heart or lungs – any individual condition or disease that is not “normal” – tough luck, you get the shot ad your time on earth is more limited than before.
This is what is being pursued by the WHO (and WEF) – not world hunger, not cleaning up pollution like the Pacific Garbage Patch, not micro-plastics infesting marine food chains or pneumonia – put the gun against your head and play Russian Roulette with experimental shots that fail clinical trials (even when fraudulently conducted).
The WHO – with Tedros bought and paid for by Gates in charge, plus global socialists seeking world domination (like the WEF) – Glozis – are engaged in a global civil war against the human race.
Check these articles out as examples of the trend that is accelerating and becoming embedded in every western c oountry masueading as “defenders of liberty and human rights”. More like mobocracies, idiocracies and kakistocracies. People of quality, needed for good government, shy away from the putrid and corrupt swamp that is now called “politics”.
No need to evidence this. Canada is known throughout the world as being subject to a fascist dictatorship under Trudeau that can remove any of its citizens rights on a whim – including bank accounts, insurance, arrest and imprisonment without trial for the “wrong” political views. Truly shameful that any country should be under the jackboot of “blackface” Trudeau. Laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic.
This could be used to block any narrative that differs from that of the Swedish government
New Zealand – the fast growing, Marxist, donkey sanctuary (as long as the asses don’t emit)
Jacinda Ardern: Government Is 'Your Single Source of Truth' (
Thank you for reporting on this! It needs continuous attention in order to help as many as individuals in as many states as possible to wake up from
their sleepwalking.
Thank you for this analysis & exposure of the great evil's insidious, invidious invasion of humanity's right to life.